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  1. "Please stop trying to dumb down the system while instead making it more cumbersome" Indeed, i couldn't have said it better. absolutely true.
  2. Since the hotfix for the lighting the old light sources have been removed and the lighting in the orbiter is really awful,it just look so unrealistic and strangely incoherent that i can't unsee it,it baffles me to say the least. i mean, where does the light come from ? where are the light sources ? why does the shadows are litterally absent in some places for both the objects and the warframe ? why some areas who are not exposed to light from supposed light sources or even shouldn't receive any light exept bounced light because of geometry obstructing * are actually lit as everything else ? *(the parts that glows and so are supposed to emit light ) why the colors look so washed out even in hdr ? it was too dark after the first update yes, but IT WAS STILL FAR BETTER THAN NOW. the orbiter being in space,should not be lit like a room full of 500 watts spots and the only light sufficient to lit the interior should come from said interior,exept for the cockpit wich generaly face the sun. it was COHERENT and realistic, and now it look the total opposite. will it be possible to at least give us an option to get the lighting as it was when some peoples where comlpaining about it being too realis-,i mean, too dark please ? and if not could it be possible to at least correct the numerous problem i enumered ? Please DE. please don't tell me it is gonna stay the way it is actually, it look unfinished,incomplete and unrealistic, it need care and attention. Edit : the team did a great job the first time, it was a bit too dark in some place yes,like 8-10 % too dark, but other than that i was really happy with the work they did and the way it looked; it was wondeful before the hotfix who just ruined it beyond recognition,i say that because i don't want to devaluate the work put in there and point out that the hotfix did ruin said work,i feel nothing but respect for the team,but i also don't understand why it has been sabotaged like that,and hope it will get the attention needed. where does the light come from ? ( not only in the areas that i highlighted but these are the worst offenders) same here.(changed one color to black for the next pic and as well to kinda try to "hide" the problem with light sources and shadowing on the previous pics). why does it look like vanta black and where does the light come from ?
  3. even using dlss or fsr ? for me the game run fine using dlss,but i've noticed that when using dlss my framerate is locked at 138 fps while my monitor is normally 144 Hz,wich is the setting i actually use. i lowered the particles and the fog quality to the minimum,and noticed a bit of improvement in areas like the sanctum anatomica ,but it still dips in the 80-90 fps from time to time. the new lighting is not good either, before it was a bit too dark, but after the hotfix i noticed they removed the old light sources in the orbiter, before i could see them in reflection looking at the posters i have on some walls,and now they are gone but the lighting is unrealistic and the shadows and lightbouncing don't look good either.
  4. better , bring back the heirloom skins at a reasonable price in separate bundles with only the skins and signa,hell ,even sell the signas separately if you want, i don't care i just want the mag skin nothing else .
  5. april 2024 and i 'm still terribly disapointed and sad that i couldn't get an affordable option at the time to get the mag skin,i can't get over it,the fomo,the price, the aya, the plats just to inflate the price of an allready overpriced skin packs with no option to get just one skin ...it broke something ,i still feel really bad about the heirloom skins,i will never have that mag skin that i wanted so much but couln't afford,i still feel it in my throat every time i play and see someone with the mag Heirloom skin, it remember me how much of a disabled poor i am,how much despite loving this game,i couldn't support it,and how nothing has been done to course correct exept a tone deaf" we added more plat to justify the price"; i feel like sh*t since this moment each time i think about it and how it turned out to not being a celebration but an event that made me feel excluded as never before.
  6. I must add, it does it even on non ragdolled nor cc'ed ennemys ( i observed the same thing as you,and so i always cast magnetize on enemys when they are still untouched by anything,it doesn''t matter and the problem persist even doing it like this ) i often have to re-cast magnetize up to 5 times before the bubble appear,and the energy is consumed despite the bubble not appearing,magnetize should work on any ennemy, ragdolling or not ,cc'ed or not ,there is no reason it shouldn't work, it doesn't make any sense. i also notice that when the bubble finally appear, a lot of non eximus unit just walk trough the bubble and arent pulled toward the center as they should, they also don''t take damage when in the bubble, wich also isn't normal. the faction where it is the most noticeable for me is the infected,i see them just walking casually trough the bubble as if nothing was here. also fracturing crush augment says " enemys are unable to move for 7 seconds" wich is not true, after 3 sec they are allready moving and shooting and the augment for magnetize is supposed to give a passive 45% range to magnetize,but sometime the bubble is only a third of the size it should be,and the duration is also randomly shorter than it is supposed to be ( mine is supposed to be 21 seconds but sometime start with only 5,6 or even 3 seconds of duration when casted,again, this is not normal.
