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Posts posted by CombatPastor

  1. SC aura does effect EB, but it's in the manner of a +melee% damage mod on your weapon, so it stacks additively with those other mods. What this means is it provides a 60% bonus on top of the 320%-420% damage you already have, or a overall damage increase of 14.3%-18.75%. 


    When facing armored targets, Corrosive Projection would add far more damage to attacks, more like 30%+.


    What you also have to consider is that the effect of your aura is shared with teammates, who most likely will not be using melee weapons. This means that SC aura is somewhat selfish, because it's not providing a benefit to teammates. I would choose an aura with a 5% benefit to the team over a 15% benefit to myself any day of the week.


    The 'benefit to teammates' is a decent argument for using ES or Rejuv or w.e the team needs, even if it's not helpful to you personally.


    I'd also avoid the trap of worrying too much about EB's damage. It deals a LOT of damage in it's current iteration, enough that you don't really need to focus on squeezing those last few percentage points of damage out of your mod setups. I much prefer a 'tanky' or CC setup on the frame than going with pure power strength, for example.



    There's always the option of using Radial Blind and doing a melee finisher, which bypasses armor. I'd stick to doing that for the heavies, but doing it that way removes the armor from the equation completely and allows much more of the Steel Charge damage to go through.


    I do agree that SC is still more geared for Solo play.

  2. Here is the Excal build I use almost exclusively: http://goo.gl/laOLpc


    The thing I like alot about Excalibur is the un-polarized Aura slot. By adding forma to the other slots and leaving this one blank, you're able to switch to whichever Aura fits the situation. Great versatility, but requires more forma on the frame.


    That's not to say Steel Charge isn't good. It does affect the damage from Exalted Blade and works better than Energy Siphon (in my opinion) if you intend to stay in EB mode long-term. Dakra Prime works for Excal because of his passive that boosts attack speed and damage by 10% for all single swords, dual swords, and nikanas (including D. Nikana). Some of the best weapons to use on Excal are those with Syndicate mods that boost overall damage. Prisma Skana, Prisma Dual Cleavers, and Jaw Sword work well, but may be a little hard to obtain if you don't already have them. Easier to obtain (and still just as useful) are the Mire, the Skana and Dual Cleaver (both non-prisma). Remember, EB does use the same Syndicate AoE effect as the melee Excal is carrying, so here's a few things to look at - remember Syndicate procs happen every time the weapon gains 2,000 afinity. Use whichever one suits your playstyle!:


    Mire - uses the Toxic Blight mod, giving 100% Toxin damage on the weapon just like a Toxin mod, but also deals 1,000 Viral damage, 25% of base energy (so about 25 energy on Excal - like picking up a free energy orb), and 10% base movement speed increase for 30 seconds.


    Dual Cleavers/Prisma Dual Cleavers - uses the Justice Blades mod, boosting overall Melee damage by 100%, but also deals 1,000 Blast damage, staggers opponents (staggered opponents are open for melee finishers!), restores 25% of maximum health (great passive HP regen) and increases the frame's base armor by 25% for 30 seconds (Excal jumps from 225 armor to 281 rounded).


    Skana/Prisma Skana - uses the Bright Purity mod, boosting overall Melee damage by 100%, but also deals 1,000 Corrosive damage, restores 25% of maximum health (again, great passive HP regen), and increases the frames base HP by 25% for 30 seconds (Excal goes from 740 max HP to 765). Trust me on the Skana thing! the melee weapons' stats don't carry over to EB, just the mods equipped!


    Jaw Sword - uses the Blade of Truth mod, boosting overall Melee damage by 100%, but also deals 1,000 Gas damage, restores 25% of maximum health (same passive HP regen) and increases maximum stamina by 100% (Excal goes from 100 Stamina to 200 - more melee, blocking, etc.) The Stamina thing may not last much longer, considering DE's getting rid of stamina in U17, but for now, that's the effect.


    There are more melee weapons with Syndicate mods, but these tend to fit with Excal's passive best. You can also run weapons that don't have syndicate mods, if you'd like (Nikana, D. Nikana, Dakra Prime, Dual Ether, Dual Ichor, Dual Zoren, Dual Heat Sword, Cronus, Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword...there might be more? lol) but you lose out on some of these awesome effects.


    tl;dr - Check out the melee weapons with syndicate mods. Steel Charge is useful, but its best to be able to change auras based on team and game composition. Take all info to heart and play to HAVE FUN!

