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Posts posted by fartloud

  1. It is quite upsetting that for a new player enjoyment is constantly hindered by lack of slots... while for a veteran like me the concerns about slots are totally unexistant. I have enough frame slots untill 2019 and i could buy dozens if i really wanted.

    I am pretty sure some balance could be put in place.

    Also its silly how often you find out that you sold a weapon that was supposed to be a component for a weapon. Or they release a weapon that requires a weapon you deleted a year ago because it was 'MR fodder'. Well, why did i delete that weapon? Probably because i needed weapon slots.


    On the same note, leveling MR is a bit underwhelming. What was the max rank rivens again? 16 or whatever? Then what am i really getting out of MR after that? Im slowly working towards 23rd and i have no clue.

    I mean MR is a good indication of how much content you have 'mastered' and its the only indication of that, but at this point i meet plenty of lower MR players who are better equipped to deal with lets say eidolons. There is no way of knowing how well equipped to deal with content people are. Sure you can always speculate that for the most part ~MR8 players hardly know anything. But could you guess that i am totally underequipped to deal with eidolons at MR22? No you couldnt.

    I know the topic of MR is quite different one, but i feel like it related to general progression of the game and overall its quite messy.

  2. i wouldnt mind some interactivity tbh. I play Ash basically 90% of the time for a couple of months now. Its amazing frame and i can often surprise people just how effective it can be without it just being 'press 4 to win'. Bladestorm can be super effective ability, sometimes a bit too effective, while in other cases you just wish you have had some sort of utility. Sure it disables enemies somewhat, but... overall its rather plain. Synergy with other abilities is also pretty questionable. As a sidenote energy color doesnt affect anything for it.

    DE's reworks are a bit on the lazier side. Ember's 4 is the same. They hate that its 'turn on and forget' ability, but all they did was reduce the range. Now that didnt really fix the issue with the ability. Lack of interactivity.

  3. everyone seems to be upvoting this just because kuva farming is tedious right now. endless kuva should more or less fix it.

    other thing is that... well...

    normal extractor has a CHANCE of getting lets say orokin cells. how often are you getting them exactly? not insanely often i suspect. now kuva is obviously made to be a scarce resource, then it would make sense that there is a CHANCE of getting it. you cant just have extractor doing one thing. well i mean it would be great, but it doesnt fit the design philosophy.

    also if you can get them from extractors then it would make even less sense of getting kuva as a sortie reward.

    then again extractors, login rewards etc are such outdated concepts compared to the rest of the game that it wouldnt make sense to stamp something new on such underdeveloped system.

  4. i dont mind getting trash loot generally, but some loot tables are VERY questionable. i should be receiving different reward for completing a high level mission than killing level 1 grineer in a tutorial. also in most cases there is little incentive to choose a different planet. survival on ceres feels the same in sedna or whatever.

    let each planet have some going for it. i mean its hilarious how long it took for devs to make it possible to get kuva in KUVA fortress rofl. i mean you make an amazing tileset and then make sure there is hardly incentive to even go play in it. i dont know where the problem in dev team is, but that is just one of the silliest things ever.

  5. at this point i think devs are just stubborn. way too many things need a rework and everything has to receive its turn eventually...

    but that is a mixed bag as well since even when they explain their design philosophy it doesnt always translate into the game. example - they remade banshees 4th ability. their reasoning was something along the lines of 'its not much of a horde shooter if you cant see a horde'. so they changed the ability... and sure its not press 4 and go have lunch, but ... basically it goes against their design? :D

    i wouldnt care if they didnt explicitly said what their design is.

    questionable stuff right there. devs are only human.

    same stuff here. no matter what they say about this, it doesnt matter.

    companions need a big rework in general. AI, damage rates, utility etc.

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

    So, Corpus are not fun because they have anti-cheesing mechanics?

    they are not fun because they disabled what most of the game is. lol


    seriously though, i think the mechanics are just boring. a certain ability disable doesnt matter, even though there isnt much lore to support existance of them.

  7. i wouldnt mind if the weapons were actually properly different like gazal machete compared to other machetes or whatever. also cant you use cernos riven on considerably different variations like mutalist, rakta and prime?

    dragon nikana was overlooked. that is the only logical conclusion, idk why would anyone assume its not

  8. What i think is a bit overlooked:

    Wukong is mentioned here often, but he can actually become pretty silly with the iron vault augment. Its a gimmick, but fun. The cloud can be pretty fun if you abuse it as well, especially in some tilesets and mission types. His 4 leaves a lot to be desired though.

    Banshee - generally all her abilities are great. One of not so many frames where all abilities are really damn good. Synergy is questionable though.

    What i find boring myself:

    Octavia.... basically the 'i dont care how good she is' situation for me. Despite the seemingly interactive song mechanics, its just annoying.

    Nekros - no matter how many times they make his minions stand out, they are still annoying and they never do much damage just like any similar interaction in the game. Soulpunch is great, but you dont really use it much either. He needs some synergy going on.

