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  1. A simple solution for anyone who were wondering how to return Signa to the default position. (Atleast for PC) If you put a mouse cursor on the "Y offset" slider and then try pressing left and right arrow keys on the keyboard it will move your cursor to preset locations like left arrow, right arrow and you guessed it, the middle! The exact middle where it was by default. Since there isn't an option to reset it for now this is a little solution for anyone who were struggling =)
  2. I think that would be an ideal solution. Give a hint that Heirlooms are on a rotation and with every new pair for example some of the previous ones also becomes available. And if they at least hint that hey, Mag and Frost also may come back on for example 15 anniversary would be perfect. It would at least put people who missed it at ease while still keeping exclusivity for some time for people that already own it. Win-win for everybody)
  3. Exactly, imagine a person who takes a break from time to time from the game, knowing that they won't miss anything major exclusive since that was always the case. And then them logging in in 2024 learning that they missed on a deluxe skin for their main, knowing they will never be able to have it. I mean that might be the reason to drop the game entirely for some people, and i get it.
  4. I agree with there been no right option, just like there were no right option for the players at the time of choice. But if both options lead to some sort of backlash, wouldn't it be reasonable to atleast chose the one where the most amount of people get the skins? Is some part of the community will be angry anyway may at least provide the item to everyone. Plus a lot of people who did buy it aren't against it becoming available to everyone.
  5. I think that it is wrong to timegate people out of this skins who didnt wanna support FOMO overpriced practice and that it is wrong to punish them for doing community a service. People who didn't buy Heirloom pack were in the right and were doing it for the community by voting with their wallets. And if in the future we won't have such ridiculous FOMO tactics its thanks to them! So why are they the one who gets punished by not been allowed to acquire Heirloom skins ever again? It's like either you supported this dirty practice and got them (even if you didn't really wanted and did it just cause of the FOMO) or didn't buy it for the community sake but now getting punished for it forever. There were no right choice! What about people who just couldn't purchase it at a time? Or the newer players who only started playing this year and literally could not know about it and just have to accept that this 2 particular deluxe skins are unavailable for them? And just to clarify i don't demonize people who bought it, on a contrary they are victims, just like the rest of us. And no it is not comparable to Founder Pack and Excalibur Prime. Because that was a time when DE didn't have any money, that was a time when they actually required all the support they could get. It was not about getting Excalibur it was more about supporting a studio without a publisher and helping them. And please don't start the legal argument about it not been possible, many games do this already by having "exclusive stuff" and then reselling it later so im sure they'll be fine. And if your argument is about losing trust in the future FOMO sales? Good! Cause they shouldn't even do this in the future in the first place! So please, make Heirloom skins available for everyone, you know that it is the right thing to do!
  6. After yesterday's HotFix the lighting in the Orbiter is broken. It's completely washed out and without proper shadows that it used to have. There is weird white tint allover, and the arsenal spontaneously glows when you come near it. Allround it's either bugged, incorrectly implemented or just straight up worse than it was yesterday. I hope it's a bug that got introduced with the HotFix and not a "change" cause if it is, it looks horrendous. All screenshots before and after were made on the same system and on the highest settings Here is an example before HotFix with proper lighting and shadows And after HotFix when it got completely messed up The new nice looking GI Volume Lighting on the warframe is almost completely gone and as i said there this white tint all over the screen Look at the pixelethation of shadows And lighting overall looks bugged, like here where there is supposed to be a proper highlight area and instead it's just this weird color overlay (it's like when you put something on the wrong layer in photoshop and it now looks messed up) DE i really hope you notice and fix it as soon as possible, i understand that you busy with the Dante situation and everything but like, it's supposed to be weekends when everyone especially play the game while the orbiter is bugged
  7. After the latest HotFix GI Volume Lighting (basically the new lighting for orbiter and a few more places that got introduced some time ago) broke! And it kinda revert to what it was before change in lighting. I've seen it from few people so it's definitely from HotFix and not just on my end. Lower there is an example: Before (with new lighting working as intended) After (when it broke) I wish i took more screenshots before it bugged so i could show more examples (If only i knew it would brake) I hope DE fixes it as soon as possible cause it's really jaring, i mean come on it's literally in the orbiter, the place u see all the time.
  8. Same here! I was going crazy thinking that's only me. It's like for some reason the new GI Lighting that got introduced not so long ago disappeared. Im kinda glad im not the only one. So i assume it's from the latest hotfix? I hope they fix it cause i was really enjoying the new lighting and now i kinda don't wanna play until they fix it(
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