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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. They are meant to be hard to get, they are PRIME afterall.

    Hard is fine, bring on hard! I'll kick hard right in the junk and laugh. This isn't about how hard something is, it's about rewards or a pay off for the work you do. There needs to be a balance, if you got all your pieces in three runs and I got mine in 200+ is that hard or just silly? Did you work harder for yours or did I? We got the same reward, but I had to work "harder" does this start to clear this up for you?

  2. My favourite part is that this new void stuff only uses the new void mission keys. Effectively rendering the rest of my keys completely useless for evermore and forcing me to grind yet again for new keys, in spite of how much I've already done? Insane.

    I have clan mates in this boat, and I would have been too if I didn't have to endlessly grind every single key I came across to get one piece of a gun. New keys to farm for a new endless grind to get that last piece of whatever...

  3. I love U9, sure it has it's bugs as every update will, but overall I love it. One thing did hit me right in the gut though. Before we get into that let us go back a bit.


    I started in the void like everyone else when it first hit and one of my first BP's was the Latron Prime, "Wow!" I thought "This will be awesome" long story short I just got the receiver drop last Monday... No big deal at least the hell of running hundreds of void missions for a one single drop is finally well and truly over.


    Until U9, first BP I get this time is a Braton Prime. "Are you kidding!" I thought "What the f*** are the devs thinking, do they hate us?" Then I thought well, they might have learned from the old bp and made this like the regular weapon bp and allow us to make it with farmed materials, nope same as before: Barrel, f***ing receiver, and stock that I can waste hundreds of runs trying to get in the void. I hear there are "tons" of new weapons in the void too... really DE?


    For a new warframe, I get it. Farm and grind for something that cool, but a gun with some gold trim and a bit boost on the stats... you guys are just spiteful. If we had a clear path to earn these, fine, no problem, but to grind endlessly for keys and then have random dumb luck award us for the hard work. It is time to rethink the void or at least how we are rewarded for the work for both getting there and making it through. I feel like that guy who buys a t-shirt from some vacation spot, "I went to _______ and all I got was this crappy t-shirt" with these void runs anymore.


    I have offered a solution in an e-mail that Steve has still yet to read a month later. Give us two choices, same as a wave reward for the defense stuff. ____ mod OR continue on. Replace the continue on option with a second prize. Make sure the code will not allow two of the same to be offered and problem is head and shoulders better than the system now. At least we feel we have some control over this horrible void problem.


    I know there are going to be people chiming in about how they ran three missions and got every thing the void offers, but this is to fix the problem that some (like me) have had to deal with for a whole update, and now they have chosen to continue the broken system, but this time with more junk to plow through to get the pieces you need.


    DE please, pretty please with rainbow sprinkles and a cherry, fix the void rewards.

  4. With the lights low, soft music to get warframe in the mood. Then I tell it I have a trust fund that is about to be mine to seal the deal. A little wine and then kill everything that moves and dream of the day we can sneak behind the enemy an snap necks for kills.

  5. First, the weekend event with the scouts.
    The reward system needs a serious overhaul, under the current system you have two types of players: the ones who will do the bare bones lowest amount of kills for the reward and the hardcore grinders who want the top end prize, this leaves most the work of the event status bar on the hardcore guys to fill and little else for the ones who do the least amount for prize.

    Solution: Have step rewards or goals to hit for all who take part.

    100 kills for weapon

    500 kills for blueprint

    1000 for mod

    This way there is no need for ranking the top 100 and not hurt feelings for those who didn't make it, and allows all who really want the reward to have goals to strive for.

    Second, lets talk about the clan system which is broken as of right now. The weapons you are giving the clans are another example of how people are going to do the least to get the most, they will join a large clan and get the weapons and materials and then either stay for the next release of these weapons or quit and clan hop.

    Solution: Make these weapons unlock for the mastery level of the player. For the clans let their resource and research labs make dual mods. This is a way you (DE) can also make money from Forma. For dual core mods people need to polarize a slot and then re-polarize for the double slot as well as having to research them in their clan research labs. Not all mods need to be able to merge, this can be pre-made duals that you work out and allow clans to research and unlock.

    Mastery levels are about mastering your frame and weapons and dojos are about improving your skills, so this makes total sense to unlock weapons for your inventory through the mastery levels and expand your power levels through dojo research.

    Third, controllers for the pc right now are far harder to use than the keyboard and mouse, but since the game is now being made for the PS4 I know this will change. I am asking though that you guys not forget the Xbox controller that most if not all of us use for the pc, if we use a controller.

    There is currently no way to move around the universe map with a controller, also people need to take their hand from controller to mouse to hack doors and use the hacking tool. Wall running is very hard to do and even harder to master with a controller, we can not jump from wall to wall as mouse and keyboard uses can.


    Solution: Assign a few people on the team to start playing and testing the game with controllers only, better yet assign this task to Scott and I am certain the controllers will improve in a weeks time.

