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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. So because you wouldn't need to shove 5000000 mods into your Serration/Hornet Strike/Redirection/Vitality to max them out to get into super high level content without dying you'd stop playing the game? Seriously? That's silly. Because the net result of that is just that you don't need to spend ages and ages farming one of them up to decent levels to play content past Earth. That's it.


    And 'formaing would be destroyed' because... people would suddenly not want increases in combat capability no matter how small? Seriously? Maybe now you'd forma a weapon with anything other than 2xV 2x= (Multishot, Damage, Armor Piercing, Elemental) because, say, you might actually want to prioritize Puncture or I don't know, Reload Speed + Ammo Capacity. No, if anything Formaing will be given a new lease on life because it's more varied and interesting now. You can make weapons actually personalized.

    I do want that formas would personalize weapons and I am not one of those (Multishot, Damage, Armor Piercing, Elemental) guys you're talking about. I just think there's a fine balance in amount of mods you usually need, mod slots and capacity. And WTF is that first paragraph all about. Go do a potato alert or buy one, or stop soloing everything. (Maybe you don't know how to fuse mods?) There's barely any effort to play past earth, my friend was playing past earth in his first days and had fun. I don't even have any of the damage mods maxed and I have no problem playing in any of the missions, or void. It just gets challenging in a fun way.

    If you need to spend ages and ages farming one of those mods to play content past Earth then BOY YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG xD


  2. current mod system keeps me interested in this game. I am 100% AGAINST this mess you wrote and yes I've read it all. Unlike in other games, here progression of individual items is very fast, no point for weapons getting increased damage over their rank because you level up them so quickly anywhere. And also formaing would be destroyed.

    And there's already long term goal and progression with mods you've talked about. They all have insanely high rank caps so it will take lots of time to fuse them to the max.

  3. I guess it's about time to make my own rant thread. I'm sorry, I love and incredibly hate this game at the same time now.

    Since the very first days crashes haunted me, some of them got fixed, some of them I managed to stop a little somehow, but in the end no matter how much shiny stuff they add, the most gamebreaking and frustrating issue is instability of the game. When paired with the fact that you loose all of your progress and items it makes we want to never pay money again for them. I feel very bad writing this, so many people at DE are loving their job and doing good stuff, but programmers better get their S#&$ together or hire new ones because these issues alone are turning this awesome product into a peace of unplayable crap. No new weapon or frame can fix the game.

    OR save our progress and let us redo the alert IN A CASE of unexpected shutdown. Seriously that pluto mobile def alert was the most challenging and exciting alert for me, and we very barely made it to the artifact part, until AS USUAL FOR ME I CRASHED.

    btw it was WAR-75604 second time in past days, not that this single one matters.

  4. I don't care if their content team is working on another new weapon, they gotta focus 100% of their work into polishing the very start and basics of the game so all the noobs that click on the AD and start playing will KEEP playing. Then they can start adding some content. The only exception is additional tilesets and tiles because that's improving existing things.

  5. Loki does not need direct damage. His skills just need a little bit more trickster.

    Decoy should be invulnerable, but should only distract each individual enemy for a certain amount of time they spend attacking. (Aka, after 6 seconds they notice it's a hologram and stop attack it.)


    Switch teleport should stun the target swapped, and apply a very short (2-4 seconds) "Chaos" like effect where he is targeted by other enemies as a enemy for a few seconds, to represent the confusion such a ability causes. Higher "class" enemies should probably shrug off the stun/taunt quicker.

    Invisibility is fine.

    Radial disarm just needs a longer range and that's about it. In both solo, and high level defenses it's a very valuable tool. Perhaps have it remove ancient healers/disrupters special abilities. (I didn't say toxic because I'm not sure that would make sense in my head, and because them already being easier to kill would probably trivialize the infested faction even more than they already are.)

    I feel as a whole these would be far more effective. Decoy might even be a little op, as it would essentially function, with the right mods, as a 25 energy 9 second un-breakable stun, almost on par with bastille.


    Perhaps even have a special interaction between switch teleport and decoy, where switch teleport makes decoy act like it's just been cast for the purpose of the taunt per individual enemy?


    I just know some-ones going to say loki is useless in high level defense/tier 3 stuff. Go ahead and run Frost Vauban Nova/saryn and loki, and laugh as you stun lock, disable, and group up everything for the incoming nukes of doom.


    This guy knows it, +1.

  6. the idea of raid is completely fine, it simply needs to be more interactive and dynamic (and not just raid). Make the artifact affect the level in some way, make the artifact AN ACTUAL MOD that you were looking for, make the artifact very unstable and able to deal damage, cause problems extracting it, for example able to deal damage while you are carrying it so players have to switch it.  The list of possibilities goes on and on, it's all about tweaking existing missions.

     btw I can finally say "FIRST!" for the first time

  7. A trickster indeed, but damage added would satisfy a lot of people. Maybe having his decoy explode when killed or something like that. I actually didn't mind it when radial disarm was harming the infested a bit, I mean it did make sense.

    exploding decoy actually is superb idea if they ever want to buff Loki. Personally I've picked excalibur as my first, but when I saw loki's abilities and even after having ash already, I decided to go for him ignoring many other powerful frames that i had blueprints for, such as frost prime or vauban.

  8. My advice - do one run for Ash, then another mission - resources, an alert, etc - then return for Ash again and repeat.This way you won't grind yourself, you get more fun and you confuse the hell from RNG god:)

    What he said. Took 20-30 runs, it was frustrating, but very rewarding in the end.

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