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Posts posted by CombatPastor

  1. Let me tell a story.


    I was once in a long-run T4S using my Zephyr. Turbulence was in full effect. I saw a blip on the map from a teammate dropping...and I took flight. This was before parkour 2.0, so I was coptering and Jet Streaming my way over hordes of enemies. I finally got to my downed teammate - a Loki - with about 3 seconds to spare. I started reviving him, thinking my Turbulence would protect us until I got him off the ground...when I found myself lying on my back, staring at the ceiling.


    A Corrupted MOA had walked up and kicked my square in the back of the head...OHKO.


    tl;dr - Radial Disarm is a very powerful move and in most cases would be perfectly fine to spam...but it doesn't fit every team composition.

  2. Look I'm all about destroying Uranus as much as the next guy and shooting the Grineer sea men in Uranus. But I need concrete advice in finding them hidden caches.


    Like do they always exist? I never have problems in Orokin Sabotage, but I can't find none in Uranus. It's like there's nothing there to destroy in Uranus. I want to destroy Uranus but the secret caches are too hidden for me :/












  3. I agree that your secondary should complement your primary. I like to use the Dread, so often I carry the Synoid Gammacor. Dread handles long distance and single shots while the S. Gammacor handles close range and high fire rate. I could also replace the S. Gammacor with Aksomati, Dex Furis, or the new kid on the block - Twin Grakata.


    Whenever I take my Soma Prime or Braton Prime out (LOVE the Braton Prime!), I take a single shot "pocket-sniper". I prefer the Lex Prime, but also take the Vaykor Marelok (original Marelok works just fine).


    With that in mind, there are other good secondaries to consider - Brakk, Pyrana, Atomos, Rakta Ballistica, original Akbolto, and more.

  4. For future videos I do, which would you guys prefer?


    A: Leave full footage, but sped up - typically about a 30+ minute video

    B: Edit the video - hit just the highlights, no speed-up, 15 minute per video average


    Please let me know! I'd love to keep doing videos for you ladies and gentlemen!

  5. No offense, but for the most part, this is Bastet-helmet Valkyr. Valkyr grow claws with 4, instead of 1. As a matter of fact, Hysteria is essentially a combination of Jaguira's 1 and 2 (Claws + Invulnerability). Cry = Warcry. Rather than stunning for 25 seconds, Warcry slows enemies down alot, similar to Molecular Prime.


    Also, the cat-like theme kinda overlaps.

  6. Gonna copy/paste my answer to this question from a different thread. Sorry if any of you've seen this before.


    I did a lot of playing around and testing with Excalibur until I came to this build: http://goo.gl/laOLpc


    Steel Fiber + QT + Vitality + Primed Flow gives a really great effective HP for Excal, aside from the fact that he blocks almost all damage from the front with EB active.  Rage regens energy and works well considering his high armor. Max Fleeting Expertise for the efficiency. Stretch for the range on RB and great mobility on Slash Dash. Intensify to add more damage to Slash Dash, Radial Javelin, Exalted Blade, and the finisher damage from Radial Blind. I don't think much additional power strength is needed, considering the Blind gives a 4x multiplier to all melee damage (including the blade waves) and Radial Blind's finishers bypass armor and shields. Duration isn't as necessary either, since Radial Blind lasts just long enough for you to slaughter an entire room in EB...and the mini-RB is spammable via slide-attacks. Use slide attacks for the blind damage multiplier, and use RB sparingly to wipe a huge room or for the added survivability. 


    For the melee weapons, I switch back and forth between a crit build for Prisma Dual Cleavers (Heal + increased armor), Prisma Skana (Heal + increased HP) and Mire (energy restore + movement speed)...lately I've been sticking to the Mire. I keep life strike on all my melee for the emergency heal. After a blind, it only takes one attack to jump back to full, then turn channeling back off.

  7. This is what I work with on my Dread: http://goo.gl/uyaJXO


    I'm on the no-Heavy-Cal side of things, but that's just due to my playstyle, rather than thinking H-Cal on a bow is outright wrong. I like to go for the headshots, and rely on two crit arrows to the head to drop heavies. I also tend to wear Corrosive Projection heading into a mission against armored units, so the damage reduction is offset a little.

  8. The question we may have failed to ask OP: What frame are you using? Depending on the frame, you can go some crazy stuff melee only.


    Invisibility frames like Ash and Loki can get away with possibly using the Glaive/Glaive Prime for the invisible explosive AoE (4x multiplier makes it go kinda far) and the ranged melee helps deal with nullifiers a bit. Blinding frames like Excal and Mirage can get away with similar feats, but the nullifiers ignore the blind - so that strategy may not be as effective.


    You could try using Jat Kittag's ground slam to ragdoll enemies and use ground finishers to take heavies and nullifiers. It also has a great range, which lets you slide attack through a nullifier bubble and sweep everything inside the bubble (Galatine, Scindo Prime, and Orthos Prime can perform similarly). For mobilitiy on heavy melee, rely more on the air-directional melee instead of coptering. Once U17 hits, the mobility is definitely going to change in favor of heavy melee, giving more diversity on what you use.


    Dual Ichors have kinda low range, but the damage type, crit chance, and status chance can allow a berserker build that can strip away layers of armor fast - but if your chosen frame has an option to open heavily armored enemies up to melee finishers (Excal's Blind, Valkyr's Paralysis, etc.) use those instead.