    Lastly, The reward system for the void is also a bit broken, I know you shot down the token reward system and that is a good idea as it does not fit the rest of the system. It still needs to be improved however.

    Solution: Offer more than one reward for finishing the void mission, easy to put in place as you already have a system in place. Offer two choices, like you do for defense waves, One reward or keep going. Instead of the keep going option, make it another reward to choose from. This does not have to be in all missions for the void but the T3 missions should have a chance to pick a reward, this limits the feeling people are being cheated for running these harder to get missions and lets them feel they are in more control of the prize for running it.

  6. Really? I find no trouble at all unless its menu navigation or multiple wall runs. 

    I'm in the exact same boat, I love my controller, in fact I feel this game screams out to be played with a controller. The problems I have are the ones I have outlined, but everything else works perfectly!

  7. Okay, tabard is a much better word. Still I don't feel like they'd fit most of the warframes. I'd prefer a scarf, sash or shawl. No capes though =V

    I am more worried about covering the frames features, that is why I thought loincloth, but sash works, if that makes you not blush from reading this.

  8. Basically like a tabard. It could be like a shawl or robe worn over the warframe to indicate whos clan this Tenno fights for. Maybe it could come it various styles. Like a Monk's Robe for those that go that way. Or a small cape for those who want that style. They could be different styles based on the different traditions Tenno take their martial arts and chivilaric code from

    I like how you think, sir!

  9. DE said in the last live stream they were going to give cloth the ability to flow like cloth. This got me thinking about a way to show clan colors out on the field. Where can they put an added bit on the Frames that will not cover the great look of them? One place that might not cover anything too interesting, loincloth... Sounds about right, right? 


    We will need clan symbols or be able to have the name of the clan across and they need to have the cloth effect in-game and design either symbols or a cool way to display the clan names, but other than these little details, I think it sounds like a good way to show clan pride, what do you think?

  10. DE is on a kick of customization, which most of us are thrilled about. To continue this trend wouldn't it be nice if instead of or new weapons in the Dojo that make people clan hop or just not be able to get, why not offer skins for clans to research and use? This way the weapons are the same just look different! Not only will this solve the clan hopping and trend to join a mega clan to get the easy access to BP's it will also give the clans a way to look different from one another and others in game without hurting balance.


    If that fails, why not put out a bunch of skins instead of tons of weapons (like the millions of melee atm) this would also help limit time they have to work on all the different animations for all of these weapons and give them a bit of time to get things smoothed out and a chance to get caught up on the back log of stuff they want to do with reworking the weapons to get the reloads and stuff done.

  11. poison is already an element, saryn can apply it to melee weapons and a few weapons deal it. It'd be nice to have a mod that allows us to add poison damage to our weapons like the other elements though.

    I think you captured exactly what I was thinking. It is in-game and can be added by a character to a melee weapon. This may be the reason we have not seen it added to bullets, because the Saryn players would grab the torches and hit the streets, but I would still love to see it added.


    Maybe, add it in a different way then straight forward damage. It could pass through shields, but do -25% damage or do extra damage to armor type npc or do zero damage to toxic npc, something along these lines. What do you guys think?

  12. I am not sure if these are true bugs, but they feel like it.


    I use an Xbox controller, I can not jump from one wall to another and stick to it and keep running. The only place that this works is the mastery test, in the test it works, but takes a certain angle and if you are off in the smallest way it will not work there either.


    There is no button to hack the terminals or use cipher to hack automatically, people who use controller have to take hand away from controller to use mouse for these tasks.


    There is no way to move around on the universe map with a controller, have to use mouse for this too.


    Can't remap buttons to use block without taking thumb from movement stick, so it kind of defeats the purpose of block button.


    Wall running in general is a challenge to say the least, it needs a bit of a look over soon as it is going to PS4.

  13.  I personally prefer the Armor shred effect. Corrosive Ammunition mods that let you shred enemy defenses would be nice as hell - particularly for low damage, high fire rate weaponry.

    I like this idea a lot! Something peels the armor off or ignores shields like the infested toxic guys do, but not OP like the Acrid

  14. I want to ask you guys, what do you think the chances of us getting poison or acid bullets like the other types of damage for weapons now that we have the Acrid and poison launcher?


    I love the idea of us getting this ammo type since ninja were famous for using poison to kill targets. I love the acrid as well, but would love to have poison/acid on my other weapons.

  15. What I truly love about this, they address the "rushing" problem by giving the buff to the whole team. The one guy that was killing the last of the npcs the other three bone out and the fourth is left hating life and waiting out the minute count down until they can all auto leave.


    The reason I can see this coming is most the time I'm the clean-up guy cursing at the team that left my with 30-40 npc's after the boss fight and they are all at the exit thinking how slow I am.

