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Posts posted by -ZeroStar-

  1. 53 minutes ago, DEATHLOK said:

    Yeah. This post has "team player" written all over it.

    I agree that it is a shame how DE empowers idiotic behavior.

    Sorry for helping and teaching.  I've spent dozens of hours teaching new players, helping in streams, etc.  But, please, continue tell me how I'm the bad person here for showing examples of how they empower SOLO play as opposed to TEAM play, or are you also too stupid to grasp the fact that me saying, "Let me do it so you don't screw it up for everyone." helps everyone in that group?  If the only way you can complete something is in solo mode because the player base REFUSES to 'team play', then yes, that makes me a team player and you too stupid to grasp the concept... GG though.  Next time you try and insult someone make sure you know wtf you're even talking about beforehand, yeah?

    I'm almost sorry for agreeing with your point of view...  BUT, you probably didn't understand that I was agreeing with you either.

  2. 700 = New Frame Neuroptics

    800 = New Frame Systems

    900 = New Frame Chassis

    1000 = Sundial Wrist Watch

    1100 = Dragon Wings Syandana - Because why not

    1200 = Prisma Dragon Wings Syandana

    1300 = New Frame BP

    1400 = That one resource you needed to make that New Frame

    1500 = A position at DE, because you've put in more effort than they have!

    1600 = A tophat

    1700 = A lifetime supply of Starburst... Oh wait...

    1800 = Primed Thief's Wit

    1900 = Dual Ether Prime

    2000 = You get to play as The Stalker

    2100 = Warframes version of a Lightsaber *with matching robes

  3. I just end up doing them solo anyways.

    I've literally told people, "I'll do all of them, just stand here and you win." Every single time... They run in, fail, and screw everyone over.

    I say in every single match, "Do NOT even attempt it if you can't do it, just let me do it, you still get rewards for doing nothing." And for the VAST majority of the spy missions... Some idiot fails them, screwing over the group...

    Perhaps, instead of just making it fail the entire group it should just fail that player from attempting that node again... And solo remains the same... That'd solve everything, ESPECIALLY THE IDIOTS WHO JUST RUN IN OVER AND OVER BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO LEARN AND DON'T CARE IF THEY RUIN EVERYONE ELSE'S GAME... They get no punishment, therefore they have no reason not to, DE is just empowering this kind of idiotic behavior by not doing anything about it.

  4. No.  Along with everything added in PoE, I avidly take no part in it.  It's an insanely boring grind all around, won't even touch the bugs.  But seriously, just to get around in Warframe is a lot of key presses.  Movement 2.0 almost causes carpal tunnel, then add in the fact that I USED to have to hold 5 for 2 seconds to get my tree's buff... Now I have to push 5, hold slide, press jump, then press 5 again, every 20ish seconds JUST to keep a buff up that before lasted until the end of the match.  Now, I'm sorry, but not all of us can keep pressing these same exact keys every 20-30 seconds, WITH the 'normal' movement key presses, because that's how they designed it to be... You DESIGNED IT TO BE PAINFUL... WHY?  What is the purpose?  I've been playing video games for the better part of 3 decades and I love Warframe, but if it becomes anymore 'demanding' of my wrists, I will chuck this game forever.  I'm here to play and enjoy a game, not give myself carpal tunnel because my frame is stuck on a lip and won't jump over it or grab onto it anymore!!

    So yeah, no, the 'operator battle' and buff things add nothing to the game but physical pain for me.  Seriously, if the next update is about pressing 5 different keys to get a different buff or to fight as the operator inside the operator inside the warframe, then I'm just done.  I absolutely love this game, but I'll move to something else and give them my money if it means less pain from having to push/hold 4-5 keys just to do one maneuver.  God forbid you actually put in a Sprint Toggle to save ALL OF US, INCLUDING YOURSELVES, extremely unnecessary pain/fatigue in the hands and wrists... Laziness has a time and place, it's been YEARS, fix it already guys/gals.

  5. As to the 

    1. Ammo/Energy economy

    They could EASILY put it a slide bar that you can adjust to NOT vacuum up energy/ammo unless you're missing at least X amount.  For energy, I'd set mine so that it NEVER vacuums energy orbs unless I'm missing a minimum of 25 energy.  Just make it a slider from missing 1 - 100 energy and you'd please every single person who plays Warframe now and into the future.  Could do the same with ammo, but since ammo types and rounds vary so drastically just make it a %, and done.

    You can keep your doggies and kitties, as much as I'd -LOVE- to use my Smeeta Kavat, I'd stick to my Carrier Prime. Why?  Kubrows/Kavats get stuck in doorways, their AI is stupid stupid, BUT at least you can revive them.

    AND lastly, ANYONE that has ANY other argument against it, give the option to Turn Off Universal Vacuum, and done.  

