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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Kyrkitao, I'm sure he/she had very good reasons to tell me to stop and you are probably 100% right, but the post isn't about the why of it, it is about he/she didn't offer the why. There could be a million reasons and all perfectly valid, but if you only say "don't" and not offer the why, we can only guess.

  2. Recently, I was in a group playing Kappa with three others and someone told me to "Stop using chaos!" I know they told this to me as I was the only Nyx in the group. I will not name or call the other person out, because that is not what this post is about. What it is about is how to handle that so if anyone wants someone else to do something (like stop using a power) they will know how better to get another person to listen.


    Nyx in my mind is a perfect control type character and chaos is my bread and butter with that character any time I want the field or a big group of mobs to stay off of the team or myself I cast chaos and we pick them off, much like Vauban Bastille move. In fact, I have tried to solo defense missions with Nyx lately, with nothing more than an over powered Boltor, Acrid, and Nyx. So, when someone tells me not to use a power I truly love, on a mission that I feel it works (for me) perfectly, I think to myself "Go F*** yourself, guy/girl" Which is not the response he/she was looking for.


    If he/she would have explained "Don't use chaos, because it is messing up my setup I have going over here." Then I understand the reason my power is negatively affecting the field. The difference is huge, "Stop using Chaos!" or "Stop using chaos because ..." Though you feel like you don't have the time to type and explain the why, believe me,  you do. I have seen people chat through whole matches with clan mates or friends, so you have time to explain why you would like someone to do or not do something, you have plenty of time.


    This isn't a lesson on manners, but it is a lesson on a simple change of attitude toward every person you meet in any game. Offer the why and anyone and everyone will see your point clearly and usually see why doing something or not will not only help you, but ultimately help themselves and the team. "The reason why is everything" and that holds true in this example beautifully. If anyone has other ways to get someone to listen or offer help on this issue please expand this topic. We are a small community at the moment and any help relating better with one another is appreciated.

  3. pretty sure DE will be taking their OWN advice of the founders packages and when they will end them!

    Will they?! So, it was to end how long ago? The date was set to end and then changed and now has no end date. They like the money it is bringing in, which in understandable, but a founders program can't go forever. They should find a new program that offers extra stuff to lure players into buying higher amounts of platinum,(most will spend $10-$20) and I am offering a solution, If you feel this is a poor solution feel free to offer your own. I spoke with Rebecca about this and tried to chat with Steve, I thought instead of going one by one with the DE team I would post it here and let them and players see and maybe add their own ideas so maybe we can come up with something that we all can live with.

  4. The Founders has been great for both players and the Devs. It has let us as players give money to support a great game, but also allows us a few extra goodies. The program has gone on far too long. We need to look past this program and start thinking of others, if some like the founders program goes too long it loses it special feeling of that group.


    My idea for a future program to give the same type of benefits for both players and devs. I was thinking a treasure hunter type program. Same type of benefits as the founders just in another way.


    First tier at $50.00 whatever platinum amount works here and a mod that gives a 5% chance for rare drops that you place in your sentinel. (no upgrading 5% is enough)


    Second tier at $75.00 still whatever platinum fits at this level. mod that shows ALL loot on the field (lockers, barrels, and drops)


    Third tier at $100.00 three new skins for weapons or frames that give the prime look but no benefit (a little bling)


    Last tier at $150.00 a new sentinel that has two extra slots for the two new mods or has the loot mod built in, plus of course all the other tier benefits as well. Maybe a title or avatar for the forums for this final level as well.


    Remember this is only add-on items to promote platinum sales to keep money flowing so the game can improve and grow.

  5. The controller is all I use and it is worthless for wall run as you can't wall run and aim and shoot, before anyone jumps in and says you can turn that off... well it doesn't work (I fall right off the wall if I let go.) So this makes it tough to do any kind of wall run challenge (which is why after all this time I'm still level 7) and the secret areas of the void are all but unknown to me.

    This would not be a problem, but since you just said you were taking this to PS4, it becomes a HUGE problem. If controllers do not do what you can with keyboard and mouse, you better sit down and really work this problem out. Now finally after all this time the people who have been asking for you to look at controllers again may get their wish.

