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Everything posted by theBRICKMASTR

  1. After seeing that air slam attacks were gonna scale now, my first thought was "ooooh, maybe the Furax Incarnon gimmick AOE on heavy smash will scale and not be the complete disappointment of flashy nothingness that it is!" It is unchanged and still garbage. ~20 damage per tick of damage on heavy gunners and bombards at high levels in the simulacrum is just a disgrace for how cool the effect looks. PLEASE make it actually good!
  2. i have never and will likely never have any interest in regal aya. its not worth it to me to buy the bundles despite how badly i want the skins, because its inflated by stuff that is worthless to me. give us bundles WITHOUT the regal aya. plain and simple, then you'll get my money. i was literally thinking when i watched tennocon online and saw those skins, "oh alright, looks like i'll be spending $40-$50 on warframe today... and then i saw $90. quite the slap to the face, i never expected this type of thing from you guys. i've long thought and said to everyone i know that i feel like i never regret my purchases here on warframe, you guys always have so much value here for your money, and i always feel happy after my purchases. this, it ain't that. NOT good.
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