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Posts posted by OrphanMaker

  1. Hi, I use a controller to play warframe. The biggest problem I have is there are not enough buttons on my controller to use all of my abilities. I am using a PS3 and PS4 controller. Since I do not have enough room I had to cut back on some of the actions I can use. For one I can not roll!


    Here is my layout


    R2: Zoom

    R1: Channel toggle

    L2: Fire

    L1: Melee

    R3: Toggle Crouch

    L3: Toggle Sprint



    UP: power 1

    LEFT: power 3

    RIGHT: power 2

    DOWN: power4


    Left Analog: Movement


    Right Analog: Aim


    X: Jump

    O: Use

    Square: Reload

    Triangle: Change weapons


    With this controller binding I do not have enough room to use Roll with out sacrificing an important action.


    I need the ability to bind multiple action to one button so I can use more actions.


    I want to bind the "roll action" to the "O" button. I want to dual bind it with the use action, because I do not use the "Use" action much, Or I can dual bind: Reload with Use and just bind roll to "O" by its self.


    This would be very helpful. Thankyou!



  2. I think you all miss the point here,,, Having to dig and try to construct a plot from tidbits and conjecture is NOT a bloody narrative. It's not even proper lore. It's what happens when someone is too busy designing gameplay features and visuals to dedicate time to a story.

    The fact that so many people agreed with my statement and seemed unaware of things you apparently know illustrate just how bad it is...


    When someone would say the word "narrative" or "lore" to me in regards to, say, The Elder Scrolls or the Mass Effect universe... I'd jump around like a school girl. When someone in the Warframe community says the word "narrative" or "lore", I want to punch small woodland creatures. Why? Because for any faults, Bioware and Bethesda are masters of Narrative *and* Lore. Digital Extremes, unfortunately, is not. (To DE: That is not to say that you cannot get there... you are just not at that level yet)

    Let me explain how sory-telling in video games work in two easy concepts:

    Concept One: Narrative. The primary means of relaying the plot of the game to players via direct interaction, missions and cinematics. It is not subtle. It also must be established clearly before establishing the second concept, as it is the primary way of relaying the motivation of the protagonist role filled by the player.

    Concept Two: Lore. Also known as "back story". It is information hinted at or provided on the side to add fullness to the universe of the game. It is information that has no direct impact on the Narrative, and furthermore could be removed from the game and have no real impact to the gameplay.


    Vor's Prize = Narrative.

    Codex = Lore.

    And also, there is no good reason why Jackal is on Venus and why I am going after him. Yet. DE will get around to expanding the narrative more and that will be better illustrated.


  3. The problem is the 2% no sence status chance even if they buffed it to 15% or 10% it will be enought to make Supra a thing.

    Yeah, the supra should have 20% status chance, and the Gorgon should have 20% crit chance.

  4. Have anyone else though of this?




    "So from Pluto, the Sun would look like a star — that is, a point of light — albeit an intensely bright one. Looking at it would certainly be painful, and probably make your eyes tear up.

    But wait! I also mentioned yesterday that Pluto’s orbit is an ellipse, and it goes from 4.4 billion to 7.3 billion km from the Sun. That’s a factor of 29 to 49 times the Earths distance from the Sun. So that shrinks the size of the Sun accordingly. When Pluto is farthest from the Sun (called aphelion) the Sun is far less than an arcminute in size, and looks like a dot. When Pluto is closest to the Sun (perihelion) it will actually be just about one arcminute in diameter. Someone with sharp eyes might be able to perceive it as a disk rather than a point of light… though that would still be really tough to do, because the Sun’s still so bright. If you had a filter in your spacesuit visor you’d be able to see the disk of the Sun." - From Discorverymagazine.com


    Link:   http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2012/03/16/bafact-math-how-big-does-the-sun-look-from-pluto/

  5. I love the supra and despite all of its flaws I still managed a 6 forma build. Not perfect but this is what I run for grineer.



    Wow, that's a serious power build. Thumbs up. XD

  6. The main problem with the Supra is that's it's incredibly average for its high mastery requirement and clantech status. Especially considering you can get the Soma, which fits the same weapon profile and is available at MR6. It also doesn't feel unique, a lot of the clantech weapons do interesting stuff but it's just meh.


    Reducing the mastery requirement would make it less of a let-down. Clantech weapons overall need a look at; there's a few really good ones but most of them are totally outclassed by market weapons which shouldn't be the case. They shouldn't just be numerically stronger though, they should all get unique mechanics that set them apart.

    I have to agree with you: The supra is not good enough to be so high ranking. Especially when you can get a soma at a low rank, which can out gun the supra in every way. I believe the supra needs a buff and something special.


    I was thinking it should have a special critical. Like on crits, the plasma bolt explode like thunder bolt. If the crit chance was increased to 15% and every bolt had a chance of exploding, it would be a weapon worthy of being a clantech rank 7 weapon.

  7. Glad I am not alone in my opinion of the Supra


    Thank you for your feedback on how to change it. 


    I read the previous thread, have watched your videos and know pretty well what you think of the Supra, I cant say I like your way of calling people noobs if they dont agree with you but I dont think you read this thread.

    I like the weapon, I have formad it twice now and I will continue to forma it 4 more times to be able to fit the build I have in mind, so I cant have an opinion on the weapon until I reach the 5th forma!?


    Calling it bad in the opening post was wrong, as written later in the thread the Supra isnt bad, it is average.

    As I said earlier in the thread my main problem with the gun is the damage per magazine in relation to the reload speed. Something even your buff suggestion adresses. 