  6. So basically OP is asking to be allowed to get/use a clan content without being in a clan... ?



    (Fry was perfect for this comment by the way)

    Reading the entire thread has never hurt a soul i promise. I have never said or expressed that I want what clans have now or what they will get in future. In fact I hope their clan buildings are huge and full of wonders. I do NOT want a game that is a single player game with the ability to group (in very small groups) to work as a MMO style guild or clan would, that seems like they are missing the point of this type of game.

    It is a great PUG game and a blast as single player or and the best with friends, it fits, it is just perfect for that. Then they say you can never reach the potential of your guns and in fact your frames if you play the game the way it is built, we will tack on this MMO feature that really has nothing to do with this style of game, but more for social reasons and MAKE you join to get research for your guns and frames and if you want to do this with your friends and work really hard at it you may get it in a year! Are you kidding!

    So, no, I do not want what the clan/guilds are getting, as a matter of fact I never want any part of this. I hate grinding and farming for materials in MMO's, why on god's green earth would I put myself or friends through that in a single player-small group game. They (the devs) are confused on what they want this game to be, they made a fantastic single player game with some social elements and now they are thinking bigger,which is great, but I just want them not to go down a path that will drive off more people than it will please. Clans are great for those people that want  them and hell for those who don't, and a single player game should never go there just for the sake of doing so and then forcing clans on it's single player base, there is a reason we play single player games. If this was a MMO and we were having this debate, I would be on a losing side of this thing, but we are talking a single player-small group based game and clans are NOT required for my playing so why should they be for my upgrading, it is a plain and simple BAD MOVE on the devs part. Really think about it.

  7. I am in agreement that you should not be forced into a clan in order to aquire everything the game has to offer. For other MMO's with crafting guilds that is commonly an optional thing, you can still aquire everything solo but being in a guild speeds up the process. The possible problem is that if they focus on larger clans then it would be relatively impossible for smaller ones to aquire their content without working at it for months at a time. I do not care about working this long at something digital, binary, and essentially non-existant. I would rather work more hours at my real job and get more money so that I could aquire a better car or something. Warframe is a leisure, not a chore.


    Personally, I do not like joining huge clans because of how often problems arise in huge clans. Indeed there may be some purely for crafting, however I am the owner of a clan that my friends and I prefer to be in more or less exclusively. Often we will even just go out and do something instead of sit and play Warframe. Basicly I am stating that I get enough socialization outside of Warframe and do not need any clan outside of my own to compensate for that.

    Plain and simple, there are people who just don't want to be in a huge clan for whatever reason. They should not be restricted in game content (even having to work a few months for it) just because they are not in a large clan.

    A relatively good suggestion to solve the problem would be that rooms such as the research lab or other important rooms for which to aquire more in game content should cost less reasources than rooms for aesthetic. Perhaps also restrict the amount of research that can be done in one lab so that larger clans would need to build more of them.

    Otherwise there will be a gap of people with all kinds of crap, and people with nothing who will become frustrated because they do not wish to join a huge clan. This could potentially result in a loss of players. I know I would drop out of Warframe myself if this became an issue. Once again I find Warframe a leisure, I honestly prefer a smaller group of friends rather than being in a clan with 50+ people I don't even know, and I do not desire to work a job on Warframe when I already work a job in reality.

    My Hero!

  8. Most MMO's give you some kind of benefit to joining a guild/clan.  Obviously, every mmo handles it differently, but the fact is, if there is no reason to join a clan, most will not.  Especially since this game only supports 4 man teams at the moment.  And the way I see it, there's nothing stopping people who'd rather play solo, from joining a clan, getting whatever Clan weapons they want to get, then quitting said clan if they decide they don't want to stay.

    Most clans that put the time in to researching and getting said upgrades normally are not the ones that people just can join for a day get the rewards and quit. The type of clan that will openly recruit whomever are not the type to have the members that will work hard and pool resources to make these types of moves forward. But, maybe you are right and we can all ninja upgrade and abandon these clans after we're done.

  9. It sounds like you fear scheduled play, not playing with other people. Not every clan is going to force you to do these things to be a part of the clan. There is no reason you can't join a small clan with a few like-minded people and feel no pressure to contribute more than you want. I know I don't tell everyone in my clan how to live and I can't have the only clan that does so. If you can't find a clan to join then why not make one and invite some of the PUGs you enjoy running with?


    I can't fathom a person arguing for a multiplayer game to have fewer community/multiplayer aspects. The dojo system seems very ambitious and should be a very interesting addition to Warframe.