    Gara - i dont know what it is, but her abilities are just not fun. Her 4 is pretty effective, but then you have annoying visual block. Great. Other 3 abilities... blergh.

    Chroma - effective. Abilities are very effective as well. 4th is a mess. Overall hardly any synergy. For a frame that has all the element stuff it isnt even that versatile unless we call a #*!%ing lawnmower ammounts of damage as effective. We can do that, but come on.

    Inaros - despite playing him a lot and enjoying his 4 as a great damage reduction buff... what you are actually doing is use his 1 which works great, but yeah there isnt much more to it than that. His 2nd is questionable. His passive is questionable. Sandstorm can be fun, but even as a CC its questionable. More or less its again effective abilities that hardly synergize.

    Ember - i like how they talk a lot about design philosophy of lack of interactivity and all they do is just reduce range and increase damage.

    Nidus - effective. The casting animation of his flowerstomp makes him feel sluggish. Also lack of builds. You have basically 2. One for missions that last less than a minute and other for those that last longer.

    Operator - regardless of what focus school you choose, what amp you have, the playstyle is always the same. Considering how much its being pushed down our throats its really quite troubling.

    Saryn - its more interactive than when it was just 4 spam, but in such a lawnmower kind of game, you arent really playing around with stacking stuff.

    Vauban - effective 2 abilities. questionable 2 abilities.


    Overall its the same issues - 1 ability frames, abilites being effective, but not synergizing with others etc. Then you look at something like Harrow, now thats some synergy right there.... then again it forces you to basically for a single playstyle that depends on how you play is either effective or not. Still, id rather have a rather different playstyle like that than what some other frames have.



  9. 5 hours ago, Tyrian3k said:

    Strange, I got myself a 2-1-2 Amp without killing a single eidolon, so I'm not exactly sure how you think they are required.:suspicion:

    Joining a random group without the ability to contribute properly is effectively leeching and leeching isn't exactly well received by most people. Shouldn't be a surprise to players if that their teammates won't like it if they come unprepared.

    If you don't have a proper amp yet, you can still queue up for Teralysts, just not the triple hunt. A Teralyst is no problem to take down, even if you don't have great equipment, but I'd really like to see people try killing all three eidolons with a complete non-meta setup with no arcanes, no focus waybounds and only Mote Amps. No, I'm serious, that'd be fun to watch just to see if that kind of thing is actually possible.

    Part of the reason why people even queue up for tridolon hunts without any preparation is likely that none of the rest of the game really needs much in terms of preparation, so eidolons kind of stand out in that regard. Pretty much everything else in Warframe can be summarized as "go in, kill stuff as usual, get loot, leave". If killing as usual doesn't work, you just do this:

      Reveal hidden contents


    That said, I think DE could expand on the ways to earn standing with the Quills a bit and allow players a route aside from killing Vomvalysts like a maniac or killing Teralysts with a Mote Amp so it's not quite as monotonous.

    With the Ostrons you at least have three different options and with the normal syndicates, you're pretty much free to do anything that gives some semblance of affinity.

    Well you do know how you got that amp. Would you say its the most effective and fast way to get one? Plain and simple - no. You are right that there needs to be a better way of earning standing with the quills. Plains in general is just a mash of wasted potential. Why cant incursions be more varied? Why at night there cant be some incursions that benefit the quills rather than the ostriches?

    Leeching comes in every damn part of this game. Im not saying it is great, but its a thing that comes with this game. Killing eidolons is just a bit different due to nature of the game. The fact that you need to use the operator changes things, you need to level up and gear up an entirely different part of the game. It is a bit like archwing, it was pain in the ass, rewards are ass and the whole thing is underdeveloped. With the appearance of operator combat i actually feared that it would meet a simillar fate.

    I think your proposed compromise would be some sort of gating... which i can absolutely agree on. Cant queue for triple eidolons if you havent killed lets say 5 teralysts and havent built an amp. How does that sound? Still sounds a bit leechy, but atleast it would prevent people from attempting what they 100% have no chance of doing and that is taking down the triplets.


    58 minutes ago, beercritch said:

    I would just ask for patience over this relatively new content.


    Ive been playing a while and can hold my own in most circumstances, but I never played raids as this was just about the only content in game where those that could do them had no time for those that couldnt do them. This made learning hard unless you just happened to stumble on someone willing to walk you through.


    Eidolon hunts are getting close to being the new replacement content for sniffy players whose only skill is having better kit so they are able to do more damage. I can do my share on an eidolon hunt, but I dont have a 7 forma riven lanka and it soon becomes apparent that if someone has and can one shot the limbs, its just not worth me even using my good (but not great) vectis prime. This leaves me with a damage between 10 and 20% by and large. I would like to do more and one day that will come, but just because my damage is low it doesnt mean I am not making sure we have lures and keeping the vorms in check, placing volt sheilds etc.


