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Posts posted by CombatPastor

  1. DE, please fix this. It's absurd. Of all the frames in the game, no one really wanted Excal in teams to begin with. The one redeeming quality of Excalibur was Radial Blind. Slash Dash's damage falls off fast and is trumped by Rhino Charge. Super Jump is very situational and most areas you'd Jump to you can simply wall-run/parkour to. Radial Javelin has limited damage, does no punch through, and is only useful in late game when combined with Bullet Attractor.


    I'd just given up on using Slash Dash for damage and used it as a very effective travel tool, but people do that for no energy cost by coptering.


    Why take Radial Blind from us?


    Aside from that, you gave the Radial Blind stun to Oberon's ultimate, and it doesn't need line of sight.


    Come on.

  2. Yeah. I main Excalibur and, as much as I love the frame, the poster boy definitely needs a rework. I kind of hate that he doesn't seem to get much love. I've noticed, just like you guys, that Radial Blind seems to be forcing me into random finishers fairly frequently, which stops  me from being able to blind a horde, then spin attack straight through the middle and mow them down. Now I'm getting hung up in finisher animations every second kill...if not worse.


    If I were to make changes to Excal, I would have the damage scale with your melee damage (Slash Dash does 300% of base melee damage) or something. Maybe have the attack count as melee and simply build the melee combo counter (Ash's Bladestorm anyone?) I also noticed that Slash Dash seems to have lost some of its "frames of invincibility" thing. Yeah, I can still get through lasers, but I still take damage from Sargas Ruk's first fire AoE...when did that start?


    Next, could we give Radial Javelin some punch through? Please?


    Finally, stop the forced finisher thing for Radial Blind. It's really messing up an extremely good balanced frame.

  3. Experienced the same thing. I was just coming to post about it. It occured with me whenever I go to customize a mod loadout, then hit Mods from there. I'll do some fusions, then exit back to the mod loadout screen, and everything is backward - as if the UI freeze and doesn't spin around to face you.

  4. I noticed that, in prior missions, the Grineer Sensor Bars would not deal magnetic proc if you pass through them with a skill like Rhino's Rhino Charge or Excalibur's Slash Dash. After checking the wiki to confirm that this is a thing, I Slash Dashed my way to a magnetic proc in the face using my Excalibur recently. Did something change?


    tl;dr Excalibur's Slash Dash doesn't get you through the Sensor Bar trap safely anymore. Please fix?

  5. I don't know if this has been reported yet, but during navigation from within the players ship here's a glitch.


    If you are looking at the circle of unlocked planets and open the player profile, you become unable to back out, despite hitting back button or escape key. Only able to continue playing after a relaunch.

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