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Posts posted by -ZeroStar-

  1. Title.  Would really love to see this finally added in.  As the game keeps going it's just becoming more and more aggravating having corpses, friendlies, and other players block shots, although unintentionally.  It also pushes players to use more AoE weapons, just because of that fact.  Yes, I understand, stealth kills, amp kills, desecrate, etc do dissolve bodies, but that doesn't help with friendlies at all.  It just seems there isn't a reason for it to be in the game anymore, it's only hindering gameplay for everyone.  I could, possibly, understand trying to grasp 'realism' but I mean c'mon...

    Now, I wanna be clear, I'm not asking for an innate punch-through for all weapons.  ONLY with dead enemies and friendlies.  Shot blocking for certain weapons, but not all, is just stupid imo.

  2. I absolutely HATE the entire idea of Eidolons.  I outright refuse to hunt them, ever.  If that means that's the end of Warframe for me, so be it.  It's a beyond stupid idea, as well as the Operator combat idea...  The vast majority of their 'new' ideas that they've been implementing are just horrible.  Operator combat, Rivens, Eidolons, locking unvaulted relics to bounty rewards, forced to fish, forced to mine, forced to farm wisps, limiting Eidolon 'hunting' to about 5 frames, amps and that idiotic rep grind too, focus grinding, Archwing, 400m sniper rifles while enemies disappear at 150m, the entire 'look at these fantastic beam weapons changes, then it gets 'fixed' a day later, the Ember 'fix', etc... IMHO, ALL of these things have been a downward spiral of crap for Warframe.  The fact that they keep putting them out there, putting a band-aid on it, not actually addressing the major issues, and 'fixing' things that don't need fixing and actually making things FAR worse.  I'm sorry, but these have ALL been very shortsighted, unplanned, and horribly executed ideas/'fixes'.

    I mean seriously, depending on Damage 3.0, I might shelve the game permanently if these terrible ideas keep getting implemented...  I really do love playing this game, but they're cutting out the good parts and adding in horribly broken things that no one really enjoys anyways...  This downhill crap needs to starting going uphill real quick or you're going to keep bleeding veterans and whales like myself to new players that drop it quickly and are in NO WAY going to give the amounts of money/support that we have...

  3. I'm sorry, but as a whale, if you keep these Ember WoF changes, I'm leaving the game for good.  You already can't use her in high level content damage wise because of scaling armor, CC wise because near everyone has an equally good if not better CC without even having to use an augment... So you're taking Ember from not being able to do nearly any end-game content to not being able to do any end-game content at all... For what reason?  I won't even go into how squishy she already is and you're just taking away her only defenses?  And you expect people to play that?  Really?  In what context is Ember useful with those current changes... I SERIOUSLY want to know, because I see none...

    IMO, Ember is fine as she is, her 1 and 3 do need tweaking or new abilities, and her passive needs to be, well, something beyond completely useless at all times.  People use WoF for the same reasons they use Banshee's Quake... It's efficient.  Now, let's say you nerf both of them so that they're no longer the most efficient... So then nearly everyone switches to Maim Equinox builds, because why? EFFICIENCY!!  I'm sorry DE, but your game is about farming, your players are going to find the MOST efficient way to do something and do it that way, you can keep nerfing and nerfing it, until people say F it and no longer play or you can find some sort of balance.  Now, nerfing a frame like Ember into the ground is NOT balance in any shape or form.  Same with Banshee, ALL you're doing is making it so people toss out the augment for more range... That doesn't solve the problem in the least and only infuriates paying customers...  I mean if it's too overpowered, yes it deserves a nerf, but these changes are just too drastic!!

    People are playing this frame because it's the most efficient, so you nerf it.  They'll go to the next most efficient...

    At the VERY LEAST all I'm asking here is that you DO NOT put a horrible HORRIBLE system in like Rivens currently are to COMPLETELY AVOID balance of ANY kind instead of ACTUALLY tweaking numbers to make weapons viable.  Yes, no matter what there IS going to be a best and worst weapon, that's unavoidable.  However, NO ONE is using good rivens on 'bad' weapons... They just aren't, the math even says it's not worth it...

    And lastly, the amount of farming that needs to be done for things like focus... You took a LOT off of that grind because it would have taken literal years to finish (with the most efficient frames farming EVERY DAY), yet you don't see why nerfing the most efficient farming frames will have the EXACT same effect on players, playstyle, and your bottom line???  Really guys?  C'mon now!! 

    I understand balance needs to be achieved, but you're not buffing anything, you're just nerfing frames and worsening playablility while keeping the rest of the content the same... That's not a game people are going to enjoy playing!!

    PS, AMAZING that the Ember nerfs are coming RIGHT as Ember is being unvaulted, when her price before you announced it was around 800 Plat... Now she's near worthless (IF you keep these changes), GG... I can't think of a better way to piss off customers, unless you're EA that is!

