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Posts posted by (PSN)lydon123

  1. I am the kind of person that believe digital stuff should be WAY cheaper, that would make them sell WAY more prime access.

    Especially since it's digital stuff...


    And sorry but... 72€ prime access. That's not even worth 1 game.

    With 72€ i would be able to buy at least 5 or 6 good games on steam.

    This man has a damn point. I've got no problem with the release speed. I love Warframe and I have bought prime access packs in the past to support the game and get some sweet cosmetics but even I will admit that the prices are just to high for what you get. Especially the latest Prime access. I've tried to get two of my friends in to warframe and both of them was turned off by the pricy plat packs and prime access packs. To be honest, your better off buying several full games, saving up for educational goals or throwing mony at the pizza man when he shows up at your door with a large mighty meaty.

  2. Agree'd. It is very overpriced and hell yeah I would probably spend more plat in the market if the prices were more reasonable. For example, I want the elytron archwing but i'm not going to farm it because that would be mind numbingly boring and like hell am I going to spend 200+ plat for an archwing. However, if the elytron was about 100 plat or less, then I would certainly strongly consider it. They should also sell the stalkers weapons seperately because I would so buy the Hate. 

  3. This is awesome. Now...somebody go and play dark sector and see if you can find any of this tenno writing hidden around. It could give us clues on the lore! Chances are there is nothing to find. Would be cool though, if there was a secret message in dark sector that we can now translate. 

  4. I think I speak for most Saryn fans when I say I'm disappointed that they are only mildly changing how her abilities work. I was really hoping for a complete rework. Her contagion ability is completely outdated and needs to be replaced with something more useful. I'm not going to blow a casket because I have not played with the updated Saryn and will not do so for some time (Console updates being slower of course). Saryn, right now is my favorite frame and I will certainly be writing a unflattering review if her new abilities are as lackluster as the the last 3 Star Wars movie's were. 

  5. I wasn't aware there were so few space games on the PS4. Strategy makes sense, but space was unexpected.


    Usually I would say "no, don't get a PC" simply because it is very expensive to buy a good brand new PC. But since you're focusing on space and strategy games, you might not need an super expensive PC to play what you want.


    So, my first suggestion would be to look into which games you would definitely want to play on the PC. You can then check the minimum and recommended specs of these games and that will give you a good idea of the hardware you'll need. For example, Star Trek Online is an older game that will run on a lower end PC. But if you're interested in Elite Dangerous, then you'll need something a bit better.


    As for the games, I think Sins of a Solar Empire is a very good choice since it combines strategy and exploration in a single game. Basically, any 4X game with a space theme will cover that. Other examples are Civilization: Beyond Earth and Homeworld (remastered collection).


    For space themed games that are not 4X I'd look into Elite Dangerous, Rodina, Space Pirates and Zombies ("SPAZ") and Starbound, because they all have exploration or strategy elements but use those in very different ways. They'll give you a general idea of the scope of games you can find on the PC.


    And then there's all the rest. There's RTS games such as Starcraft 2, Grey Goo and Planetary Annihilation. There's the famous indie stuff like FLT: Faster Than Light and Endless Space. And there's the obscure or older titles such as Transcendence and Master of Orion.


    Those are the ones I can think about when it comes to space, exploration and strategy. For other genres I think you're better off either using Google+Youtube, or checking out the Steam games with the best user reviews. A lot of the good games I know are also avaliable on the PS4. But just to name a single one: Skyforge.

    There are a few space shooters here and there like strike suit zero and probably some more on the older gen consoles but no sandbox space exploration games like space engineers or eve online. There is nothing on console that compares to the stuff on PC. However, no mans sky looks to be a good contender.


    I have seen starbound before. Basically space Terraria, I want it! Elite dangerous looks a tad bit boring with little options in things to do in its huge universe but I have not seen much gameplay lately so it may be better since I last took a look. Homeworld looks pretty awesome with plenty of mods and Rodina looks really interesting. I may pass on starcraft 2 but warhammer games look promising. Star trek online and Sins of a solar empire is a must have. I love looking at the shiny ships while they blast things. Also sins of the solar empire have the star trek amarda 3 mod :D


    Thanks for the advice, I will check out what I want to play and see what kind of specs I will need then check my options. However I kinda have my heart set on this...



