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Posts posted by (PSN)lydon123

  1. I posted a similar thread months ago but was completely ignored, and realised it had been posted before and also ignored...so...


    You know why DE keep it the way it is? Fear of abuse. So they prefer player frustration over hours of lost time and punish abusing players, rather than striking a balance.


    A system to reconnect already exists. I understand loot and XP being lost due to being client side, but drops and mission rewards are not client side. Systems need to be introduced that give leeway to good players in ways that abusers would not find worth trying to abuse (e.g. in case of DC you get a 3 minutes chance to reconnect without penalty. If a leacher can be bothered to do this every 3 minutes he needs mental help).


    If I crash or DC (I have to Alt+F4 to force crash and allow reconnets, which is really stupid), I only reconnect because I don't want to abandon the rest of the team, and I am not rewarded whatsoever for doing so.

    Well even if it is ignored, I will continue to post threads in the future about this issue when it occurs in the hope that perhaps one day, things will change for the better. Let's put it like this. I like candy but the sweet shop is 40 minutes away, so when I come out with a box of my favorite toffee bon bons, I don't expect them to be instantly snatched away by some seagull with a sugar addiction. Words will be had. Thanks for the feedback. 

  2. -




      As he and Diance entered the duel room, Arthas decided on what weapons he would use. Once in the duel room he had chosen a very simple loadout: the Glaive. Arthas then bowed to Diance as it is a tenno tradition to bow to your dueling opponent and then he unsheathed his Glaive and position himself into a defensive stance, waiting for Diance to make her first move.


    With the wind blowing through his lush blonde locks of hair, Jed descends from the dueling room ceiling that he had latched on to for so long, waiting for that perfect moment to strike. He lands softly as the air around him stands to a halt in aw of his awesomeness. Jed flicks his hair up and gives Arthas a wink. Jed then starts to run his godly hand through his sexy set of hair. As his hand nears the finish of it's caressing, Jed whispers at Arthas ''L'Oreal...because i'm worth it'' and in a blink of an eye, Jed is whisked away to an adventure far, far, far away.

  3. Also, I know that your solutions are both good, and bad, and here's why.

    343i, the creators of Halo 4, Halo MCC and Halo 5, added sprint into halo back in Halo reach, when Bungie was still a part of the project.

    People complained, claiming that the maps were too small for sprinting. So what did 343i do? They changed the whole game, adapting it to this one broken mechanism. Not removing it, but adapting the whole game, a fun game that worked perfectly without sprint, to a game breaking mechanism that doesn't.

    Why did I bring it up? What does 343i and Halo have anything to do with what you said?

    Because that's pretty much what you just suggested DE will do. You suggested that instead of eliminating this game-breaking bug, they change the game in order to adapt it to this bug.

    Well I say no. We need to get rid of the bug, not to keep it and adapt the game to it. It's not just about the rewards, it's about how fun and comfortable the game feels, and if it works like other games do. We need to make people feel comfortable when they play, not to make them log in every 3 minutes because they got disconnected, claiming that it's okay because their loot is in their inventory. I don't see any other game disconnecting you every 3 minutes. It's a bug, and an annoying one. One that we need to remove.

    Are you referring to the disconnections as a bug or the loss of loot as the bug? Unfortunately disconnections will happen from time to time. I am not talking about the frequency so much as I am talking about solutions to the loss of loot. Perhaps you are talking about my last suggestion, but I never felt that I implied the game should be 'changed to adapt to a bug' although I can see where you are coming from. My real point is that disconnections will happen, it is inevitable but certain methods, such as the ones I have mentioned, may be able to be implemented to solve the problem of loss of loot due to unfair disconnections. Thank you for your feedback.

  4. Grab a mic and perhaps try finding some other players who use mics. Social interactment while playing can improve the quality of enjoyment. If you're not used to chatting or shy of talking then perhaps this is the chance to spice things up.


    Help new players.

    Play Metal Gear Solid 5.

    Take amusing screen shots of your warframe being slapped down a flight of stairs by an ancient.

    Be an elevator troll.

    Be a Booben troll.

    Be a limbo troll.

