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Posts posted by mantasas17x

  1. 7 minutes ago, RidoniaX said:

    I do like the idea of Limbo being a frame with total control over the Rift, as at this point he does little more than go in and out of it, along with enemies. Changing up what he can do in the Rift can lead to some interesting playstyles and makes him a support frame that has viability in high level mission. Rather than just Sorties defences (as I see no one use him outside of those). This is what leads me to believe giving home a selection of abilities, like Ivara, would make him a decent support frame.


    Just now, (PS4)Asdeft said:

    It won't fix just how unintuitive the void mechanics are right now, but I like this particular idea. 

    he could get little fix up in his first ability ,  the single target is probably one of the things that make's it hard for him to survive it. If he could mark group of enemies ....

    Or at least if he could himself pick items in rift , it would make it more usefull.

  2. With reading other posts and devs info on rift surge i had an idea to make him feel more of " rift is my world I control it " Type . My idea is to make 3rd ability change rift type : 

    IT would have Hold and tap selection type  : Each different form would change affects of rift here is an example: 
    Currently passively he is in Lets call it Void rift , which gives him energy and other passive bonuses,

    Now Second type could be something like Volcano rift : which makes enemies take dmg over time while in rift ( smalll ofc ) And take increased ammounts of dmg , 

    3rd type could be Ocean rift : which changes rift charges rift into healing and defensive boost to allies and himself ofc. In my oppinion this ability would give him real " I Control the rift " Thingy.

  3. On 5/24/2016 at 3:18 AM, ObsidiaNocturn said:

    And here i just hang on to them cause I hate having to pay someone to take my dog....

    I mean that would be awesome if I went to a pet store and they paid me to take a dog home, but I mean come on really? What's the point behind charging us for it anyways? Is it to keep me from breeding them over and over until I get the one I want?

    Its actually contract acceptance that u will give it to lotus to do whatever shew wants with the food


    1 hour ago, Kuestenjung said:

    The Lotus has a chinese restaurant, now let your imagination do the rest.

    as proff she wont answer in this thread its the PROFF!! she is mass animal hater! hope she loves  cats tho , i hate dog's aswell

  5. 1 hour ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    ...How? Kubrows aren't tradable.


    7 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    I'm more and more confused every time I come to this thread.

    for clarity i created this post , so that Gm's would take away my 2 dogs that i wont use + 500k for each player and give them to 2 random players ;)

  6. 1 hour ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    ...How? Kubrows aren't tradable.

    that's the point of creating this 


    40 minutes ago, -GaMeR- said:

    Just toss them in the kubrow blender and be done with it... Costs only 25k per kubrow

    ik ik but i still got a few weeks so why not try it? :D

  7. 2 minutes ago, Lactamid said:

    25k credits is the price you pay to believe that the Lotus doesn't sell the Kubrows to the grineer who grinds them down into dogfood, bought at low price by the Corpus, thinned out with water and green foodcoloring and rebranded as "DNA Stabalizers" when sold back to the Tenno.

    This message was brought to you by Dethcube, your friendly companion, 100% free of bio-waste.

    You understand me!!!

  8. With incoming kitties i won't use my dogs anymore expect for lotus gifted one. I wish to donate my 2 dogs to 2 players with my own 500k credits for keeping em.

    I really hope that De will accept my donation, and if not i am firing the 2 dogs into space under my engines.   Meant get rid of em , but not the sadistic way :D 

    With love Tenno!

    I am serious about the Donation part tho

  9. 1 minute ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    Use the blade storm augment for meleeing. 

    the thing is i got 0 power strength invested and used blade storm only if i was almost out of combo time, but now the teleport thing gives melee kills with it and refunds energy wich makes it more cost effective even if not having extra time 

  10. I was playing around when i had this idea that would help Dual wielded pistols users a lot = Low ammo. My idea was to give altirnative fire which swiches to firing only one weapon at a time ,  after right weapon is depleted you can reload or continue firing the left weapon. That way players with dual wielding could choose:


    All out high dmg mode with low ammo OR

    Lower dmg  dmg with significantly increased firing duration and more ammo. I think it would help with low level enemies or at start of survival not wasting to much ammo on enemies that take 1 hit to kill.


  11. 18 minutes ago, Toppien said:

    i saw the email...

    "your blade is dull"

    HIo5O71.gif  AHAHAHAHAHA...wait...wut?   }=(
    *detaches hand from favorite warframe*
    HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY MASTERY OF THE BLADE?! from where i stand YOU are the pupil, teshin

    yea tenshing is B A TCh

  12. 7 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

    Pretty sure some people are taking the widely broadcasted mail too personally.

    Also pretty sure DE wrote it with weapon usage numbers in mind.  Melee kills no doubt are exponentially surpassed by gun and ability kills.

    dont take it seriously i am just joking >< geez

  13. 1 minute ago, Nesodos said:

    all my blades are bloody as hell

    if teshin wants me to sharpen them he should give me a cleaning set and a grindstone

    YEA lets test it on him!!!!!

    Lotus we need your help!!! Give us location of tenshin , I wish personaly to demonstrate him how dull is my blade!!!

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