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Posts posted by CombatPastor


    Limbo makes all Spy missions irrelevent. Magnedoors? Rift Walk. Laser Barriers? Rift Walk. Security Cameras? Banish. As long as you take care not to walk into the LoS of a Security Camera or Sensor Regulator.




    Try taking a Huras Kubrow alongside your Limbo. RiftWalk at the beginning of the mission and easy mode through everything else. As long as you wait a second or three for the Huras to detect a nearby enemy (or camera) and turn you invis, you'll have no problems.


    For the Corpus hacks, solve the outside hexes first. Once those are solved, you can spin-2-win the middle hex.


    For the Grineer hacks, you can get a rhythm going with the back-and-forth swing. Hit the first two really fast, then slow up the rhythm as the swing takes longer to rotate the circle.

  2. Rhino stomps so hard he stops time. TIME.


    Depending on how cold Frost can make something, and how much range, he could counter Nova - possibly. To freeze something, he could possibly slow and/or stop molecular movement.


    Volt controls electricity - imagine him causing atoms to discharge electrons from the outer layers. The results could be catastrophic.


    ...I'll try to think about the others. lol

  3. toxin only really benefits if you can proc it alot, 71% isnt much especially since you are running without fire rate mods on it.

    True. I feel like I could have gone farther with different weapon choices...but I wanted to try something a little different.

  4. Hey awesome people!


    I've got another survival run here. This video is in raw form, just to show how well Saryn can survive. The run was done with no Restores and no Specters. Just weapons, abilities, and ma Dog. Let me know if you'd like a shortened/edited version of this and please like, comment, and subscribe!


    I'll keep bringing more content!


  5. Hey awesome people! I've uploaded a new video! In this one, I take Ember Prime and all Fire weapons...and only Fire element mods...and survive in the Void! I'm trying out a new format with this one, so tell me what you think!


  6. For those concerned about Volt Prime's survivability, I have a friend who runs Volt Prime for literally everything...and prior to that he ran Volt everywhere. He's gone with me and my Excal on 1 hour T4S runs and done fine - and he even goes so far as to run no HP mods and carry a Bleeding Key with him everywhere. Why? Quick Thinking. With that immense energy pool and the fact that Quick Thinking factors in a frame's armor (and Volt's armor was buffed in the transition to Prime), Volt Prime is plenty survivable. Slap on Shocking Speed and sprint through an area. Things get stunned, your speed throws off enemy aim - fun times for all. Guy's IGN is Sikine if you have any questions about Volt's set.

  7. Sorry to say but I can't agree with this. Meta builds as a whole are... So saddening to see.


    And especially with Nekros. I disagree with that completely. If you want to die of boredom then yeah, max range and efficiency build. But why no despoil? Just slap Equilibrium on there as well, set up a macro, and spam 3 all day.


    But who wants to play Nekros like that?


    Duration+strength+efficiency. You can desecrate anyways and you get your armor reduction(if applicable), as well as your buffed shadows. (At base they already deal 150% damage and have 100% health, scaling with power strength.)


    Play the game to have fun, let the farming come with that. Don't squeeze it out in a soul crushing way...


    Then again, this is just my two cents...


    I am the biggest Nekros fanboy so seeing people play him only for desecrate makes me extraordinarily disappointed.


    What build do you use on Nekros?

  8. I like to balance my set when I play. If I'm playing my favorite set, it's Excalibur with Dread, Synoid Gammacor, and a crit-built Dragon Nikana with Blind Justice. If I'm using a high fire-rate primary (Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Prisma Grakata, etc.), I take an ammo-efficient semi-auto secondary (Lex Prime, Vaykor Marelok, Rakta Ballistica, etc.).


    The melee is a personal choice of mine, but some of the top I can think of are Dragon Nikana, Dakra Prime, Scindo Prime, Galatine, Jat Kittag, Orthos Prime, Tipedo....


    There are so many choices of worth-while melee that I couldn't possibly list them all.


    tl;dr, Unless the weapon is complete crap, it's worth taking all the way if you like it!

  9. Here's something I've been been meaning to test:


    Grab a Helios and scan Manic's until you unlock them in the Simulacrum. Next, head to Simulacrum and spawn alot of low-leveled Manics. Kill them and get the Ash drops from them.


    I've gotten quite a few parts to drop this way, but never checked my inventory to ensure the parts remained after quitting the Simulacrum. I'll try testing it soon.

  10. Osw1t42.png


    Here is the Loki build I use (well, Loki Prime). If you want even more range, you could slap on the Arcane Swindle helmet, but it's not necessary. Irradiated Disarm provides amazing CC, and is spammable due to the high efficiency of the build. The duration gives about 13.8 seconds of invisibility at a 15 power cost - and with Energy Siphon on the build, you recover 8.28 energy over the duration. By alternating between invis and CC (and tossing out the occasional Decoy) you can stay damage free for the most part...but in those cases where a stray Bombard rocket heads your way, there's Quick Thinking + Primed Flow. High efficiency makes sure you have plenty of fuel for QT. There's also plenty of wiggle room in the build, so tailor it to your preference.

  11. I had that a while back, kept crashing 20-25 minutes into games in the void like clockwork; the problem turned out to be the Stylus arrow skin on my Dread, of all things. I should probably have done more testing and posted a thread, but after doing so many consecutive T1D's to try and isolate the thing I was just happy to have it solved.


    Wait, really? The arrow skin? I'll try removing it when I get home later tonight and see what happens. Thanks for the heads up - will confirm if it works for me.

  12. Ok. So I was reading through this thread and thought it would be an interesting exercise to think of 1 or 2 frame combinations that are just as effective as Frost and/or Mesa. Should be fun:


    Limbo Cataclysm + Excal Exalted Blade

    Zephyr Turbulence & Tornado? Maybe toss in something for damage (Saryn?)

    We've seen how absurd Limbo Cataclysm + Volt Shield can be.

    Mirage's Prism (Blind spam) + Trinity Energy Vampire

    Loki Irradiated Disarm (or just Disarm) + Nova Molecular Prime


    ...anyone else got some?


    edit - Toss Tonkor on Zephyr for absurdity. Loki's Irradiated Disarm is probably OP all on it's own...poor Nyx. Maybe get som Oberon SlamSpam or Mag's Crush or Banshee's Soundquake going for constant stationary CC?


    tl;dr - this game is about team mechanics. Some things do require rebalance, but I doubt Frost is one of them. Mesa? ...maybe.

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