    Be a general troll and have fun while others scream at you down a mic for casting cataclysm over rare mods and resources. 

    Spice up your love life and lots of kinky s%@.

  5. Disconnections are going to happen from time to time. Sometimes more often than we would like (such is the reason for me posting this). Being a PS4 player, I can only speak for one side of it. I have no clue how frequent disconnections are for Xbox 1 or PC but over the past few days I have seen three people disconnect and I myself have been kicked twice.


    As a consequence to the disconnections, obviously all loot and I think XP is lost (Correct me if I'm wrong). So you could do a 40 minute run on say a T2 survival and ''oh brilliant! Two forma BP's, I really need those'' and then get disconnected at 39 minutes (yes this just happened to me). 


    In a game where loot and resources are a core part of what makes the game what it is, loosing everything after 40 minutes is a tad bit frustrating.



    I do not claim to be a tech wiz or knowledgeable about programming games. With that said lets talk solutions. 

    Surely there could be a way to auto save the data as you play, maybe auto saving every 5 minutes so even if you are disconnected the data is there and redeemable in the circumstances of disconnection. Another way it could be done is updating your inventory in real time. What I mean by that is everything you are rewarded including, loot, credits, XP points, are all instantly put in to your account/inventory so that even if you are disconnected, it wont matter because everything you have earned in that 39 minutes is already claimed.


    Another minor solution that is not to relevant but I still feel needs to be mentioned is that perhaps it would be better to allow players to extract individually when they want to, without 1: Needing a second player to start the countdown and 2: dragging the rest of the team from the mission. Perhaps this could be an option set on or off by the host in the lobby. I feel this would allow players who do not want to risk a rare drop, a bit of safety from disconnections while also allowing players that want to go the extra mile, to do so.


    What do you guys think? What other solutions are there? Any constructive feedback is appreciated.

  6. You know instead of bad mouthing, let's all talk about what's everyone gonna do first once the update Drops. Me? I'm going straight to the Dojo and building that Incubator Upgrade! You guys?

    Incubator upgrade for sure. I will then probably check out the new weapons and see if I can start cooking them. Then it's off to kill the new Tyl Regor and hopefully start the new quest after that. If eqinox is a massive pain to get however, I may buy her for plat, maybe. Regardless, I will be very busy with MGS5 but I will try to get some play time in for Warframe. 

  7. I would loose the crit mods from the boltor and mod for raw elemental damage. I would drop the fire rate mods or at least the speed trigger on the soma to get an elemental mod in there. The Braton prime is a jack of all trades sort of weapon with ok status and crit so that one is down to preference. It's all down to personal preference really but that is how I mod.

  8. Will the new upcoming star chart address the issues of grind? Will snpier weapons get a rework? Will there ever be new and interesting mission types to freshen up the game? Would it ever be possible to add a nostalgia mode to the game so you could play old school warframe? Will there be any new warframe merchandise in the future (more in regards to clothing)? 

  9. More than likely you were shot in the head. Most eximus snipers will kill you in one shot if they get a head shot on you.

    I've had a full power strength vex armor before and elemental ward cold damage build and still they put me down in one shot.

    That does not explain why quick thinking did not kick in. If it was a one shot guaranteed then all of my energy should of been drained, instead it was maxed out by rage then stayed maxed out. Quick thinking is supposed to 'stop lethal damage' by draining from your energy pool once your health hits 2. I have never heard of this headshot mechanic that bypasses quick thinking, at least not on the wiki.  

  10. So before I start, this is my loadout for the mission.




    So the first vid here is showing the first death. It looked like I made it out by the skin of my nose but nope. I went down with 15 energy left, a bit wonky but fair enough.




    The next video, I am at 231 energy, I get shot and my energy shoots up to max thanks to rage but quick thinking fails to kick in and I go down.




    Not sure what's going on here but I don't think it's supposed to work like that.


  11.  However, we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm to balance this change.



    we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm





    I'm already not looking forward to this :l



    THIS. IS. BAD.


    I am fully against it. 


    Pilfering Swarm is perfect as it is now, this would be a huge nerf. 


    Players should communicate to let Tentacles to the killing. 