    Universal Vacuum is something that WILL BE NEEDED IN THE FUTURE and frees up a LOT of anger, confusion, and wtf moments later down the line.  If you remove it from being one type of pet, you don't lock out so many issues that WILL arise in the future.  This change should happen before it's too late and something else breaks...  Not to mention stuff gets stuck and vacuum sucks it right up, no more missing loot!  WHY THE F WOULD YOU NOT WANT THAT?!

    There you go DE.  Make it happen already please.  Took me all of 10 seconds of critical thinking to come up with that, c'mon now!

  6. 1 hour ago, ZepBladez said:

    I think that most of PoE is amazing. The world is beautiful. The idea of an open landscape is done very well. Bounties are a lot more fun to run than most grinding missions. And man do I love me some fishing. The main problem for me is that moving around this giant over world becomes more painful, expensive, and difficult than walking with the addition of such poorly thought out Archwing implementation. 

    It is pretty, but functionality matters more than pretty.  I've only had 2 out of 17 bounties not bug out, so I'd take grinding over getting nothing any day.  Fishing, imo, is okay at best.  Takes too long in between, forced grind, etc.  The thing about having an open world is being able to traverse it quickly, or quicker than walking.  Hence mounts in every single mmo that I can think of, from horses to dragons to 4 wheelers.  And they all functioned properly AND were infinite use.  But yes, it is pretty, but you can hardly seen enemies anywhere because the 'grass' is too big, you can barely see while fishing because of glare alone and at night near nothing, making a dependence upon dyes and bait, which you can only get... BY FISHING... horrible grind loop that is going to burn itself out WAY too quickly to be any long-term fun, just my opinion though.

  7. I've been screaming about getting a 'report player for griefing' button put in since forever.  They apparently don't care if you're being griefed or want you to report it under the harassment button.  If they don't care about you being griefed, they're just empowering people to grief others because there's no penalty for it.  Intentionally going afk is griefing, it and SO many more things fall under that category, I just WISH they would add it in already, I'm sick of ignoring people and just hoping that I don't get teamed up with them.  


    PSS, put in a 'LET ME HOST' button and a 'DO NOT LET ME HOST' button, so we can avoid much of this grief too!

  8. I just can't do PoE anymore.  I've tried and tried.  17 bounty attempts, only 2 were even able to be completed, the rest bugged out.  I just can't do it anymore.  I haven't even attempted to do an Eidolon because I don't see a point, so beyond fishing and mining, there's nothing offered to me in PoE.  And I haven't even gone up in rank, because waiting 5min for one fish to spawn or spinning my mouse in a circle to 'mine' isn't really thrilling guys... I won't even go into the unavoidable insane lag of Cetus, which serves no purpose btw (as opposed to it being instanced by only me or just 10 others, I don't need 100 other people around me for no other reason than to lag me... We can still chat and not be lagging each other for no reason!)...

  9. You just flat out spend more time getting materials than you do using the finished product... It's a gigantic waste of time.  How could they NOT have seen this?  Every single person looked at it and went, "Wait, what?!".  So, I cannot understand how it wasn't intentional.  If it was, then sorry DE, I'm out, I'll find a new game to play and give my money to.  If it wasn't intentional, then I have to question ALL of them and their critical thinking skills... 

  10. Could we PLEASE get a vaulted icon or a (V), or ANYTHING on relics, BPs, and parts to signify that they are currently Vaulted?  Trying to keep track of it or constantly using a 3rd party site is just ridiculous. An in-game representation isn't asking for a lot and would help out everyone.  Also, could we get an actual number next to relics possible rewards?  I love that it has a little bar to show me, but having the actual number would be more helpful than a SMALL bar representation.  I know refining it increases the chances, but a small bar isn't really showing useful information compared to an actual number.

    For Relics, I mean c'mon.  You give us like 10 seconds to choose a new relic during void fissure matches to choose a new relic, you show us what items we get from it, so I don't understand why there isn't any representation of whether or not it's vaulted.  And it's ridiculous to expect anyone, including DE, to remember exactly all relics currently vaulted and un-vaulted.  Much less returning players.  They may only have 1 or 2 new ones, but 30+ of something that's vaulted, not realizing they're wasting them, because there's no way to distinguish them from one another...

    Again, it's not NEEDED, but neither are running shoes.  It's just a QoL improvement that would help every single player, new, old, returning, even DE, and not hurt or hinder anything else.

  11. Yeah, I thought he dropped something with a chance to drop a BP.  I always tell the group, "My stalker is coming to give us free stuff.  And by free stuff, I mean another Dread BP!"

    But, these past 4 times, nothing, not a thing, just an annoyance.  As in I don't see why we would even stop to kill him, just like Juggernaut.  There's just no point, it's a waste of time...  Kinda sad.

  12. The past 4 times, 1 being his target, I've killed Stalker, he has not dropped any loot.  None.  Not even a Dread BP #857.  Just nothing.  Not even credits, we kill him, he disappears.  And yes, all 4 were successful kills.

    Is there something I'm not aware of or is this a bug?

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