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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. Just now, Lanieu said:

    As long as its consistent, I don't really care either way...sometimes in the past I've noticed some abilities still count up, some not.  For balance sake, the ability shouldn't be able to be eternal....

    I just hope it works for lower tier missions, because there arent enough mobs and energy orbs to justify it not working 

  2. 34 minutes ago, NightflashKT said:

    All your kubrows have no rare colors and no rare patterns they are worth only 10-20p unless its bulky if not please don't overprice your kubrows.

    And if you are going to say its cheap don't over sell 


  3. 33 minutes ago, reverb6 said:

    you got to play Rubico the way I play it bro... XD

    May I please get a link to your Rubico build :c, I need a sniper rifle but have no idea how and what to use on it..

    Edit: I got sniped by your reply

    Side note: How many formas?

  4. 1 minute ago, Borg1611 said:


    Again, I don't agree with the OP as far as us needing more ways to acquire free plat, but at the very least a more modern and accessible trade system would make the game a lot more accessible to a wider variety of players (IE: players who hate trade chat and don't want to use third party sites like warframe.market just to unlock a basic feature like additional slots.)

    Better Trading chat with color chat for Buying Selling and Trading for would be a start

  5. Just now, (PS4)Crimson_Judgment said:

    In The end The (Literal) Topic at hand is "More ways to get platinum"

    This isn't even Negotiable Platinum is Purchase/Contest Reward/Trade (Meaning someone else Purchased) ONLY! as with Pretty much Every premium currency ever.

    I Do However Agree that there Should Be Systems in place to Get i Finite amount of Warframe and Weapon slots without the need to Purchase them and are achievable through Progression in Syndicates/Focus/Sorties (Rumored Token system) or some other arbitrary system that puts them behind a Progression/Grind wall

    Very similar to how we can get some Syandanas and Armor without Platinum now Through these systems (Syndicates Baro Teshin etc)

    Yeah I agree...I guess the topic got out of hand... oops? but yeah I think we need more options of getting the slots, maybe from Baro since we can trade prime parts for duecats and trade that for slots?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

    Do you even have a standard .-.

    I'm perfectly fine with supporting the developers of a game that I like and a game I would like to support. 

    Edit 1: Also whats wrong with supporting a game you like playing and you get for free. Warframe could copy WoW and have a monthly subscription and not give you anything but gameplay. (Not sure what else it does so correct me if I'm erong about this)

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

    I'm at a loss of words.


    I have nothing to say that would be considered "constructive" and wouldn't boil down to different view.

    So you think such a system would be acceptable and would be willing to defend it? Primes are not in the drop tables, can only be bought with real life money, but can be traded between players.

    I want a clear ambiguous awnser from you.

    Do you think a system like the one I described is ok, yes or no?

    I mean your system is completely different from the one we have now, but I would be okay with it since I have friends who would throw me parts and etc for free and vise versa when they need it and can't afford it.

    Edit 1: Also I'm not sure where you want to go with this since the newest primes are always in the loot-table and its only the old primes that have been vaulted. So you can always grind and sell the newest primes for a decent amount of plat.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

    Let me ask you this. Let's replace platinum with primes directly.

    Assume the only way to gain prime parts, is via buying the most expensive prime access, and you cannot find them via drops.

    However, said pieces are tradable. Would be you be defending the system in that case becase the parts are tradable so technically you can get them without paying? If so, why? If not, why are you defending this system then?

    But all new Prime Access items that aren't cosmetics are in the loot table and will drop? Also let the rich buy the plat, you don't have to buy it, all you have to do is gain it from others who have the income and the preference of doing what they want to do. Unless you are salty because you can't do the same as them and needs to play it out like every other person.

    Edit 1: I would prob focus my argument on the S#&$ty limited time mods which are worth stupid amounts of plat instead of the prime system, where the price fluctuates with the trend.

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)THOMAS-WATSON said:

    Few of my friends told me to get nekros for his desecration abillity they said its great for farming although i do like nekros but when i use desecration all i get is additional ammo drops

    Get mods and upgrade it, also rank it to 30, also you can spam it

  10. 8 minutes ago, Ellthan said:

    Can you sell them for plat in PvE? No? Then you don't get plat. If you need another player to buy plat first then trade for you, it's not really a feature accesed without money. If the only way to get prime parts were from from prime access, but they were tradable, would that make primes aok, because you can trade for them?


    And from a free2play stand point tf2 is miles and leagues ahead of warframe.

    1.)The only limit free players in tf2 have is that they can't get COSMETIC drops unless that got changed, but they can infact get tool drops which they CAN trade alongside weapons they got from trading, which brings me to point 2:

    2.)Free players can get tool drops (like paints, name tags ect), that are tradable, which means that yes they can trade.

    3.)There is an item in tf2 called premium upgrade pack which is tradable. Get tools, trade become premium.


    The bottom line though, is that even even without trading (reminding you again, that f2ps CAN in fact trade) tf2 does not require you to spend premium currency to gain access to gameplay.

    But you can sell the prime parts from the grind? Also all the grinding is done in PvE.I left TF2 like 3 years ago so I dont know what they changed about drops from TF2, but I do know that they were untradable. Steam limits the trading they can do, they cant even add people if you have no games purchased.

    Edit 1: By sell I mean trade for plat

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