    There are several ways to buff it, either buff the mag and ammo size like you said, that will increase the damage per mag, or buff the damage or buff the reload speed or buff any combination of those, it all adresses the same problem.

    In regards to what you said. I can honestly agree with you.


    The thing is I thought the same as everyone else when I got my Supra. I used it for the first time and hated it. I was intensely angry. I wanted a buff really bad, but I stuck through it. I didn't start seeing the supra's potential until I got to the 3 and 4 forma. When I got my my 5 forma, I feel in love with my Supra (I know that sounds strange). But, Yeah... The supra is terrible with no forma, and it was hell to level it up 5 times. It took me about 3 days or continuous playing to fully forma it. (This was before I knew how to rank weapons fast.)


    If you are formaing you supra here is some advice: to rank it faster use only your supra, so all your gained xp will go to it. Secondly you will get extra xp from your team members kill when you are close to them, 20m. Do not make kills with your abilities. Last run easy survival missions. I run Apollodorus. Its easy, you can kill with a unmodded supra very easily and enemies will scale so you will get higher xp. Also run a Enemy Radar Aura mod... "Believe me, it makes a big deference in survival missions on apollodorus." The tight halls full of enemies will show + the enemy radar will show true purpose of the supra.


    Forma in this layout.

    v v v v



    Serration | Split Chamber | Heavy Caliber | Shred

    Elemental | Elemental | Elemental or Utility | Rifle Mutation


    Also running dark sector defense missions will help because you will get extra xp, and you will stay close to you squad members for the shared xp.


    Last I will agree, a none formed supra suffers a lot of problems. The flight speed is hell, the reload time is a slap to the face, and the lack of hitscan + slow flight speed is a kick in the nuts.

  8. I hate how this is basically the only stuff that gets publicized about police officers.


    Not all of 'em are bad, in fact bad cops are the minority, we just only hear about the bad ones because they attract more attention than the good ones.


    Look around for the good stuff, it's there, you just need to find it.

    Yeah, you keep saying that until the police cars are replaced with tanks and hummers. And you see these guys marching up and down the street.




    Because this is what coming

  9. I'm not seeing much of a difference. Although I agree that the ancients could do with a slight rework in terms of looks. We know that they aren't entities effected by the virus but rather a medium for the virus itself (possibly a vector or hive mind that keeps the lesser infected in control) so making them look too similar to the rest of the infested wouldn't really be lore friendly. The newer ancients that are coming look a lot more disgusting and grotesque if thats what your getting at. We already have a Juggernaut like enemy coming so making them into that would be a bit off the table.

    I really don't care. I just want them bad-boys to be bigger!!


    And yeah the ancients don't make any sense. What are they some type of sea life form... "In space?" They look out of place.

  10. Here are the old infested. They were a lot I bigger and cooler looking. Last the old ancients made more sense. The ancients we have now, look  like some sort of sea water crustacean. When we get the new water-submarine tileset the crustacean-ancients should be rerolled as underwater alien-natives, and the infested-ancients should get a rework as large berserker infested-juggernauts that build up momentum and ram you a like football player.



    No more ancients.. Juggernauts!!!

  11. Here we go again. People are barely using weapons and are calling them bad. Look, I own a 5 forma supra. It is a good weapon. It is one of my favorite weapons. Now, I have a 5 forma gorgon, flux-rifle, supra, soma, boltor, boltor prime, and others. The supra has to be one of my favorites.


    It is much better than the Boltor prime. Here is why,  the Boltor prime have an impressive 55 damage, but it have a 60 round magazine and is 28.6 accuracy. The Surpa have 90 rounds 8.6 accuracy. Whats the difference? The boltor is good for precision killing and the Supra is good for killing mobs.


    People complain the bolts are too slow. That's not true! Since the Supra is made for clearing mobs, you can easily spray a mob with a wall of projectiles.


    I really can sit here all day and try to type in about how Op the supra is but it is pointless. The thing is some people will like some weapons and others will hate those weapons. I for one love the supra in every way. The Supra is the Supra! If you don't like it then get a bolor prime. Stop asking to chage it since you don't like it. "Use something else."



    Now since it is a LMG and is meant for suppressive fire and mob clearing I believe it needs a larger magazine size.


    200 magazine size and 800 ammo pool will help it.


    That's 800/200 = 4 Drum Magazines


    Ps: 5 forma minimum to bring a weapons full potential out.

    Also the Surpa Accuracy is 8.3 putting on a maxed Heavy Caliber will only reduce the accuracy to about 6.2. This is helpful in clearing mobs.

  12. I think the biggest problem here is the fact the police are above the law. There is no punishment for police officer committing crimes, just a fellow slap on the back. I think there should be a separate law for police officers to follow to keep them from becoming corrupt as we see here. "Checks and Balances!"


    This reminds me of the Jedi. The Jedi had a separate code of conduct and lifestyle to keep them from becoming corrupt with all the power they had. It all worked until the senate sith changed things. It seems as if corruption will always see a way to slither it head into things, and take control.


    Corruption in this situation good old animal instincts. Human beings need a negative/positive reinforcement to keep them from indulging into their primitive selfish instincts. Especially, when these human beings have been given power for a noble cause.


    Police officers suppose to be for the nobility and peace of its citizens, not creating a separate faction and arming itself against its citizens.

  13. Why you so Negative?


    And anyways the turrets would be a nice addition to warframe. They would help the enemy to hold choke points better. Besides if you do kill the turret gunner, there would be no one to shoot because turrets are always face in one direction. Unless there was some behind, which I don't even with the spawning.

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