    It's pretty affordable and can run battlefield 4 on max settings...plus I wanna feel like I have achieved something by building it XD

  6. this xmas is a great time to get a deal on a desktop system with the z170 platform, if you are easy to please, even better. just use PC part picker to keep things organized in what you want.


    a couple games i have found extremely interesting are: Duskers http://store.steampowered.com/app/254320/ and a descent inspired game: Sublevel Zero http://store.steampowered.com/app/327880/


    plus freespace on steam :P BEST space sim.

    Duskers looks horrifyingly weird but interesting haha. Free space reminds a little bit of colony wars back on the playstation 1.

  7. I like all of your suggestions! I honestly don't know what I would suggest for the first ability but I kinda want something with more impact.

    Molt is awesome the way it is but a buff to it's health would be nice.

    Agree'd, contagion needs to be replaced with something else OR needs to be reworked so it affects not only melee weapons but all weapon types and it should have its own individual damage properties, not just give a slight elemental buff to your weapons. It should also have its own visual effect, for example, if you riddle a heavy gunner with boltor rounds, then there should be a corrosive visual happening somewhere.

    As for Saryn's fourth...I love it as it is but I know it's not going to last. The idea of a constant cloud of miasma around Saryn doing damage is cool but I love Saryn for what she is right now, a brutal and quick killing machine. I will be very sad to see that go. Saryn is my favorite frame right now and I am scared for her future :(

  8. Depends. If you are pretty far in warframe ie, mastery rank 8 don't. Stay where you are. It's not worth starting all over. But, if you're rank 5 sure go ahead!

    It's nothing to do with Warframe lol. I am mastery rank 20, I ain't starting again.

  9. So with Christmas coming up I have been putting more hours at work to cover the costs of Christmas shopping and thinking about what I really want this Christmas. For a long time now I have wanted a good gaming PC. I have always been a console gamer Primarily but (all other advantages aside) there is one thing PC has that consoles do not; an abundance of space exploration and strategy games.


    I have watched numerous youtube video's on space games such as Star Trek Online and Sins of the Sola Empire. One of my favorite youtubers is called 'TheXPGamers' and he does a lot of space and strategy games. More to the point, I really, really, really yern to play these awesome looking games. Of course I've tried playing Star Trek online using my laptop and while I could play it, it ran like a dying dog dragging its backside behind it. I've also played a charming little game called 'endless space' which was awesome but lacked any real in depth combat and strategy.


    So, should I get a PC?


    The thing is, I'm not hard to please. If they can release one really good space exploration game and one really good space strategy game on console, then I'm happy staying on console but there currently is nothing, believe me I have looked (No mans Sky could be the answer to space exploration though). Should I wait for amazing space sims and strategy games on console when they may never come? Or should I just go straight over to PC?


    I am torn as to what I should do. I just want to role play as Captain janeway and shout ''Raise shields Tuvok! Bring her about port side, tom!''.


    On a final note. What games would you guys recommend? Does not necessarily have to be a space game. I love all sorts of genres.  


    Edit: Apologies but this is not a PC vs Console discussion. The questions was not should I get a PC because it is better than console. The question was should I get a PC because of all the awesome Space strategy and exploration games or should I wait because you feel those kind of games will come to console eventually. Sorry for the confusion.

  10. I can't say I have ever hated a warframe then love them later on. I loved Every warframe from the start but there is one that I learned to hate. When I first got Nekros, I was very optimistic. I thought 'oh cool, a necromancer warframe. I can summon my own army of the dead? Oh f*** yeah!'. That optimism was soon pushed aside.


    I  enjoyed playing Nekros at first, his desecrate was awesome for loot farming but it soon went sour. Using a desecrate build got boring and when I went to mod for different things I have to say it was very difficult to find a build I was happy with. Every advantage I gave to one ability would stunt the other and visa versa. There is just no way to mod Nekros to suit my playstyle. He became bland and for a frame that resembles death, he sure can die very easily. You can't say I did not try to like him, I put three forma in to him, experimented with his shield of shadows augment but ran in to modding problems for that to. I gave up on Nekros.


    Other frames I loved at first was limbo and Rhino, although I do not hate or dislike them, I do not find myself rushing to play as them often. Still love dat Rhino though.

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