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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. In a world where people and gamers feel entitled to things, I would like to take the time to offer a thanks to the people who have brought us a very high quality game for the very high price of FREE! I'm a (very old) college student, that really loves things to escape from the pressures of the world, and this game is the best thing to happen for me in a very long time. I would gladly pay a lot of money if this were a pay to play game or a retail game, but it is not. The only thing I can really do to show my support is to either become a founder or buy platinum, I picked the founder option, mainly because of the really cheap platinum, but also because you get a free Warframe and weapons with a bit of a boost. Not only do we get all mentioned items, but a chance to voice how the game should be shaped in the future. this brings me to the best part of this game and the DE team, we all feel like we are in the loop with the live casts and the continued support in chat and when issues arise, I have never felt like a game company cared as much as the DE team does about making this game for the people playing it, and for this I want to say thank you.



  2. I love the idea of a shield, but they would have change a ton for the block to work with a shield. I was thinking something that could fit into the game as it stands. What about a katana set with a sheath, you can hold the sheath in the left hand and draw it with the right. You can block and hit with the sheath and when switched to other weapons it looks bad*** on your back. A lot of movies have the idea of using the sheath in combat, and to be honest not many swords and junk just stick to your back, unless you really need a bath!

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