  4. Nidus Larva (2) bugs.

    • Larva grabs enemies without pulling them in
    • Enemies caught by Larva are not CC'd in any way and continue to attack
    • Enemies caught by Larva that are effected by the 'Corrupted Immunity'/Fissures before or during the Larva pull are not CC'd (Taking Bombard missiles to the face is not fun)
    • Larva remains in place and waits for timer to end with no mobs attached in it or that it has grabbed

    Just tried to do a Neo Mot Survival run and it was PAINFUL to play as Nidus... Larva is near non-usable atm.  Larva CC is relied upon HEAVILY by all.

  5. For me it's the EXACT same as the previous bug last year.  Here's a vid of what it was last year, exact same thing is happening to me.  It just stops working randomly.  ESPECIALLY while the reticle is at its smallest, it RARELY seems to hit targets or go off at all.


  6. @[DE]erichdigital  It was happening with all frames/loadouts.  After messing around with all of my 'newer' decorations...  FINALLY fixed it!!  I had fiddled around with my Articula before, thinking it was them, I had read a post about it, but it still made the sound.  I removed them all, reloaded the game, and didn't hear it anymore!  It was apparently my Excalibur Articula with nothing but a Nikana Prime equipped.  Took me a bit to figure that one out, but I did!  A workaround for now was just to equip a different weapon, such as a glaive, I went with a Galatine Prime with a Dominion Skin!

    Who knew something so fabulous could be such an annoyance!

    PS, the Equinox skin still seems to be very glitchy on the oribter/navigation menu and on the Articula.


  7. 1 hour ago, polarity said:


    But only if the last two options are disabled until you can consistently pass a hardware/bandwidth/packet loss check, which will be repeated on a regular basis, to prevent griefers from abusing it.

    Yes, exactly.  The current system, to which you can set your 'ping limit' to 100, to almost always connect with someone with a good connection, never seems to work correctly.  I still get stuck with people and get a 1.5k ping.  I'm really not sure what DE thinks you're supposed to be able to do at that point.  But, YES very much I'd be happy to have a check, on log-in from the launcher, to do a test ping, to make sure you're eligible to tick that "I always want to host" box!

  8. I'm sure everyone would agree that a bad host/connection is not good for anyone.  I would like to suggest the following options.  Check one box as your preferred public game option before starting a match, only need to select it once, can change any time though in options. 

    • I never want to host
    • I prefer not to host
    • I prefer to host
    • I only want to host

    These four options being:
    I never want to host, will continue to search for a game until a host is found. (For people with horrible connections that don't want others to suffer because of it)
    I prefer not to host, will continue to search for a game, for X (longer) amount of time, adjustable in options, then create a hosted game. (For people with a bad connection)
    I prefer to host, will search for a game, for X (shorter) amount of time, also adjustable in options, then create a hosted game. (For people with a good connection)
    I only want to host, will create a hosted game immediately. (For people with a great connection)

    Like all my suggestions, just more QoL that will GREATLY improve the game overall for everyone.

  9. 14 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    I clearly had no idea of many of the things you clarified in your last post (which could be added in the op along your proposal to solve it, preventing confusions like mine and make your thread more constructive since, looking at it right now, it looks more like a rant than actual feedback)

    But now after seeing your proposed fix, I entirely agree, probably blurring the background and keeping only the warframe and the hacking terminal could be a good start since there are many colorblind players who may have issues seeing some other colors in it.

    Said that, I'd like to apologize for taking things in the worst possible way in my previous post.

    I apologize on my part too.  I wasn't clear in what needed to be changed, I honestly thought it was thoroughly apparent, which is my bad.  I didn't purpose a fix because there are 1000 ways in which to make it so much better, and honestly whichever is easiest for them to do, that makes it better for everyone, I'd rather they do than just my suggestions.  I didn't mean any confusion by it and I probably will go and edit it for clarification, again I thought it was very apparent, it really is to my eyes.  Not really any other part of the game, that I can think of at least, where the colors are like this for no reason. 

    Just really bugs me that with the lag of the spacebar, not being able to hit it twice in quick succession, lag on the host side *even when solo*, that the last thing we need is to not be able to at least see what we're supposed to be doing clearly.

  10. 2 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Do you realize that this argument can be used both ways? Making a change like what you're proposing could make things harder to see for other players. I wouldn't mind if any change was done giving us the possibility to keep it in it's current state, but calling for a change for everyone just because you don't think something is right may not have a good reception from people on the other side.

    Sorry, you can test the colors yourself  if you'd like.  The same yellow colors are used on top of the exact same colors.  It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of how human eyes work.  Explain to me how making it easier to see, makes it harder to see...?  Me calling for a change that benefits everyone is not making it harder because of an opinion I hold that is factually true... It's like arguing against speed limits because you want to drive fast, it's not an argument that can be used both ways, much less only ONE way benefits everyone...

