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  1. That's my point the switch market will stay intact but I can't use any of the other markets listed. Items/sets I'm looking have a significant higher probability of obtaining from another platform but I cannot buy those with plat as plat cannot go from switch to any other platform. Therefore my question about other markets being for example this set for this set/items.
  2. So based off the FAQ it seems like us Switch players/accounts are getting completely screwed? When platinum is used as the main currency in trading, how is a Tenno supposed to trade with another platform for Prime Sets, Arcanes, Liches/Sisters, etc. when the sale price in the market is Platinum? For example, if I wanted to buy the Glaive Prime Set, as a Switch player I'd have to find someone willing to trade it for another Prime Set or something else I cannot buy it for Platinum from another platform in trade. Why is Switch getting the shaft? Are there plans of making a secondary market for Switch players of a this for that kind of thing since we're not allowed to trade for platinum in either direction?
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