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Posts posted by arche

  1. I never needed to do it, I got it from the gravidus dilemma. However the g3 appeared as I played grineer survivals for cores with my friends so I thought I'd share

    I see. Thanks for your advice.


    There's no real way to make them spawn other than RNG. AFAIK conclave level doesn't matter since I got them to spawn 3 times in a row with 1200 conclave. If they didn't spawn for the first 5 minutes of the game then leave. I heard host migration resets the timer but I have never tried it before.


    Also note that bringing marked teammates with you is just a 1.5% increase in the spawn chance. Took me an entire week just to get all the Brakk parts. 


  2. Honestly? Just play ceres survivals for 5 minutes so you can get rare 5 cores. If they dont show up in 5 minutes then leave and repeat. There is literally 0 special tactics to farming them other than running grineer missions, so patience is key.


    The rare 5 cores are just killing 2 birds with one stone

    I see. May I ask how long it took you?

  3. Play if you still enjoy the game, if not move on. Don't continue to "force" yourself to play in the "hope" that things get better, it won't. Nothing has changed, nor will it, no matter who or how many people try.

    The meaning of Insanity is doing something over and over again the same way and expect a different result.

    This can be applied to DE, they are constantly creating grind walls and making false promises and expect a different reaction from us.

    This can also be applied to us, we are constantly posting things on the forums/telling DE(or whatever other method) and expect DE to change how they implement things. 

  4. -snip-

    Thanks for spending the time to actually type what I'm trying to say.


    I was playing the game for what it is. A farming simulator.


    Plenty of players use this argument, that you should only play for fun. I agree with the statement, but what do I play for when the game is no longer able to hold a player with the novelty of mowing down thousands of enemies without a shred of difficulty?


    You can tell me to ignore RNG and grind all you want, but let me direct your attention to Update 13.

    Melee 2.0 - Hyped to hell and back building a tonne of player anticipation. Locked behind multiple layers of RNG, and put behind a massive grind wall.

    Vay Hek - Hyped to hell and back and locked behind RNG and grind walls.


    Tell me again how I'm just supposed to enjoy content when it's locked behind these walls. Please do.

    Let me add a little something too. DE: " We are aware of the grind and will reduce it" Bam~ U13 comes.

  5. the problem with RNG is just that you want something from the game and not play the game for what it is.

    It's look like you don't even like to play and kill mobs you just want something "new", badly...

    I play the game for killing a lot of mobs, loots always come even if it's not instantaneous, they will eventually drops.


    play for playing not for looting...

    Its not possible for most veterans because our weapons got so overpowered that we can easily mow down any mob in the game, making it boring. Therefore we want content. When new things comes out, of course most of the veterans will go for it because they have nothing else to do in the game.

  6. Basic math here. If you have a very limited source of something then the percentage chance of getting said thing from said source doesn't have to be incredibly low because the limited sources stacks with the lower chance.  Since in this case you have functionally 1 rare, 2 uncommon, and 1 common beacon types even at 15% (an example) Delta beacons would have been fairly rare (as the gate way piece they should be) because it's only 15% once a mission.


    DE recognized that restricting the source was not really all that fun, so they boosted the spawn rate of the source by hundreds of percent.  But now that 15% of a delta per mission is significantly higher because it's now 15% PER mob not mission.  By lowering the drop rate of Deltas they bring the drop rate of the gateway piece back into line of the intended rarity.  Keep in mind that percentages are 0 sum and if you take from one it's going to others so look at the following examples:


    - If you dropped all three types you create a "super" common and three relatively rare pieces - worse than the current situation

    - If you Dropped 2  types you have 1 common, 1 uncommon, 2 rare - worse than current

    - You can't drop all of them without the ratios staying the same so that's out

    - and you can't leave them the same without it being ludicrously easy, so that's out


    What they did was create a single rare piece that still isn't impossible or even all that hard to get (if you are trying) resulting in a ratio of beacons that fairly assures that you will be able to build a key when you have enough deltas to do so.  It was the right call and it's better than it was when the drop rate was higher but the spawn rate was lower.

    You are wrong. Making the mob spawn more than once per mission doesn't increase the drop rate. going through 15waves get you 9more mob than doing 5 wave per time. The only they did was making it easier for you to farm. Not increasing the drop rate. There is a difference. 

  7. They reduced the drop rate of the delta because they exponentially increased the spawn of the mob in question.  Which is how tehy addressed it.  The made all beacons more common by doing so but retained a level or required hunting.

    So what if they increase spawn rate. If they wish to retain the level of grinding, shouldn't they reduced the drop rate of gamma and kappa too? since they exponentially increased the drop rate too. 

  8. And I started by telling them how they might best increase their chances using the same methods we used.


    I did not say, "lol, git gud I got mine", i laid out the basic steps for getting it done, then i laid them out again.

    Sure you didn't. But that's what everyone will feel when they read your sentence. You ought to say things clearer to avoid misunderstandings.



    I'm hearing a lot of whining and supposition.  


    But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is.

    Tells us that you already have the waterframe. The next part " You can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is" actually mocks us for whining even if you aren't trying to. Choose your words wisely.



    But i'll put it simply now, this is my bias, If you play solo and pub complaining about drops is not addressing the primary issue.  A coop game is meant to be played cooperatively.  You are in my experience more likely to find idiots than teammates pubbing.  That is not conducive to teamwork, making RNG not your biggest barrier.  There is currently nothing wrong with the Delta drop rate, there was and DE already addressed it.  

