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Posts posted by CombatPastor

  1. Planning on switching to Guardian and Strike soon. Gotta get the Arcanes first.

    Not even gonna watch the video if you actually died to a nully with Excalibro.... apparently you haven't discovered blade waves pierce nully bubbles and can kill the nully inside without ever entering.Gotta l2Excalibro

    If you watched the video, you'd see I was dragged into the nully field by a Corrupted Ancient Healer. But thanks. :)

  2. This was so much fun! Before the Excal LoS nerfs and the introduction of Nullifiers and Bombards to the Void, I was able to take Excalibur solo in the void until 60min+. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. I started to struggle with Excalibro - but eventually got him back to a hard-fought 30min run.


    Now that the changes have happened, it's time to show what Excal can do!


  3. The aggro falling on him immediately would cause the initial 4 secs of Iron Skin to build up alot of HP in a short time. This also would draw enemy fire away from the team (not perfectly - if someone is between the enemy and Rhino, they'd still get shot. This prevents it from taking Frost's position as the stationary defensive frame). 


    I think Rhino's Iron Skin should also get the "increase HP based on Armor" thing from Snow Globe as well - however the skin should NOT be stackable, like Snow Globe. By causing it to not be perfectly invincible and draw aggro, it balances out the immense amount of HP Iron Skin would gain. In addition, since Iron Skin would now draw aggro, it would be a dangerous move to use during Spy missions, which seems to fit Rhino's theme and look well. Giant, bellowing, stompy Rhino doesn't exactly bring to mind the silent stealthy imagery of a ninja for me... lol


    He'd basically be the anti-Ninja...the nega-Ninja. He'd be a great distraction while everyone else goes for the objectives. I don't think this playstyle is that far outside the normal usage of Rhino now. GRWAR! STOMP! Rush to objective! etc.

  4. I had an idea to improve Rhino's scalability into late game.

    I think Rhino's Iron Skin should make him invincible for 4 seconds and build up health equivalent to the damage taken during that time, plus the base amount he gets. Then Rhino pulls aggro from all enemies.

    This gives his Iron Skin almost a personalized version of Snow Globe, and also allows him to function as an actual tank in game. Thoughts?

  5. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Arcane_Trickery


    The Trickery Arcane is, like you said, underrated. I have it maxed on syandana and helmet for my Excalibur, using the Radiant Finish augment. I proc decently enough (1 in 5 finishers, approximately). The augment activates on melee finishers, not simply finisher damage, so it won't work with stuff like Trinity's EV or Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm.


    It does, however, work well with Excal's Radiant Finish, Valkyr's Paralysis (haven't tested yet), and DEFINITELY Ash's Bladestorm. For right now I use this build, which gives me good duration for emergency invisibility, and only costs 30 energy per Bladestorm (by using Carrier, you can grab energy on the run and Bladestorm almost infinitely!):




    I may even drop more duration once I max Trickery on my Ash's helmet as well!

  6. Okay, not to be a jerk, but let's do some research here. Here is my current profile, as of 04/11/2015 at 12:59 PM EST:




    I've used Excalibur through every iteration of his buffs and debuffs (aside from the first, where Slash Dash was his best ability). I've taken Excalibur in his Radial Blind 1.0 days in T4S for over an hour solo. I've taken Excalibur in his current state (nerfed Radial Blind, wonky and unreliable Radial Javelin) to T4S and survived for 40 minutes+ simply because I was determined to force a build for my favorite frame that worked.


    With that said, let's look here:




    And here:




    Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but please compare your Excalibur usage to mine. Comparatively your Excalibur and Excalibur Prime are trophies that sit on a shelf and look pretty until you decide to have fun with your Super Jump abilities. You've got a combined XP gain on both of your Excalibur frames of just under 18 million... with Excalibur, I've totaled over 101 million XP gained and over 120 thousand kills. So, no offense, but in my opinion as an AVID Excalibur fan, this frame desperately needs a rework. The melee multiplier on Radial Blind barely works. The stun from Radial Blind and Radial Javelin are overlapping capabilities. The damage from Radial Javelin barely scales into mid-game and stops being effective before leaving the star chart. Super Jump is marginally useful due to the invisibilitiy - something only used because the blinding capabilities of Radial Blind were nerfed into the ground. Slash Dash's damage falls off before you reach the midway point of the star chart and comparable moves on other frames (Rhino Charge, Tidal Surge, and Tailwind) are all considerably better. The best way to survive long term into T4S using Excalibur is to give him Quick Thinking and Primed Flow, avoid using skills, and let his energy pool be an additional source of health. There is simply no way that was the intention for this frame.


    I understand your sentiments about the fun you have with the frame, but I think you're a little misguided about the frame's viability. Please don't let your refusal to move from your comfort zone be a hinderance to the progress of the poster frame for this game.


    **Edited to correct my XP gain fron 120 million to 101 million**

  7. I don't really find a problem with it though, maybe it's because I pretty much modded for Shattered Shield. I really only use Shooting Gallery if can be bothered to press 2, kinda like Ballistic Battery. The stun is nice, but mine has literally no range to it, so the only thing it offers for me is damage bonus, 30 something % damage bonus, which is not that big of a penalty in my opinion if you have an entire squad to deal damage with.


    Honestly I love using both abilities in solo. Sure, Shooting Gallery has no range in a long-duration build focused on Shatter Shield, but what that allows is Shatter Shield to handle ranged enemies and Shooting Gallery to "jam" the melee units that get too close. Give it a try. :)

  8. I whole heartedly understand the changes DE has made to Excal...even if I don't like them, they don't seem to be going anywhere. Thus, the change that I would like to make to Excal is...kind of minor, but would affect him in a major way.


    I'd like to speed up the animation for his skills. Every skill Excal has is completely reliant on having Natural Talent. This removes a mod slot that could be used for more versatility in Excal's arsenal.

  9. I was an avid BlindSpammer for quite some time, simply because it was effective and had great synergy with Slash Dash as mobility. When they changed things, I started trying to make my Excal work for quite some time - honestly, my stats in game used to show that I used Excal for 80% of my games! Unfortunately, as he is, the frame is a pain to play. Sure, the idea for Radial Javelin to stun enemies was novel and helped with moving Excal away from spamming 2 all day - even seemed like it'd work with the Furious Javelin mod that was released...but the issue boiled down to game mechanics. Even with a maxed Natural Talent, by the time Excal finishes the RJ animation, the enemies are moving again...and shooting again. You've gotten no closer due to being locked into the animation for RJ, and the enemies are able to resume murdering you.


    I've also been in T4S - where I was once able to solo for 50 minutes - and used RB directly in front of an enemy...and nothing happened. I don't know if it was server lag or what, but I finished the animation and the Heavy Gunner just...kept shooting.


    And exactly what is up with the spammable RB glitching and getting stuck in "SKILL IN USE" mode? Middle of a match and suddenly I can't use skills. Be serious.


    TL;DR - if I could ask for anything out of Excal? At least speed up the RJ animation so the stun is actually useful. Sure, I can stun things in other rooms, but what does it matter if the mobs keep coming after I'm through with the animation? Hate to be this guy, but until something happens I'll be playing Zephyr.

  10. I'm just a little shocked that no one has suggested the Akbolto. Think of everything the Boltor Prime does, and put it in a secondary. Of course, it is a semi-automatic weapon, but if you can work out the firing (on PC we can add an additional keybind to the scroll wheel or use a macro) you have a beast of a weapon. Here are a couple of popular builds:





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