  16. I love the new Rhino, I am not saying that because he is OP, which he is for the present game, but because I am looking to the near future and seeing how he will fit into the nightmare modes and how the same people screaming OP now, will be happy as heck you bumped him as you have.


    This brings me to another thought and how the old Rhino was modded and how it can be tweaked for the future as well. The Rage mod fit very well for a front line bruiser like Rhino in his old form, but now seems like it will be useless (at least for him) If the mod was altered or a new mod for the same power, but shifted a bit. "Damage taken transferred to energy" Instead of taken to health make it plain damage taken, this can even be altered to close up damage or just melee, this would suit the front line role he is placed with this bump to him.


    Thank you, for bumping these older characters and giving us time to rework them before the nightmare mode hits, we are going to see the way some of these guys are modded change quite a bit! A few people even have tried to explain how ALL the character should be modded with certain mods that they all need, I think seeing a few of these characters shine like Vauban, Rhino, and Frost, people are starting to understand if powers are modded well the good characters become great and even the support characters if modded and used well can shine too. Thanks for the hard work DE.

  17. I know this really doesn't help the problem addressed here, which I agree are the most annoying mob in the entire game by far! I equipped a handstand (i think that is the mod name) and can't wait for these annoying little punks now, I fall down for a second or so and spring up and while they are still in the pull stance run up and stick a gun in their mouth (and giggle) and pull the trigger until it goes click. I wish we had a certain button press to cut someone straight down the middle and let the two halves split apart and fall the the ground, because I would use that EVERY time!

  18. I think the void is a great idea, a place the devs can add new items, mods, and BP's. The issue I am running into is that there is no real path to get the rewards I am going in for.


    I missed the Frost prime event, because I was studying for finals and had a couple papers to research and write, so I had to get the BP from the void. I thought the Frost BP was going to be the hardest thing to get out of the void, because it was a reward for an event, this turned out to be wrong. The hardest thing for me to get from the void is the Latron Prime Receiver. I have gone into the void now what I think i can safely say is hundreds of times, each trip I earn a ton of money and a BP or part to something I have picked up the first few times I ran the void.


    I know the tier has a lot to do with the drop rate of the part, but I have run T3's quite a lot, leading to the same outcome. T2's yield the same types of rewards with less cash, most times I have to solo these, after all who wants to run crappy T2's?

    I find it strange that the biggest brass ring in the game so far, (for me) is the one piece of a gun, which honestly is not even close to my favorite weapon in the game.


    Why isn't a system in place that makes the missing piece increase drop rate the more you run a void? Having me run a certain map hundreds of times and having to kill 200+ enemies (which takes forever!) makes me very bored and want to go play something that isn't so tedious. The increase doesn't even have to be a big one, 0.01% or something, after hundreds of runs the piece may drop and I can finally play the game proper and not run a map that really isn't helping me other than giving me cash I can not spent.

  19. No timed waves, survive and be rewarded for the waves you lived through. If you die and quit early...nothing! There should be a personal bonus and a team bonus, you get a reward for the wave YOU make it to and the team gets one for the wave the entire team lives to. Give the team bonus more rare items so it will force people to try to get teammates to make it further along. If you made it so the solo bonus was better, people wouldn't try as hard to rez people or give cover fire.

  20. That is my character haunting the void for having me run sooooo many void runs and still not getting a silly latron prime receiver! I ran over 80 last weekend alone of T2's and T3's and am now trying to stockpile more runs so I can do it all over again to be rejected. The haunting will continue!!!!!!!

  21. He asked you to not use Chaos because it makes Kappa and other mobile defences worse.


    People do those missions to get xp, and when the enemies see your chaos mobs, they go into "cover" mode and stay there. This leads to them not running to the terminal, meaning people get less xp.


    If you don't use chaos, the enemies run to you, give xp and everyone is happy.


    Chaos is a great skills, but please don't use it in mobile defence unless the terminal is getting hit. Endless defence, spam it awayAg

    Again, we can debate endlessly which powers to use and not use and why, but that is not the reason for this post. To stay on topic should be a power I can use.


    I truly am starting to hate a certain frame, but I never would go around telling players how and when to use that frames powers. If you choose to play with others you have to deal with others, this post was started to hopefully share ways to get your point across to others so that maybe in these missions we choose to group with others we may be able to enjoy ourselves, and if we feel we NEED to ask someone to alter their way of doing things we have the tools to address the issue without coming across like a pushy person, and maybe let the other person understand why we said anything in the first place.


    P.S. it is defense

  22. On a related note, I wish more players knew what Mind Control actually does. A lot of randoms I play with seem to think it's a cue to kill the <insert heavy unit here> ASAP lol. A flashing neon sign that says "I'm your team's friend for 30-39 seconds, don't kill me yet!" would do.

    You can before the match really gets going just after the break in at the beginning say "I'm going to mind control the big guys, please try not to kill them first. you'll know it's them because they will be glowie"

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