  3. I like to tailor my build to the frame, while making sure each thing fills a role. Example will work with my favorite frame, Excalibur!:


    So here's the Excal build - http://goo.gl/laOLpc


    He has great armor now, and the Steel Fiber + Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + Vitality gives him REALLY high effective HP. Rage + Fleeting Expertise keep the energy going and I can stay in Exalted Blade for a very long time (nearly permanently). Intensify gives a little power strength to augment EB's waves, Slash Dash, and the finisher damage from Radial Blind. Use the finishers to drop heavies since the finishers bypass armor. The low duration is countered by the spammability of RB and the mini-RB's you get from slide attacks in Exalted mode.


    Then I tend to have my primary and secondary fill complementary roles. Some of my favorite combinations are:

    Braton Prime/Prisma Grakata + Lex Prime/Vaykor Marelok

    Dread/Paris Prime + Synoid Gammacor/Aksomati


    Stuff like that. With the Braton or Grakata, I make sure to use dual-stat mods for fast corrosive procs to strip armor. Vaykor and Lex do heavy damage in few shots and I use them when I'm low on ammo for the primary (rather than carry Ammo Restores - I tend to make things harder on myself for no reason).


    With the other setup, Dread/Paris fill the high damage, low fire rate role. The high-RoF role is thrown to the secondary for this one. Having something high RoF is a good idea to handle nullies. Gammacor has a Ammo Mutation.


    Excal has max Arcane Trickery on helmet and syandana for the occasional 20sec invisibility - finishers come from Radial Blind. The invisibility from Trickery isn't nullified by...nullifiers, so if you get the invis, you can slip in and drop nullifiers easily. 


    For the melee, I carry something complimentary to the frame. Excal uses stuff like the Prisma Skana, Mire, and the Prisma Dual Cleavers well - and the syndicate procs work great. Bonus from the Cleavers - the AoE proc opens enemies to finishers...more invis.


    Then I carry my precious 4 forma'd Raksa Kubrow. She's a boss. xD


    Using this build I was able to go 45 minutes in T4S solo, without using any restores (Energy, Health, Ammo, or Shield). Using the restores, I could go much farther. Here, check it out! 



    A similar build was used for a 60 minute ODS run I did (which I have yet to upload...being lazy).


    This is just what works for me, though. I'm sure someone else could come up with much better.


    Hi everyone, 

    i guess mostly nobody will know me here :), but i´m the one who created the Thread about Excalibur, that in the end inspired the rework.

    I took a long time to thouroughly playtest him and thought i share my results.


    First of all look here for reference: 





    In generall i think the rework is just plain excellent, but as it is a massive change, there are suddenly new things to consider when looking at Excalibur, so these are my insights, i hope you find them constructive.


    In comparison of what has been achieved with the rework, these might seem petty, but in the long run i think the following things should be changed:


    • Exalted Blade is awesome and the functionality and efficency are definetly fine in my opinion, however the range of the Blade Waves is so high by default that it almost nullifies the need to go into melee range. I noticed a lot of Players using it as a plasma canon of sorts, standing far away from the enemy and shooting at them from a distance. I do think that this is kind of beside the point of the rework, which was to make Excalibur a melee focused frame that excells in close range. So i´d suggest reducing the range from the blade Waves to 10 - 15 meters. This would keep the the Ultimate completely intact in it´s function and simply prevent camping strategies. :) 
    • I also noticed that the combos do very little in the sense of extra effects, so as a player you don´t feel encouraged to use them, since simply spamming lots of waves is more effective. Increasing the damage, adding a forced proc, maybe increasing the length of the waves or the size on certain attacks in consideration of the above mentioned change, would go along way to remedy this problem.
    • Radial Javelin, while quiet powerfull as a third ability in generall, sadly feels like a weaker version of Radial Blind as soon as the damage falls off. The Stun gives you very little time to slip away and in generall it doesn´t really work well as a panic button as soon as you don´t kill your enemys with it. If the Ability would ragdoll enemys away from you it would work wonders! I think since Excals damage output has increased quiet a lot overall, it would even make sense to decrease the damage on Radial Javelin in favor for more utility.

    greetings to everyone





    Okay. I can agree with this with one minor change - Set the wave range to a locked 20-25 meters. 25 meters is the default range for Radial Blind and Javelin, This also enables Excal to continue handling threats like the Nullifiers while still reducing the camp-ability of the frame.

