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Posts posted by OrphanMaker

  1. Seriously, this weapon needs a damage buff. i love my Braton Prime too much for it to be kicked aside by power creep. 


    Fellow Tenno, let our voices be heard. Give the Braton Prime some love! 

    30 base damage will do, or 50 crit chance will do.


    Yeah, go wild DE make the braton a low crit moster. Just up the crit chance to 35% with 1.5x and call it a day.

  2. The title says it all.


    I have been calculating magazine size to reload speed. "I am baseing this on the soma."


    For balance:


    50 rounds cost 1.5 seconds


    100 rounds cost 3.0 seconds //probably the best


    150 rounds cost 4.5 seconds or 150 rounds cost 4.2


    200 rounds cost 6.0 seconds


    So how do every feel about the gorgon having 200 rounds at the cost of a 6.0 second reload?


    I think the best buff would be 150 rounds with the 4.5 reload.

  3. Cool, I think this game would be great with a first person view mode. It would be simple to implement as well. The only thing DE would have to do is move the camera infront of the warframe head, to give a first person view. Would work great with Oculus rift.

  4. We need an enemy sight cone to help us with stealth missions.


    I just did the mastery rank 9 test. This test showed all of the flaws in the stealth system.


    One of them being the lack of an enemy sight cone on the mini-map. This includes camera and drones.


    Most games implement this to help players get an idea of what is possible in the stealth system.





  5. We need to come up with hilariously awesome Spectra Builds, people, because its damage has almost quadrupled:




    0.80 Impact
    5.60 Puncture
    1.60 Slash
    8 damage total


    3.0 Impact

    21.0 Puncture
    6.0 Slash


    30 Damage Total



    It is time for the Spectra to emerge from its place as an irrelevant flashlight.


    Allow the nonsense of the littlest plasma cutter to commence.


    This is what I worked out as a basic config: http://goo.gl/dZi5Me

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARFREAM BUILDER!!!!!! O_O Wow!!!!!



    THANK YOU!!!!

  6. I'm still hoping for a room in the dojo with the design like the mastery tests, where you can refine your skills. Seems like that'd be fun. +1

    Yeah, Know it all virtual reality, or is a holodeck room, I think it would be cool and should be implemented! I love the "killing grineer" effects in the tests. I like how they crumble.

  7. Hi, I just played the master rank test 9, and it was fun!


    I would like to be able to play all the master rank tests, whenever I want.

    I think it would be fun.


    Master rank tests should be in the Codex. The Codex should give glow with a notification when a player reach the new master rank. All the master rank test should appear in the codex. Unlocked one should be playable, and locked one should have a lock sign over them.


    PS, Add more virtual reality test as tutorial to teach players how to play the game. Their should be lots of virtual reality tutorials.


    Example Metal Gear solid 1:


    Mastery Rank Bar should appear on the Codex UI at all times.

  8. Never!



    Stop trying to hold other player back. You shouldn't be so selfish. You should think twice before posting something that will affect over 7 million people. The system we have now is good. It rewards players for completing missions. You complete enough missions on one planet, you move to the next. Its simple and intuitive.


    Now the problem is in the new UI solar map. It is allowing players to be in place they should not be, but "MOST OF ALL" the problem is in the squad selection. There should be a system that put player in squads based on ranks so low level player are not carried to higher level mission and unlock planets they do not have the skills to complete. Also higher rank player would rather have higher ranking squad members. Low rank player are also struggling with the scaling that come with higher level players being in their squad.

  9. Oberon is not a main healer, he is a support healer.

    This is what people dont really understand here. People think that this frame is just V2 of a healing frame, it's not.

    He does equal part dmg and healing. If you are expecting to heal like an actual healer with a back-up healer you are the one that is doing something wrong.

    Thank you! I couldn't express it better. If you want a role-healer get trinity. Oberon heals are for support.

  10. After some testing this is what I came up with.


    Higher Status chance


    Status 20%


    Automatic spool up while zoomed in.


    Accuracy increase while fully spooled up, so accuracy increases automatically while zoomed in.


    Flight speed increases while fully spooled up, so flight speed increases automatically while zoomed in.


    Full spool up adds +5 accuracy points. Flight speed increase by 2x while full spooled. (or charged, since this is a supra)

  11. Hey dude, I have been pondering and testing you changes. I have come to the conclusion they would be Great! A higher status would be better for dealing with mobs.



    20 Status


    Gorgon Wraith

    30 Status


    But like I said before, don't touch the crit chance.

  12.    I believe I understand the reasoning behind DE's hesitance to make bows and snipers 'equal' stats-wise. First, let's strip both weapons of their commonalities and point out what makes them distinct.

       >Sniper Rifles (excluding the Vectis) possess multi-bullet magazines. Sniper Rifles have both instantaneous fire and bullet-speed. Snipers have pin-point accuracy and their shots are unaffected by gravity.

       >Bows (excluding the Attica) all require a draw-back before firing. Arrows are affected by gravity, and thus they fly in an arc, requiring the user to learn how to shoot accurately (for head shots) regardless of having a cross-hair. Arrows have a flight-speed slower than that of bullets. Bow magazines (excluding the Attica) hold a single shot. Bows can use Thunderbolt (which in my opinion is in need of the removal of its fixed damage). Arrows are capable of turning enemies into ragdolled projectiles.

       Now, the initial three points pertaining to Bows are what I wish to direct focus towards. Let's say DE enhanced Snipers to have stats equal to that of current Bows. To what purpose would Bows serve; for what reason would one use a Bow other than to appease personal preference? Sniper Rifles would wield the power of current Bows with greater speed, instantaneous fire and less thought put into aiming, not to mention innate punch-through in terms of the Snipetron/Vandal, and the freedom of using punch-through mods in general to make up for arrow ragdolling. I'm sure some would be completely happy with this, but it would rid the Bows of their charm and of their reward in mastering.


    Your judgement is shallow and one sided. The bow are faster because they do not require long 4 second reloads. The charge on bows are the same as the firerate of sniper rifles. Bows can be fired instant without charge and with no real reload this grants them a fast continuous fire rate. Sniper rifles on the other hand, have slow fire rates, and long 3-4 second reloads. This makes bows the sure winners in firerate because bows do not need to take long 3-4 second pauses like sniper rifles. Bows are continuous.


    Bows have innate punch-through and drag through, that turn enemies into projectiles. Even if the DE gave the Vulkar the same crit stats as the Dread, the Dread will still out perform the Vulkar because the Dread have continuous firerate, innate punch-through, and innate drag-through.


    With this in mind, DE buffing the damage of the sniper rifles to the bows will not put the sniper rifles on top the bows will still out perform the sniper rifles.


    If the DE put, innate punch though, higher firerate "10," and low reload "2 secs." The bows will still out perform the Snipers by a small margin because of the multi hit "Drag through mechanic" that turns enemies into large projectiles that kills mobs of enemies with ease.


    PS This is not to mention mods like thunderbolt and split chamber that turns bows into rocket launchers.

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