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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Alure, on 24 Jul 2013 - 12:01 PM, said:

    One of the most recent examples of my concern was during a blueprint alert. No one is farming for mats on a blueprint alert. If they are, they're doing it wrong.

    I also find it very hard to believe that people do level 50+ missions to farm for mats, seeing as there are definitely much easier and much faster avenues of getting what you need to build that weapon or frame. I've never farmed those missions for mats, that'd be borderline masochism.

    I like how you added "pansy" to that. It was cute.

    Sorry but most of the people just can't take bare rushing and grinding, this is not why people play games for. (It looks like you do) Running high leveled missions is more intense and fun, and getting few additional mats for your blueprints is never bad (even in the alert) and in the end that particular planet that you rush might have multiple resources at the same spot that other people need.
  2. I agree but honestly I think they need to bring all the secondary weapons up to par.


    Because honestly I have my twin vipers formad and maxed out


    But kunai trump them every time.



    I don't think kunai is the problem I think its the lack of secondary weapons.


    For example the acrid is over powered as fuk, But its hard to get.


    I think that they need to release more powerful weapons actually, And leave the other secondaries there as "beginner" weapons


    Because they work fine for starters 

    In any way it was enough to make kunai the most hated weapon in the game for me

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