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Posts posted by Jaysus41

  1. Guy makes a thread about inconsistencies between DE's statement how loot drop abilities work on resources and how they actually work in game, gets attacked for "not wanting to farm." Yeah, that seems about right. Who reads threads anymore anyway?

    29 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    I can't think of anything more boring to play than Nekros.


  2. The way that they implemented Valence really hosed my enthusiasm for this update. There is no way to slowly build up your Kuva weapons to be the best killing machines they can be, like I had initially expected, it's all just mindless dice rolls to see if you got something that passes the smell test. I rejected Rivens for the same exact reason, too much rng based progression.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, MaillerPhong said:

    It's amazing how many people are so selfish and entitled that they'd rather $&*^ over their teammates for an entire match, than take a death and lose a bit of affinity. I have yet to see any support in favor of not killing your lich other than "screw you guys, I don't feel like it".

    It's amazing how many people are so selfish and entitled that they'd screw over their own teammate and demand they kill themselves just to see their lich, which they could just as easily see in the next mission.

    I don't force other players to do things they don't want to do, and I expect the same to be reciprocated. Don't want to fight your lich? It's cool, there's always next mission.

    I haven't seen this much salt on the forums since the Dark Sector Conflicts, you kids need to lighten up.

  4. I really have no clue why a player wouldn't want a lich to rearrange their vertebrae once in a while. Really, no clue at all...

    I think if a lich goes down too many times without a Parazon attempt (3- 5) they should either despawn... or teleport to the player and play chiropractor on their spinal column anyway, but probably just despawn.

  5. I kinda think that Renewal not radiating from Oberon and instead from a static point is a bug that's gone unnoticed since his rework came out, an invisible static point just doesn't make much sense.

    Also, not being able to go back to the Renewal point to get the heal again after getting nullified is somewhat annoying. If it's a radiating buff like a Wisp totem then you should be able to regain it without needing the Oberon to recast.

    51 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    So you just want to heal as many times without actually using up extra energy? The buff is secondary to the healing. Has kit has already been reworked before, it doesn't need it again.

    "He's already had his rework, so DE should never need to tweak him ever again!"

    And "buff is secondary to the healing?" the buff IS the healing...

  6. 41 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    The OP isn't necessarily calling out the player in the screenshot, but rather the clan's logo. I'm sure there's leeway in regards to this.

    You'd be surprised. I witnessed a thread where the OP had told a story about a few other nice players he had a good time with, no sarcasm at all. Was immediately pounced upon because he had the audacity to mention a name at all. Was then locked by a mod (who shall remain nameless) that clearly didn't read anything in the thread before passing judgement.

  7. Last month my old R9 200 burned out and I upgraded to an RX 580. Problem is that when I'm in mission the game will start to stutter like the GPU can't handle the game even though both the Steam overlay and the ingame FPS counter shows a solid 60 FPS at almost all times. The old GPU didn't have this problem. I can still play but this issue is really starting to grind my gears.

    I've tried other games to see if this happens (Killing Floor 2, DOOM 2016, and Bulletstorm) and they are all stable. Downgrading resolution and/or graphics and disabling the Steam overlay does nothing. Drivers are updated to the latest version. Toggling Vsync allows for 300+ FPS but it still stutters like usual.

    Current specs -
    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: Intel i5 4440 3.1 GHz
    GPU: Radeon RX 580
    RAM: 2x8 GB DDR3

  8. I think costs are the least of their problems. If you were paying attention during TennoCon, they mentioned that they gave a $250k scholarship to someone and have a contest where they're going to send someone to space, which I'm guessing is Suuuuper expensive. It's safe to assume they aren't hurting for cash.

    If you look in your Warframe Launcher options you'll notice an option to turn your PC into a dedicated server for other players to use, but only for Conclave matches. I think they give small amounts of plat to good servers, or at least that's how I remember them describing it. Why they don't expand this to regular play is beyond me.

  9. Ahh, Hema, the eternal black mark on DE's reputation. Hema research was never about "giving clans something to work for" or "an achievement worthy being called an achievement" It was a stress test to see how far they could push their player base to give them plat money, just like the Sibear before it. Let's not forget the half-truths and full blown lies they perpetrated while this controversy was in full swing. And then the news came out that Hema was the most bought weapon ever released, so obviously it worked. The player base was in near mutiny, but hey, at least they got their fast money.

    The amount of satisfaction i got from helping complete it is comparable to the satisfaction a fat circus bear in a tutu gets when he does the macarena for a frozen mackerel.

    It'll probably never change, but I take comfort in knowing that this will likely never happen again with a different weapon.

    Probably, anyway.

    • Like 1
  10. I remember when Ancients were just overgrown leapers and their weakpoint was their right foot.

    I also remember some of the old removed tiles, like the gigantic Corpus factory floor with the office overlooking it that had the capture target in it, or the vertical stairwell on the Grineer asteroid tileset that was notorious for triggering the dreaded reverse camera glitch.

    And the old Dark Sector conflicts and how they turned the forums into a salt mine.

    Seriously, these forums could make LoL forums look like a halfway friendly place during that time.

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  11. I remember during a super old devstream, i forget which one but circa 2014-15, where one of the devs said "we're going to avoid putting in 'kill x amount of enemies' or 'get y amount of headshots' or whatever because those kinds of things aren't very fun or engaging." I wonder what changed their mind.

    For me, Nightwave is a big fat Meh. I feel like i don't really gain any enjoyment from its inclusion, just mindless busy work for mostly mediocre rewards. If I had to choose between Nightwave or old alerts I'd probably go with the old alerts.

    I wouldn't worry about Umbral Forma, It'll probably become somewhat common in the future. Then we'll be complaining about "useless" Formbra in our Nightwave rewards.

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