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Posts posted by Contiguous

  1. I know, but I am talking about a quick fix for fps drop that works for me.

     A CPU that is running at a higher clockspeed will not cause a bottleneck with CPU usage. This game isnt supposed to use much of the CPU's power in the first place, considering many of the people in this thread have an i7.

  2. I finally found a manual fix.

    Heaven knows the reason that Warframe is much likely NOT to use enough cpu usage (compare to other games) sometimes.

    For high clock cpus you probably have a good motherboard as well. It may feature something you don't need.


    1.Enter Bios and disable anything that could save energy from cpu usage.

    2.Open your windows system control pannel->power options, set the minimum cpu usage percentage to 100%.


    It is supposed to use as much as it needs automatically if the maximum cpu usage limit is not below 100% (default value is 100% in all plans).

    But Warframe doesn't seem to act like that... for now.


    Give it a try and tell me your result.

    Thank you.


    We were talking GPU, not CPU.

  3. I guess no one here has been watching their GPU usage. It's as low as <57% on mine. The GPU utilisation in this game has gone to S#&$. Sorry for being blunt but it was easier and shorter that way. Most of the people here in this topic have no bottlenecks, my rig included. People have ridiculously expensive cards but can only get 60 FPS in a tower mission (example of course). And sometimes it even stoops as low as 40 or lower. Using the steam FPS counter, I;'ve been able to monitor my FPS jumping around. My GPU usage while ingame on a crowded map is stupidly low: 46%! considering the fact everyone kinked out their rigs and got rid of bottlenecks, I will only assume that the game doesn't utilize the graphics card fully, seeing as the CPU doesn't even give 2 S#&$s if it's a high-end CPU (Talking top segment i5's and i7's 3xxx, 4xxx and 5xxx-E series.)


    But that's just my assumption with the data I have which I consider factual. I have now started using V-sync to see if this would help out at all. Currently in the liset I';ve had no drops and my FPS was capped at 144 stable. I will update the thread with more info.


    EDIT: P4adVVv.png regardless of GPU usage, I've managed to somehow fix something for myself ingame. I enabled motion blur, put V-Sync on auto, left all settings as is(everything was on max or enabled anyway except weapon trail) and my minimum FPS in tower in a crowded as hell area is now 53 FPS. And if it matters to people who geek out on specs, these are the important numbers http://valid.x86.fr/1pgv51

  4. Bootcamp, virtual machine. Set the dedicated hardware in the software and you got yourself a capable Windows machine to run games for you on a Mac. Start learning people.



    Fixed that for you.


    No need to fix, I'll TL;DR it for you: People don't know as much as they claim to know, Windows is fine and Mac is fine. As long as you know what to use it for and/or how.

  5. These threads usually get taken over by people who know everything better. But this time it had people who legit knew something.


    Macs can game, Macs are more efficient. Macs in some cases can run Windows better than systems that were just made for Windows. These are all things you can see in benchmarks, which is quite funny. I own a high-end gaming PC, and a MacBook pro for college and work. I am a System and Network engineer, and it's really funny to see people struggle with windows laptops having to install a unix OS to run UNix based software. Thankfully for them, Windows' cloud services and server software is starting to mature at a higher and faster rate which is making it so @(*()$ awesome. Microsoft's Hyper-V has gotten to the stage where people are starting to slowly abandon Oracle's VM software and other VM software such as virtual machine. But that's really besides the point. Bottomline is: don't talk S#&$ about stuff you don't know anything about. This is something that goes for everything. I'll end this post with my favorite word.




  6. Never felt forced to buy Forma or compelled to rush any build, although I did once on a prime frame build. The closest I felt to rushing anything is when I realized argon crystals deteriorate and I was only sitting on 2 argon crystals. However I felt more need to run voids frequently than anything in my pursuit to get various kubrow's. I don't need that alt helm straight away or anything else.

    I can see people wanting to queue multiple forma's at a time if they spend their days Draco xp farming and going 0-30 faster than foundry builds can keep up. But, if they don't have a surplus of built Formas and BP's, then I have to say those players are the ones who shouldn't be farming xp as they are moving way too fast anyway. Just sayin.


    Man, Draco players. I only played Draco during alerts or just to get a complete planet. I don't think being able to craft a multitude of forma's at once only benefits quick levelers. I enjoy leveling in tower defense instead. I get to swim in argon crystals that I almost don't have to use at all. 

  7. I have 20 forma saved up and never felt "forced" to buy plat.

    Not everything needs to cater to the ADD crowd.

    The forma wait time is simply a log-in inventive. But no, let's jump to conclusions instead, DE wants our should and first born as sacrifice.


    Lol, ADD crowd. Also conclusions? Thoughts are conclusions? Great chat. You have 20 formas saved up? I have 50 blueprints waiting for me to be crafted.



    This set of words right here is why it's not an outrage. You are not being, as you claim below, forced to buy or rush anything. It's just an option. [DE] has made a very accessible, free to play game. They do need some help as a business though.

    Something something phone app that should let you access your foundry, but they probably won't add a queue, since by having you have to go back into the game, they get A) more time played as stats, B) it takes slightly longer than having a queue, since you have an overlap of time between when you return to claim the item and when you begin building the next one.


    And that's why you're wrong.


    you make it sound as if you have read the entire thing and nitpicked a sentence out of my post, yet you seem to fail to have read the "feels" part. They are not forcing you, but they are making it feel as if you are being forced to invest in the ingame real money value, platinum, to hurry your crafting process or get your hands on other things. New players don't know any better. It's a waiting game at the core: Will they succumb to it, or just log off fap, go to bed and come back the next day? I have 50 forma blueprints, but crafting them all will take 50 days.


    Never have I said the game feels broken or anything close to that because of the way foundry works, I've only stated it's annoying and it's pretty much in the way of upgrading/creating gear. I am not wrong for pointing out a thought I had, but whatever floats your boat. The phone app will be months away, maybe it won't even happen. My only wish is to be able to create a multitude of potatoes or forma's in batches if you have the materials. If you want to craft 5 forma's at once, go ahead if you are able to.

  8. Why hasn't DE made it possible to craft multiple batches of 1 item. For example, people would love to craft multiple forma's at the same time, but you can only craft one and wait 24 hours. Personally, I don't see the point of not allowing players to craft multiple forma's at once if they have the resources to.


    What came up in my mind is that it's still like this as a way of having a platinum sink. The player either feels forced to buy formas from market or rushes the building process. In the case of not owning platinum, there's a small chance they might get platinum. If not, they have to wait.


    This is kind of annoying DE, just make it possible for people to craft a multitude of the same items so we dont have to log in for just getting rep and starting some crafting processes in foundry.


    What are your thoughts? Should DE enable players to build more at once instead of: e.g 1 forma and having to wait 24 hours?

  9. These threads with "Year of quality" in the title seem so chewed out. PLease stop doing it like it's a cool thing. If you got feedback for DE, I am pretty sure you can do it without that in your title, or anywhere in your post really.


    Besides that, I was never a person to like shotguns, but Kohmak is hilarious and fun.

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