    Excitonex, thank you for your view on this issue, but I feel you are missing the point just a bit. It's not that the post is about having less multi-player or community anything or even not have clan expansion. In fact, I'm all for this expansion and any other clan based one they put out. The problem that is being discussed is, why MAKE people join a clan to get upgrades or even research the upgrade for weapons or frames? Forcing people to join a group to get the full potential from their weapons or frames is just such a bad idea for a single player game with option to group aspects, they would be driving away their casual base and lets face it, once the casual player goes the only ones left are a small group of hardcores that have their clans they play with and don't do pick-ups or random groups anyway.


    So to put the fine point on this I would say "power to the clan updates, just be careful what type of material you are denying the rest of us."

  10. Thanks everyone so far for the great comments on either side of this topic. I love the different views on this issue with a bit good nature, and intelligent posters, thanks again!

  11. Mediave, Thanks for the comment, but I did watch the stream and that where this feeling of dread is coming from. When I heard about the clan update coming for update 8, I was happy for the clan guys (the people in a clan) I never thought it would be a forced thing for us all if we wanted to get the high tier stuff unlocked someday!

  12. In the MMO world of gaming clans and guilds make sense, we need them for doing the big raid bosses and it helps people stay social and trade their crafts instead of selling them to npc's. As for Warframe it s a great idea for those who want that experience in a single player game with some social elements, but it should not be a forced issue. We should not HAVE to get a clan to "discover" new weapons or crafting to allow us to mod our weapons and frames, this is going to drive some people away from the game. This is a personal opinion and it is a view that I have, is there science behind this and do I have proof this is terrible? No, I just think that forcing a clan structure on people, many who play this as a casual game for limited amount of time would be better off having a private as well as public dojo, where we select few who do not belong to a clan, maybe Dev ran dojo or a small simply no frills public place for people to do the same type of things the larger private ones do if they are for upgrading.


    This is starting to become a bit us and them already and hasn't even left beta, us and them because of the exclusive items either bought or through one time events. The Devs need to start thinking inclusive A LOT more than exclusive or they will see a game that shrinks instead of grows for them. I already have lost much interest in playing from both missing the events and now hearing the news of forced clans. Again only my views and opinions... flame on.

  13. They should also change Ash's teleport into a teleport behind/invis so you can backstab. Since they said they were making shurikens and throwing knifes, they should change his to a auto aim and hit the closest enemy to him.

  14. Here is the official word from the DE team "It should not be possible to click and receive a log-in reward." I was told if anyone can reproduce the effect of how they are doing as claimed clicking a reward to PM one of them and explain to them how you are doing it. In other words if it is happening it's a bug.

  15. Sad part is I now have DEScinbed involved in this mess, he says that he will go straight to the horses mouth on this one tomorrow and come back with an official answer, we can all once and for all put this terrible mess behind us and all hate each other on a different board.

  16. You guys are lucky I don't even see anything else beside ammo boxes and health packs. So I would only be able to click on boxes >< Preferably which holds 0 ammo.

    This is why I really hope this is proven true, those blasted ammo boxes need to be stopped. But, we are having a real hard time proving either way, but we are getting closer to the truth.

  17. I'd like to see a video of people repeatedly getting the reward they click on. And by 'click on' I mean click just one time, on the one thing they want. Every day over a week. That'd put this whole thing to rest very quickly I'm pretty sure.

    Yeah, I didn't know this was such an unknown. I thought it would be a for sure Yes or No, but no one can really confirm or deny this (other than Wiki, and no thank you to that as proof) I am still holding a hope in the bottom of my soul this is real, because those ammo boxes really need to stop!

  18. Clicking it works. Today, I clicked on the Ash Blueprint icon before the Slot stopped. It stopped on Pistol Item XP, but when I looked in my Foundry, I had Ash's Blueprint. I did this for testing purposes, as I already have Ash, and didn't have the BP in my Foundry before doing this. Whether or not it's intentional, it works.

    See I thought it worked for me too, but I was shouted down on another forum. I really hope this is true and we can have a chance for a better reward other than ammo boxes which is all I have gotten since I started playing (okay and a couple healths, but still)

  19. I never trust wiki, I was hoping that someone knew or could confirm this from their own actions or from hearing it from the DE team. Thank you for answering the post Aramahn, I'll hope that I can get a hold of a member of the DE team or try to confirm another way.

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