    On the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue scale that measures your eyes ability to see color the scale goes from 0-100.  0 being all color and 100 being completely grayscale.  I am a 0, my fiance is a 100.  We've been both been used by many software developing companies as testers, JUST for visuals in color.   Both he and I have trouble seeing through this, because of the exact same colors being used in the foreground, background, and middleground with varying animations all at once.  He is not even able to play the game because of the color usage, even though he wants to.  So, if BOTH ends of the scale that measures color are saying, "It's difficult to see." How is changing it going to be bad for anyone if it only makes it easier to see according to reality?  Especially when ALL DE would have to do would be to blur the background or change the color of the hacking terminal... Very minor changes that benefit everyone.  There's no argument against it.  I fully understand wanting it to be difficult.  Between lagging on the host side, and the broken timers with the spacebar already existing, it's already difficult, making it so you cannot even see the colors properly is just, well, stupid. I mean seriously, there's not a single example of it being made easier for a 0 or 100 sight, that doesn't benefit everyone and make it easier to see.  Because, as you may not know, sight is a very big part in video games...   Sorry if making a suggestion that benefits everyone somehow offends you in some manner, or that you think there's an argument against being able to see objectives easier somehow doesn't benefit you or anyone else playing the game, especially considering there's no point in not fixing it...

  11. 6 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    I can see it perfectly fine. I never have any issues at all hacking them.

    It’s so easy to see, I cannot even see what your complaint is.

    Anecdotal evidence is a logical fallacy and not a reason, much less a good one, for changes not to be made that benefit everyone.  Just because it's perfect for you doesn't mean it's perfect for everyone else, especially DE.  Even if it were changed to make it 'easier' for other players it wouldn't effect you, so I'm able to understand what your complaint is...

  12. 8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)MerlyBR said:

    Sir i am sorry but...you´re blind

    No, I'm a tetrachromat.  I can see all colors the human eye is capable of seeing.  However, that doesn't matter to the fact that our monitors can't display the entire spectrum that I am able see.  Still, no reason why putting 5 different yellow hues on top of each other when there are literally millions of options. 

  13. Am I seriously supposed to see through all this?



    I keep messing with my settings and I CANNOT get it any better.  Can we PLEASE get an update on this?  I understand it's supposed to be difficult, but not being able to see it is just beyond stupid.

    EDIT: The same 5 or so yellow hues are being used in the background, foreground, and middleground, all with varying moving graphics, making it very difficult to differentiate.  Along with the spacebar lag, not being able to input a command quickly one after another, lag, missing the one you want to hit while SPAMMING the spacebar, the LAST thing we need is for all the colors to mesh together creating even more confusion on something already difficult. Simply blurring the background and middleground, changing the colors used, etc etc could make it 100x easier and it's an extremely easy and fast fix!

  14. It's only been happening the past few days, I at first thought it was one of the new decorations I had put there, but it's not.  I hear a sword unsheathe, 2 swipes, then sheathed again.  It replays every other second too, as if it's on repeat.  Can only hear it on my ship next to the Navigation console, between there and the Codex...  (Where I had placed one of the new dog beds and all the toys) I've removed all my decorations from there, still hear it.  I've run a Verify and Optimize.  Everything else is running perfectly, just that odd sound!

  15. Title.  It's odd enough navigating the market as is, but putting in a 'Recently Added' / 'Newest Additions' 'Fresh From The Basement' etc tab.  And/or having tabs of each patch as well, so we can click the latest patch and see what items were added, or a previous patch and the items that were added then are also under that category.

  16. Title.  Can we PLEASE remove it from the sortie list already?  It has not worked once successfully for me since it was put in.  Can we please PLEASE just take it out of the game until it's working correctly??  It offers NOTHING, besides vexing the community to a new level, to the game or players in its current condition... 

  17. This year for Tennobaum, send me anything!!  I've never received anything for Tennobaum before, so it'd be quite nice to get something this year!  Yes, SEND ANYTHING!

    Here's my actual list

    • Saryn Deluxe Skin Collection
    • Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection
    • Banshee Soprana Collection
    • Oberon Feyarch Collection
    • Winter Glyph Pack
    • Any 30 Day Booster
    • Any Noggle
    • Anything else you're willing to give or anything else on my wishlist in-game


      Thank you @Ssapdra for the Weapon Slots!! <3 !  Thank you for my first ever Tennobaum gift in 4 years!!
      Thank you @Gilmaesh for the Wukong Noggle!!  My first one ever!
      Thank you @Arachnid-Scorpiones for the Polymer Bundle Decoration lol!
      Thank you @Bob_the_Round for the Orokin Cell Decoration!!
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