  5. So. Yeah.


    I think multiple people have made complaints about this, but the issue seems to have simply died off. DE, was this intentional? The Nyx Nemesis Skin helmet can be used for Arcane Enhancements - why not my Proto-Armor helmet for Excalibur? It simply does not show up on the list, and it's a bit frustrating. 



  6. The fact that it works for others does not make it OK. It just means that other abilities also should not work like that. Even with all you just said, it's still ridiculously OP. So I have to watch out for toxic ancients, bombards, napalms, and remember not to run into a huge glowing bubble. Good thing I don't even have to get near them because waves. Everything else can be safely ignored. Does making 90% of enemies completely harmless for a solid minute (Duration Limbo), with NO downsides and energy regen to boot, sound balanced to you?


    The thing we may have to consider in this "OP Combo" is Limbo's ability. Yes, the combo is awesome in theory, but how many have put it in practice to test? Because Limbo's Banish is a targeted ability, it may be difficult to hit Excalibur in the middle of melee. More often than not, the Limbo player may end up just banishing an enemy instead. The easy route may be to cast Cataclysm, but that causes the mobile Excalibur to be forced into a semi-stationary position to get the best of this combo. 


    Also, this combination basically works with any toggleable ability. Ember + Limbo = semi-permanent World on Fire. There are plenty of other examples. The fact remains, however, that the combo of Excal + Limbo still lends toward what DE wants for the game - an active playstyle. The nerfs DE has been passing out are all related to any playstyle that allows a macro or a Drinking Bird to play the game for you. You can see examples of this in the nerfs related to Viver, E-Gate, AFK-timer, and now the cringe-inducing GMag + Mesa.


    tl;dr - Yes, the combination is powerful, but it does require some skill (even if only a small amount) to pull off, and isn't nearly as susceptible to the "macro-and-walk-away" farming methods from before.

  7. If you're low on energy, Rage counteracts this by filling the energy bar while you lose health. This helps with both low-energy situations and with the Life Strike costs (I typically use an unranked Life Strike - with the 4x multiplier from blind status and the finisher damage from Radial Blind, you do enough damage to fill your entire health bar, guaranteed). The only statement I'm trying to make with this is that it's very effective. When I get home in a few hours, I'll record and post a survivability test from the Simulacrum against a level 60 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus and against a level 60 Corrupted Bombard.


    This is the beauty of Warframe, though. You can tailor your build to fit your playstyle!

  8. Using the Effective Health calculator I found here:




    I put together a build I used heavily on the revamped Excal for quite some time: http://goo.gl/6VmThC


    In a video I posted where I ran 45 minutes in T4S with the current Excal I used a slightly different build: http://goo.gl/C0Fw2u


    The main defensive mods on it were the same, though. According to that spreadsheet, with Excal's current armor, the combination of Vitality, Quick Thinking, and Primed Flow give him a total effective HP of 6145.25. Remember that the total Armor of the frame is used for the HP and for the damage reduction of QT. That armor, however, does NOT apply to your shields.

  9. We can have an entire Prisma loadout; Prisma skin Excalibur, Prisma Grakata, and Prisma Skana. 


    The only thing we're missing is a Prisma secondary to complete the loadout. 


    That being said, what possible Prisma secondary can we get? 


    Maybe a Prisma Kunai?


    Don't forget the Prisma Daedalus armor set. xD


    If DE lets us buy a Prisma Brakk from the trader there is no reason at all for me to even care about G3


    Well they did give us the Mara Detron, but the Detron parts are still dropped from the Zanuka Hunter. Prisma Brakk seems right, somehow.

  10. It's very likely intended that stuff like knockdowns are not blocked so you actually need to be vary of your enemies and not be braindead while playing. It still works just fine when using manual block or rolling.


    I feel the same way. The auto parry is awesome for survivability without being OP, but not having it auto parry stomps etc. lends to the player utilizing skill to make the most of the ability. Basically, you have to keep an eye on your surroundings, watch for the MOAs gearing up for a stomp, and be ready with the RMB to block it. Same goes for the Fire Eximus and other similar radial knockdown abilities. 

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