    Just like any other combat option (automatic guns, semi-auto guns, beam weapons, DPS frame skills, etc.) the spray-n-pray/hack-n-slash/wild playstyle will only get you so far. Check for stances that get decent headshots (Scindo Prime and Galatine with Tempo Royale, Jat Kittag with either stance) or has great damage multipliers (Dakra Prime with Crimson Dervish).


    Most of all, however, find a melee that fits your playstyle, and have fun!

  9. True.  It's way more efficient to let someone else carry you through Kiste/Draco.



    But running through Spy 2.0 missions is something that you can do completely solo, which, as a mostly solo player, I appreciate immensely.


    Besides, I'm already MR19, with every weapon (except for Despair) and frame (except Elytron, because Archwing is not very fun to play, let alone grind) already 30's out.  I'm going through and maxing out weapons I like, one Forma at a time.  Given that I've already burnt through the stockpile of Forma I had built up, and have to wait for one to finish cooking every day, before I can do anything productive with my game time, I'm really in no rush.


    Rakiokon, I know the feeling. I took to starting a forma build every day - but I took a break from leveling stuff for a bit. I'm up to 22 forma waiting now, and in the meanwhile I've been farming stuff to sell for plat.


    iBoiz, there are faster methods to level like this (Draco, Seimeni, Sechura, etc.) but all those require someone else to carry you from 0 - 30. This method (starting with Spy missions for initial levels, then switching to something else - probably a survival or defense - after you've gotten a few mod on) is still pretty fast, and keeps you from wearing out your welcome with Draco farms. Unless you can get together some friends or clanmates willing to level your weapons for you, this method is great...and not monotonous. Check out

    from H3dsh0t for a few leveling ideas.
  10. I did a lot of playing around and testing with Excalibur until I came to this build: http://goo.gl/laOLpc


    Steel Fiber + QT + Vitality + Primed Flow gives a really great effective HP for Excal, aside from the fact that he blocks almost all damage from the front with EB active.  Rage regens energy and works well considering his high armor. Max Fleeting Expertise for the efficiency. Stretch for the range on RB and great mobility on Slash Dash. Intensify to add more damage to Slash Dash, Radial Javelin, Exalted Blade, and the finisher damage from Radial Blind. I don't think much additional power strength is needed, considering the Blind gives a 4x multiplier to all melee damage (including the blade waves) and Radial Blind's finishers bypass armor and shields. Duration isn't as necessary either, since Radial Blind lasts just long enough for you to slaughter an entire room in EB...and the mini-RB is spammable via slide-attacks. Use slide attacks for the blind damage multiplier, and use RB sparingly to wipe a huge room or for the added survivability. 


    For the melee weapons, I switch back and forth between a crit build for Prisma Dual Cleavers (Heal + increased armor), Prisma Skana (Heal + increased HP) and Mire (energy restore + movement speed)...lately I've been sticking to the Mire. I keep life strike on all my melee for the emergency heal. After a blind, it only takes one attack to jump back to full, then turn channeling back off.

  11. A huras kubrow and the glaive.  Nothing else matters, take whatever frame and/or unranked weapon that you want.

    lol, good point.


    I guess I was just thinking about stuff like using Banshee's Silence and Sonar + Huras Kubrow = using any weapons you want, silent or not. Another decent way to level any weapon you want without repercussions. With this Banshee setup, you may not even need the Huras. You can shoot out cameras or enemies without worry.


    Another example: Using Ash's invisibility and Shuriken for silent kills, taking out cameras, etc. Teleport can be used to stealth kill enemies.

  12. I call this "cheesing" the spy missions. Not as an insult to the method - I love doing the new Spy missions. With Limbo, I typically bring a Huras Kubrow along with Limbo. As long as you don't attack, you're almost permanently invisible. Literaly easy-mode Spy missions. ...I don't trust the Shade.


    You can also use Loki to go near-perma invis, then Switch Teleport through the laser grids. Be caseful with Loki, however. The Decoy can draw enemy attention and they may panic and activate an alarm. Usually best to kill all nearby enemies before starting the Switch Teleporting.


    I've had friends tell me that Mirage's Sleight of Hand can be used to easy-walk through laser grids and cameras as well. She's also got a passive to make parkour easier, so there's that. Maybe a Raksa Kubrow with her - to scare away enemies? Thoughts?


    Maybe we should put together the easiest methods to run Spy missions with each frame?

  13. Don't worry. I forma'd my Excal 7 times before I found the build I love...and it turns out to be a 3 forma build (with the blank aura slot). How about that? lol


    Nah, but really, in the future you can use the Warframe Builder website to put together potential builds. There are also a whole host of people that post their builds to the site. Don't rely solely on Warframe Builder though. Test the builds for everything you put together in-game. Warframe Builder is great for getting a baseline understanding of things, but sometimes the numbers can lead you wrong.

  14. Depends on your playstyle, of course. Scindo Prime and Galatine hold it down for the heavy blades. Jat Kittag is arguably the best hammer. Dakra Prime and Prisma Skana are both great single swords, but both may be kinda hard to get. Dragon Nikana has the highest damage for a single sword style weapon, if I'm not mistaken. Tipedo and Bo Prime for staves. Orthos Prime and Tonbo for polearms. Dual swords have a whole list, but stand-outs are Dual Ichor, Prisma Dual Cleavers, and Dual Zoren. For the most part, though, the weapons that tend to be used in late game have a decent to good crit chance.


    I play Prisma Skana, Mire or Prisma Dual Cleavers on my Excalibur.

    Scindo Prime on my Valkyr.

    Tipedo or Dark Dagger on most everything else. Don't sleep on the Dark Dagger. lol

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