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Posts posted by Contiguous

  1. Dear warframe builder owner(s),


    what's wrong with the moderators who keep privatizing every build? Plenty of other builds out there do NOT comply to the "rules" you have set, yet when I happen to put a build up with a similarly styled title, it's not according to the rules. I am really eager to know what goes through the mind of you people. I had a fun build I wanted to share, now I don't. I am done. Might as well make every build private and let mods approve the builds. I bet then only 3 builds per warframe would exist because I can smell that some moderators might enjoy using their perks to have their builds in every list, but not allow new people who come up with possibly good things to share their idea.


    This ain't a community website that's handling the community fairly. I am not going to bother anymore with putting up my build,m because after 3 days of changing my title repeatedly it's still not good enough, but behold, a build that has a dumb title can just stay there in the list. Should I just assume the owner of that build is a moderator? Because his never was taken down?

  2. I dislike the moderators of warframe builder. PLenty of builds with $&*&*#(%& names, but mine happens to be the only one getting reported and privatized all the time. Does the name even matter? It's about the build isn't it. I'll just assume because they don't have a contact e-mail this thread can be used for that. I love warframe builder, but ever since I presented my first build, that S#&$ has been plaguing me.

  3. just. stop. talking. srsly.



    Don't be rude because you are merely speculating on half-truths (or no truths at all).



    -how does poison go through wall?

    -how does shockwave effect enemies in the air? 

    -how does blessing heal from anywhere?

    -how come light has a limited range?



    personally, i'm okay with synoid being nerfed. i am not okay with Excalibur ult being nerfed. i don't get why only he gets LoS when there are other frames that would deserve it also.


    Had DE nerfed Every Single C.C Skill THEN i say fair game.


    -Poison travels through air, air fits through every gap. Except water, and in deep water tenno respawns :)

    -A shockwave can be transmitted through vibrating sound waves, sound waves travel through air as long as they have a medium (The ground)

    -A blessing doesn't have to be done infront of someone's face and if God truly existed, you could receive a blessing no matter where you are, even if you are in a coffin 6 feet under, left there to die.

    -Can light travel where we can't see it? Does a tree make noise in a forest if it falls down? Yes, of course. But how strong is the light source? Light cannot travel infinitely now can it? Light has no mass.

  4. I guess I'll rephrase, I agree with your bold underlined words heavily. 


    That makes some insane sense now. But still, silence isn't going to make any of them stop making crazy assumptions even if they were half-truths.

  5. I like how they did not even touch its ridiculous damage and only shut down how much you can use it and yet people are still salty about it.


    There have been unconfirmed rumors going around of a stealth damage reduction, just like the excal nerf that went unnoticed until people started complaining and it was mentioned in the second hotfix together with Radial becoming AoE again. 

  6. I agree with OP. As a person who understand where OP is coming from, I tend to find myself using the same set of weapons simply because they are:


    A. Powerful

    B. dependable

    C. pretty much the only viable gun at that level


    I am a guilty synoid gammacor user, man did I love to see that huge waterfall of damage and it was worth the 5 forma's. Kinda sad I have to see it go, but I moved to the vaykor marelok because I like the way it shoots.

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