    If its a real problem just dont do pub eidolon hunts, but personally in a perfect world I would hope that we can all learn to get along here. IMHO we need some players who are really good in pubs to make sure the beginners have something to learn from

    damn i really agree on this. for a lot of tougher content you can manage with all sorts of builds, which is great - making use of the diversity that this game provides.

    now i am MR21 and when im trying to find a group for eidolons (i am a bit of an underachiever in terms of eidolon hunting) what im faced with is some MR8s telling me that i need to equip lanka or opticor, chroma etc all that jazz. this is even worse than metaslaving in lower ranked league of legends after people watch a couple of videos of pros playing.

    no my unformad lanka is not going to do more damage than several other weapons with formas.

    with that said, why i am an underachiever? oh yeah. must be that i enjoy melee in this game. spent formas, endo for primed mods etc. i usually deal more than 50% damage in every kind of sortie. welp. USELESS against eidolons. feelsgoodman. and then people wonder why some people dont have the weapons for eidolons.

    whatever way you look at it, eidolon hunting is a bit. off.

  10. If i ignore the oldschool 'time used' profile stat and just use my common sense than these are my top ones:

    Frost Prime - there are some situations where all you really need is the good old Frost.

    Zephyr - getting around fast, flying around, evade bullets. Area lockdown with 4.

    Chroma - used to like him years back for buffing both his toughness and his damage. Hated his 1 and 4. He is effective, but.. bland.

    Inaros - pretty silly tank. I just wish his 2nd ability had something more going for it.

    Ash Prime - i feel like i can adapt to many situations that this game throws at you. Has homing shurikens than can strip armor. Instakill teleport. Clearing tough enemies with Bladestorm.





  11. My points on this:

    • Why is it categorized as 'defense'? Now most of the time people manage to finish missions somehow, but why send people kinda clueless into the mission with idea that its gonna be a simple defense? If its mentioned somewhere in the description, i miss it all the time. Being prepared for everything is good and all, but that just means people will hardly play the specialized one trick frames or builds if they dont know what they are getting into. At the very least, it does have a hint of 'start it up fail and try again with a proper setup' thing going. As if public matchmaking isnt questionable at times already. Maybe it is mentioned in a sortie description, honestly i dont know, but when its alert it definitely has no such description. In my opinion - it is a different mission type that should have its own name. Now i dont want to give any bad ideas of making it a common mission type in planets - with an AI like this it would be a nightmare and people would only play it if they really have to. I mean look at defection.
    • When it gets to a location and never moves - is that working as intended or a bug?
    • If AI is bad, it's movement is a total RNG aaand... you can displace it with Frost's bubble, why not just allow players to control it to some degree? Does it sound abusable? Very much so, but you can already do it.
  12. 55 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

    Well, as some people will tell you, a sex swap is illogical due to the lore. Some frames are actually made for (or after) certain people. Harrow, for instance, was/is the vessel of a person (refer to the "Chains of Harrow" quest for details), other story frames are repeatedly referred to as "him" or "her", also sometimes referring to the people that originally used them. DE would have to rewrite most of the backgrounds of many Warframes, and good bits of general lore, in order for that to make sense in-game.

    Also, we still don't really know what Warframes are really made of. From what we can tell by now, it seems that they actually were living beings used to "grow"/develop the frame.

    I understand the whole "identifying with the frames you use" aspect, but I don't think sex swap should be a thing. Far too much effort, especially because it's not just a skin that has to be made, a lot of new animations have to be made as well. Wouldn't really look right if a female Rhino stood and walked like the male version, and as we know, having DE work on this would divert a lot of workforce off of the next big things.

    i dont think indetification with a frame is even needed, due to them being designed after/for people and as you have said, the material is not that clear (who knows maybe next quest will reveal that). the identification aspect is covered by the second dream quest.


    some skins for weapons or frames dont make the cut due to them braking the lore too much. pretty sure genderbender skins fit that category.


    at the end of the day we already have gender customization.

  13. game is odd in general. im not saying that every frame should be useful for everything, but let this sink in:

    the current end game is eidolons. all valkyr has for it is armor buff. that is more than some other frames can provide.

    then we have a melee problem in general - its useless against eidolons.

    some weapon types are just useless against eidolons, but here you have entire weapon category.

    most of the game revolves around doing stuff over and over so that you get upgrades so you can do all that more efficiently. how does getting a melee arcane help you for example?

    clearly dark sectors cant come soon enough so that maybe we would get a proper use of melee arcanes or melee frames or valkyr's abilities.

    its all tied together really.

  14. 10 hours ago, Baklavah said:

    Not all of your friends/clanmates are readily available at all times, or want to take you "RadSharing".

    forget friends and clanmates. look at recruitment chat right now. most people are going ember/loki farm. this weekend? its gonna be aklex and volt farm. probably for days after that too.

    meanwhile im having trouble finding a group even for such a godly weapon like akbolto. nah gotta haul 50 sets of loki.

  15. getting proper amp requires killing eidolons. they joined to try and kill eidolons.




    consider the game design and why people do what they do first.


    you shouldnt have to check if others have the gear? well why not do this for the rest of the game as well then. clearly doing 50% of the work in sorties in a 4 person squad doesnt sound very equal does it?


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