  7. Los is actually ruining a lot of abilitys even if some peoples apparently don't realize yet ...and i say that as a mag main,even magnetize is broken ,sometime i must recast it up to 5 time on non ragdolled ennemys,nor cc'ed just for the bubble to apear,and the energy is consumed even if the bubble didn't appear ,but no,everything is fine .... 😔
  8. Agree,on my kavaat the fur look like plastic now. The new lighting was almost perfect for me using an hdr monitor, but since they "fixed it" after some people complained that it was "too dark" (edit: it was indeed a bit too dark in some areas yes,but the correction is far too much now and) now the lighting is completely broken,everything look bland,too brigh (my monitor normal brightness is 302 nits, i must put it at 265,lower the gama -0.10 and put the contrast in game at 51 to be able to play without eye fatigue) even in zones that are not supposed to receive any direct light but only light bouncing, colors are washed out (and remember i use HDR ),shadows and contact shadows are more inconsistent than ever before,the reflections who got better with the first update are now as before, not really good,and ambient occlusion,even pushed to max doesn't seem to apply everywhere it should be,if i'd knew that the new lighting was about to be COMPLETELY RUINED after the first update i would have took screenshot , just to show how much the result is now far worse since the second time they touched it,i'm honneslty really disapointed, because the game finally looked good and it had and atmosphere that was really pleasing and REALISTIC in the orbiter and now it's worse than before ,add to that all the nerfs and change who wheren't in the updates and hotfixes notes that was an unpleasant surprise after the overpriced heirloom skins which was already hard to swallow,as a mag main i would have loved the opportunity to get the skin but just after christmas i didn't have any money left for that,not enough and even then twas too expensive....and my dear mag who now most of the time fail to cast magnetize ( i sometime must cast it as much as up to 5 time to finally have the bubble apearing on not ragdolling nor cc'd ennemys),and then, non eximus ennemys just pass throug it, are not pulled to the center, dont take any damage doing so, and energy is consumed none the less even if the bubble did not appear) also chaining throw with glaives don't work anymore 80% of the time,making said glaive explode also is now totaly inconsistent and sometime don't hapen multiple time in a row,and don't function at all with anything that is not a dual wielding secondary weapon,the game now crashes regularly when before it wasn't happening more than maybe 3 time a year. i know that i may seem a bit pessimistic, but the sentiment here is that the game is broken on multiple levels and i have the impression that i will never get to experience it as it was just after dante update for the lighting,and just before for the gameplay because of ennemys not being pulled by magnetize/eximus now totaly invulnerable to cc,or even helminth prompt which has been changed and is now completely counter intuitive and annoying instead of the perfect way it was before (esc and confirm) and things like that . it make me sad. i feel ignored,as many others,as i didn't exist even after 2400+ hours put in this game,i will gladly pay and give money and feedback to this game because i love it,but because of all these things i mentionned previously i don't know if i will, and as usual i forgot a lot of things that are also problematic and kinda kill the fun or are too frustrating from time to time,but i think that if only the thing i mentionned could be fixed it will be less depressing and give some hope for the future of the game. i hope the things i wrote here and there does not seem too harsh, because i know that it's a lot of work, and it's hard to work on a game such as warframe,and i don't intend to be overly negative or being toxic, i just want to love this game.
  9. this and the hoover on magazine stat need to be reverted, it's just useless,it doesn't serve any purpose exept maybe annoying the player.
  10. yeah i know but thanks,that's why i said" where it should be ",same boat as you are, it's an important stat but not only that ,they need to revert this, because this is incredibly annoying to hoover on the magazine stat between each damn mod change,i mean how did someone could think it was a good idea is beyond any logic, it only take a couple of minute modding to see that it's a problem, i really don't understand 🤦‍♂️.
  11. Since the change with dante unbound the reload speed have disapeared and it has not being fixed with the last hotfix either,please DE,can you put it back where it should be ? thanks..
  12. Since the last hotfix the light in the orbiter is now too strong on my screen using hdr ( i tried everything available to lower the light,nothing work ),and while i agree that it was a bit too dark in some areas, it was really better in term of how the things where lit in the orbiter,now everything look kinda bland,and some places are so bright when they shouldn't that it look like ambient occlusion and contact shadows are on the lowest level possible,almost not visible.it's easy to overcorrect when adjusting these kind of things,and i hope we got some way of controlling how luminous the GI is so it will convene to everyone whatever the screen . And sorry to be "this guy" ,i know that the team is working hard,and i simply wanted to share my modest opignon on the hotfix.
  13. as a mag main like you,no sadly it is not because of trying to magnetize an already cc ennemi (no pull or anything prior to casting magnetize), i tested solo as well as i often do solo survival,and noticed a lot of strange things happening since the update( my glaive refusing to chain throws,or glaive explosion not hapenning or not dealing damage to all the ennemys in range, things like that),and even discovered why some eximus where litteraly passing trough the mag bubble but not taking damage while inside when they did before (not casted on them they usually did take damage if entering the bubble),it doesn't work all the time now and i guess this is because they killed cc again by making the eximus invulnerable not only to cc but also to damage caused by cc (and they did it silently it was not in the update notes nor the patch note😑, but i could be wrong, the game is now , to say the least ,inconsistent
  14. it's not only breach surge sadly...
  15. "to account for the fact that it was actually quite difficult to land them" ...wait what ?! ?! it was perfect as it was and wasn't difficult at all (well depending of the weapon of course,but i didn't found it to be so difficult i dunno maybe just me) to do,idk where it was said or heard but it was working perfectly and now there are a lot of problems with glaives ,the xoris for exemple does not hit every target in range while exploding since this update,the charge is intrrupted for no reason,we can't throw our glaive while mid air anymore....yuk,i agree with xiao,this update is not good nor needed.
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