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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. 12 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

    Nezha is a joke. I don't consider him a fire frame. Ember beats him in everything.

    I want an aoe fire beast male frame.

    Nezha has AOE on his 4 and if you mod him properly, you will out damage Ember. Also his entire kit is based on fire, so there is no reason behind why DE should make a male frame that has fire abilities just because you are a special little cookie who doesn't like playing as a female frame.

  2. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)Midnight4311 said:

    So I've been running the exilus mods Toxic Flight, Ice Spring, and Firewalker for quite some time now and was thinking, wouldn't it look better if when you did your bullet jump and the animation of these certain mods matched your energy power versus having it either puke green for Toxic flight, light blue for Ice Spring and a slight red for Firewalker? Not sure if anyone else noticed it, but was wondering what everyone elses thoughts were.

    The Ice Spring does cause ice/frost to show up around you, especially noticable when you do it on the Orbiter. On the side note I think its the same for the other 3 mods but I'm not sure as I don't use those mods.

  3. 24 minutes ago, LemonEnterprise said:

    That is where you come in, teach them how to mod and how to use the ability instead of raging at him/her, if you are saying this it mean's you have more experience then them so i guess teaching them how to mod is the correct move, hope it works out for you guys. But anyways this is as much as i am going to reply to this topic, i hope it works well for all of you :)

    Sorties are meant as end game, not as some mission that newbies can "experience" just because they have rhino and think they are invincible, it is not our job as players who are doing sorties to teach them mechanics and how to play the game, that is what clans and region chat is for. It is unreasonable to thrust that responsibility upon the squad that is unlucky enough to get that one newbie player. 

  4. 5 hours ago, LemonEnterprise said:

    I wanna talk about how the strange accusations that i am making, quoting from my previous post ' someone that is mr 21'. And yes i was wrong about the Mr4 private lobbies, i dont get that part but you might be right.


    Thats what chroma, rhino, valkyr are for, they are tanks and like half of all the warframes avaible cc's are for, they can use their cc to pick up a team mate when they are down. Not saying that they are not a burden, but i want to correct what you said from your previous post, 'MR4's think they are as good as you' that is just plain wrong unless most of the MR4 you meet are jerks. I respect your idea, of private lobbies and that's all i have to say :)


    That is until you get a rhino who thinks he cant die, but gets instantly deleted from the map because he doesn't have the mods or the understanding behind Iron Skin

  5. 18 hours ago, Leavith said:

    We could lock it behind the amount of stars the Loudout has...I mean every time we forma our weapons gains a star....and that would be a god reading if  player is good or something along those lines.

    But my redeemer has 0 forma and my god its strong in sorties :/

  6. On 4/3/2016 at 6:25 AM, DakotaStorm said:

    This thread is ridiculous, why should someone like me be locked out of missions because I can't be bothered to level up sh**ty weapons? I currently have at least 7 partially leveled weapons and frames, because I don't like them and have no intention of maxing them. 

    Therefore my mastery gain is slow, how darebyou elitests suggest locking people out of content, if someone joins your mission that can't handle it and is dying every 30 seconds, then simply stop reviving them bit don't you dare suggest blocking them from at least experiencing the missions. 

    But if you badly need a 4th member of the team and one is permanently dead, I don't think that would help people in any way shape or form.

  7. On 4/3/2016 at 5:50 AM, -Ksaero- said:

    In terms of player progression in this game I see 4 steps:

    1) A newbie player who gets carried;

    2) A newbie player that starts to understand the game's basics and sets his goals to become a skilled player:

    3) A skilled player that knows what to do and how to do it, able to take care of himself;

    4) A skilled player willing to help newbies, able to drag all the team by himself.


    Sorties are not that hard to complete but they are still some kind of an endgame. While playing these missions with skilled players, newbies watch what those skilled players use and how they use it so it gets clearer for them what to aim at. It really helps at progression and getting more experienced.

    Moreover, some low-MR players can cope with sorties not worse than any high-MR player (or even better).


    Your suggestion is to restrict newbies from getting this sort of experience and to restrict skilled low-MR players that can easily handle sorties on their own. Because what? Because you are lazy? That is your problem.

    My suggestion for players like you is to go with pre-made squads, if you are so annoyed by inexperienced players so no one has to suffer.


    The only thing newbies should be restricted from is Draco, they learn nothing from there.

    Now for spy sorties....that is a whole different can of worms that you really really don't want newbies to touch.

  8. 5 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:


    Sorties are a free event, you don't have to pay in any shape or form in order to get the rewards. You finish the sorties and you get something for free, there is no admission fee of any value. So I don't see why you are complaining about the cores, if you really have that many cores and need a part you are missing,  you can easily sell those cores 1p a pop and be able to buy the missing parts. 

  9. 1 hour ago, notlamprey said:

    The fact that something isn't a problem for you doesn't mean it can't be a problem for someone else.

    I'm not a slave at a third-world diamond mine, but that doesn't mean nobody employs slave labor at diamond mines.

    So RNGesus doesn't smile upon you and so now everyone has to deal with it too?

  10. 16 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Primary: Rakta Cernos, Opticor, Soma Prime, Burston Prime, Dex Sybaris

    Secondary: Lex Prime (for Grineer/Void), Synoid Gammacor (wrecks Corpus), Rakta Ballistica, Telos Akbolto, Akstilleto

    Melee: Nikana Prime, Broken-War, Lacera, Boltace, Dex Dakra


    Build for Gammacor? :/ and the Ballistica :/

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