    All of the above and also...F...Fu...Fuuuuuuuudge!!! Pack it in ya silly barstools! Any more nerfs and i'll ave ye the gabba. I can understand mag getting nerfed but hydroids pilthering storm? This aint balance, it's a kick in the gibbons and slap on the perpetually dangingling balls of arm fall off boy. Bah humbug!  

  12. whats wrong with them


    They're good at action games......right?


    platinum would have been better tho :S

    Yeah there good at making the games they make...Sorta. I'm playing Toukiden kiwami right now and very much enjoying it but it is a little repetitive and unbalanced when it comes to the mitima system in that game. I would say Koei Tecmo is a little wonky at balancing there games but overall very good.

  13. I for one have much to vent about. Although I am not to bothered about U17, I will say, while the PC guys are about to get U17, we on console don't even have the Excalibur rework so grrrr to that. On a completely off topic note, frigin Toukiden Kiwami sucks! Uhhh that game is so annoying, how do they expect someone to solo a giant ONI if they don't even scale it down properly. It's gonna take like an our to kill just one of them, there are two! F you Koei Tecmo! And F you Konami for screwing over Hideo Kojima you greedy pigs! Gaaaaahhhhh! OK, venting over.

  14. - Damn straight I am

    - Because it's a Metal Gear game (that never disappoints me), no further details needed

    - MGS4 was my favorite. I have Ground Zeroes but it's only a taste of the new FOX Engine, not enough to say I like it over MGS4

    - I'm going to strap C4 to a jeep first then use Fulton recovery balloons to launch it into the air and then explode it in midair

    - I'm going to strap C4 to a guard and his friends first then use Fulton recovery balloons to launch them into the air and then explode them one by one like happy festival fireworks. Kaz will be proud :')

    - I'm going to throw C4 in the air and command Quiet to shoot them in the direction of aircrafts and detonate them

    - Doubt it, but that's not to say it's not likely to be a new feature to MGS

    - Fulton recovery system! Gotta capture ALL the things!

    - Gotta capture ALL the things!

    XD glad i'm not the only one excited. I've been paying ground zeroes lately because i'm that excited! 

  15. It's the last game of the series without much context on PC, and likely a troublesome installation at that, considering the fallout Kojima and Konami had.


    Hype rather tame at this point

    I have heard of the fall out between Kojima and Konami but I never delve in to the details. As for PC stuff I'm not that savy. At any rate If you get MGS5 I hope it installs well and handles well on PC :)

  16. I havent played the others and only played the short intro to it on ps plus

    You mean ground zeroes? I was thick and paid full price for it when it came out, I thought it was an actual game not a demo. Still stings to this day :(

  17. I know it's not out for another month but oh my MGS5 looks amazing! I very rarely get excited about new games. I was kinda excited for the new Batman game but it was a bit of a flop. Before that I can't remember the last game I got so hyped about.


    If you haven't seen the gameplay footage, then maybe check it out on youtube.

    MGS5 looks to be an open world version of peace walker with a ton load more to do. My favorite MGS so far is MGS3 Snake eater but MGS5 could very well take the crown here.


    Now update 17 is out this week for PC it would seem. I am uncertain if U17 will release before or after MGS5 releases (September 1st) but I hope it releases for consoles before September because (nothing personal Warframe) I will be to busy jumping out of cardboard boxes, snapping necks, dropping supplies on peoples heads, customizing everything, setting DDog on gaurds and strapping C4 to a jeep then ballooning it in to a helicopter before blowing said helicopter up (you can do some interesting things) to even begin to be to worried about U17.   



    Are you excited for MGS5?

    If so, why?

    What was your favorite MGS?

    Are you going to strap C4 to a jeep then role it in to a group of enemies before blowing it?

    Are you going to strap C4 to a gaurd then wait for him to have a chat to all his chums before blowing them all sky high?

    Are you going to see what else you can strap C4 to, maybe even strap some to your face then headbutt someone in to oblivion?

    We know there is a multiplayer but do you think it will have CO-OP Campaign or something similar?

    What is the favorite feature that you know of in MGS5? For me it would have to be the open world aspect and the customization options.

    Are you going to strap C4 to...just kidding, but not really.


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