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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. 3 minutes ago, KotoKuraken said:

    Yea that can get really repetitive playing like that. If I were to constantly worry about grinding for Vengeful Revenant every hour of everyday, I swear I'd be locked up in an insane asylum by now.

    I think DE needs a way of getting people to stop worrying about end game and allowing for a smoother transition from starting out and to end game,

    (Its kinda how in the past, whenever I played minecraft I built for future things and it often screwed me over, because I didn't have the stuff needed to build such a large project)

    Edit 1: I guess what I mean by that, is to make a way that allows people to feel like their current gear is relavent instead of having to farm or grind for a specific set of items and use them till they get nerfed and the cycle repeats

  2. 5 minutes ago, KotoKuraken said:

    You complain about the grind, but there has never been a "good" grind ever.

    In fact, anything can be called grind. For example, if you want a part from a planet for a frame, such as Mars for Mag, you just underwent grind for around an average of 5 missions.

    The whole point of the game is enjoy the playstyle and artwork of it. Of course, there is a point to where it can get repetitive, but that is the same with everything, including life. You grind to make a paycheck. The difference between life and this game, though, is that in one instance you get parts and weapons and money and the opportunity to band together with friends to slapchop your way into missions, and the other you work half a day to get money that will mostly be taken and given away to people that do not have jobs.

    Warframe is a fun game, but the thing that keeps any game going is the ability to socialize within it. To organize a clan, have people to run with, and experiment with builds and squads are ways to keep that fun going. My friends and I still play Borderlands 2, only because we have the game and know that it is freaking fun, same with Castle Crashers and many other games, but Warframe seems to be the one we keep going back to.

    The problem is not with the game itself. If you are having problems trying to find something to do in the game, then either bring some friends to experiment with loadouts or take a break. Taking a break from warframe (like maybe a couple weeks or a month) is actually really effective, as the game changes a lot, so coming back after a short leave would actually allow the game to change up enough to keep everything fresh. It happens from time to time, but for me, I always keep coming back because it is indeed quite fun and unique.

    tl;dr Sometimes you just have to unplug for a little bit, so that you can fully experience and enjoy how fun Warframe really is.

    R.I.P my mindset :c I play to get good gear instead of having fun. Any help can be useful.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

    It's not the same as tf2.

    Playing tf2 gives you items.

    Playing warframe does not give you plat.

    And it's funny you mentioned inventory space in tf2, a lot of veterans in the game think its a bad idea to have limited space for weapons and are asking for its removal alltogether when it comes to weapons, having it only affect abilities.


    And it's not funny I didn't mention leage. I didn't mention it because I don't think it's doing a despicable f2p model. I think all mobas that force players to buy each character seperately are terrible games and don't deserve to be even spat upon much less played.

    I brought up smite, because it has the "buy game" option, where for 30-40eu you gain unilimited access to all past, present and future characters while getting refunds for the ones you bought.

    Playing Warframe gives you prime items which you can sell for plat, and is also what everyone has been trying to tell you. From a pure free to play point of view, TF2 would be a S#&$ter game, because of how bad the drop system is and how much you have to wait in order to get a weapon. Instead of grinding a match and having a guarantee drop of a weapon/weapon part/blueprint. You instead have to play the game for weeks on end and can't trade at all, assuming you don't spend a single dollar at all. But warframe allows you to at least get a few more slots and allows you to trade once you hit mastery 2, and after you get to void missions, you can start selling the parts and mods you don't need for plat or other things. (Also same for mods, and at least we don't have limited space for mods and no limits on storage of blueprints and parts)

    Edit 1: Also in TF2 you have a lower amount of drops compared to someone who has bought one item in the shop,

  4. But literally everything can be obtained by grinding expect for skins and cosmetics, and for slots and etc its basically the same as TF2 but on a smaller scale, hell in TF2 you have to buy something before you can trade, but in warframe it is only gated by mastery levels which are obtained by playing the game. Everything except for vaulted or limited mods/weapons can be obtained by playing normally. Also in TF2 you still have a backpack space limit which you can solve by buying a backpack which opens up more slots for you to store things in. Dota and Smite have different models of free to play, and its funny that you haven't mentioned League since they are technically doing the same thing as Warframe by giving you free premium currency and not allowing you to get more for free later on.

  5. On 3/7/2016 at 8:42 AM, iEIectrical said:

    I've only started the game 2 weeks ago so I'm sure a lot of the seasoned players will be like "Oh,u can just paly harder missions on the void to get better parts to sell for more platinium.....".I'm only rank 3 and have only Volt ok! 

    I'm pretty sure that's your problem, you have just started playing the game and you already expect DE to hand everything to you on a silver platter. Warframe is a game based around grind, and its free to play. You need to realize that DE is being generous by giving out free 50 plat, other games may only give you enough to get a key for something, but at least you can use that 50 plat to buy cheaper looking syndanas, or a slot for each category. 

  6. 23 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Hey, here's a question: how are warframe powers too op o.o but syndicate weapons aren't? I have never seen a nerf thread about syndicate weapons. Why do people feel it is justified to walk around killing stuff in aoe discharges just for gaining xp, but I can't use my abilities to kill things, because that makes the game not fun? 


    When doing higher tier missions, the syndicate weapons barely scratch the enemy

    Edit 1: I mean i was talking about sorties, and that is instant, and it takes affinity to charge it up, so if you bring it to mars or something it would take ages to charge it.

  7. Again 5th time Barring u14 that hinders the performance of Kubrows. Clearly said that the AI needs improvement if you read my post. Ontop fo taht i noticed that youre using Rhino iron skin boltor Bo prime....Again shot out to those that want an easy automated process. i just dont think the kubrow is for you

    So having a warframe that tanks/having a weapon they personally prefer is bad and is automated? His/Her iron skin isnt even maxed out..(He/She also is not using their weapon to attack, but to let the kubrow attack...)

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