    Addressed it? What they did was make sure the mob will drop a beacon upon death and then lowered the drop rate of Delta beacon.

    Slightly reduced the drop rate of the Delta Beacon

  9. My comment should tell you that I'm not a fan of whining about non-issues.  And if you got your Waterframe building by this point then it took you less than a week to get the keys to get the parts for new frame, I can hardly see how it's a problem then.  Clearly when you tried for it you got everything you needed with in a week of it's release, I can hardly call that unreasonable.


    Barring the chance the chance that I ran into a crazy statistical cluster spanning the last week or so, no one in my clan that has tried has had issues getting delta beacons.  So unless 20 some players are all hitting the same lucky streak I have not seen any problems with the rarity of delta beacons since the 3 hotfix of this update.   RNG is gonna be RNG, I may be at the top you may be at the bottom, but nothing I've experienced makes me think that my experience is outside the norms as it has been so consistent.

    "But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is."  

    ^From that sentence, I can't tell that you are telling me that you are not a fan of whining. It only tells me that you are mocking me for whining and not trying by assuming that I do not have the frame crafting.

    Like i said RNG. There you see 20 people getting delta beacons left and right. Welcome to the bigger world besides your point of view. Where 20 over people aren't getting Delta Beacons. Browse the forums a little will you?

  10. I'm hearing a lot of whining and supposition.  


    But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is.


    I'll be helping my clan mates do their Hek runs over here, and you can continue to protest it's impossible and unfair over there.


    The only thing we did differently is work together and set our minds to it. (2) 15 minutes survival runs with a team that works together, stays together, and helps each other and you will get a Hek key each.

    So... what makes you assume I'm not crafting Hydroid yet. Just because I'm complaining doesn't always means I don't have that certain thing. 

    No, We did nothing different. I did runs with my clan members, and I still took longer than you to get all my parts. Why? RNG. We have 3 nekros and 1 trinity. Still took longer than you.

    And just from reading that comment you made, tells me a lot about you.

    (2) What team? Pubs? Just FYI, they hardly reply. Even if they do, what makes you think they want to use their key with you? I can do survival missions by my own and kill those mobs by myself. And I can still get key. <- If you call solo-ing working together. I don't know what to say to you anymore.

  11. An average team of fairly cohesive players working together without a Nekros should still be relatively ok.  Before we started bringing a nekros we were still getting at least 1 Delta in a 15 minute survival run.  Add a Nekros to that we were averaging 2 and occasionally pulling 3.


    It's no where near impossible, and hardly worth complaining about.  If you are trying to do it solo, well I can't help you there, other than to say you are making it hard on yourself.  

    Oh my god~~ With out nekros, it should be okay? I can kill better than you~ yea~~ I can RNG better than you~~ YEA~~~ Nekros is the only frame, rather the only thing that is capable of increasing chances of better loot. So what if we work together? If RNG says no, means no.

  12. Your point? Deltas are falling like rain.


    Get a handful of people who are not idiots, go to a defense or survival, bring a nekros, use teamwork.  Done.


    I can't understand why people keep saying it's so hard.  

    It's hard because it's RNG. Just because you can get it, doesn't mean everyone else can. Look at the bigger picture, not just your point of view. Then make a better comment.

  13. I probably have more hours in this game than any of you, and none of this upsets me. I love this game, and I have no real issues with it, other than lack of features in some areas. (clan/dojo management - i would love a seriously deep amount of features for both)

    RNG - Doesn't bug me . It'll come when it comes. I learned long ago if it isn't dropping, go do something else, then come back to it. Don't keep running the same mission under some belief that the odds are stacking in your favor.. They aren't, it's RNG..

    Market resources - I learned long ago it's not the place to be. I'm also pretty sure DE has been made aware of this many times.

    Design Council - I'm so glad people can't make posts on their own. I read the ability mods thread, and literally EVERY ONE put in game-breaking-personal-opinions, that they want for themselves. Not ideas that would work for ALL.

    Mutagen samples? - Without even trying, and raaaaaaaarrrrrely doing derelict missions. I have tons of them. Not sure what the issue is..

    Tutorials? -I agree that the tutorials across the board need to be more informative. They also need to add a feature to the initial tutorial with suggestions for spending initial plat. I've seen so many 0 level players running around with syandanas, and when asked why they didn't buy slots instead.. They state they didn't know any better. So not cool, as this is usually the wall most players run into.

    Grind? Take a break from doing YOU, and help out some of the new players.. Go run some missions with them, support them, teach them things. Many times this seems to give me a boost, and when all is said and done.. I know I've done a good thing, and potentially helped someone in the world, enjoy something just a little more.

    I'm cut from a different cloth than 98% of the community though. I only say this because I don't start megathreads. I have patience. I look for info rather than spamming channels. I know that DE is working on this badass game, and they often stay late to patch things. I have an awesome clan that I created, and I teach people about the game. I will always go out of my way to revive someone.. I will come back for a player that is lagging behind while everyone goes to extract. I'll provide cover when the oxygen has ran out, to allow every one to get to extract. I don't pick one corner in a defense to man myself. I work the entire level for every one. I don't have such levels of dislike in my heart to make these threads. Pointing out features, issues, errors, et cetera, is one thing. Text wall mad hatting is another.

    I feel i'm about to enter into a piece on merits such as; patience, honesty, selflessness, and more.

    Being a decent human first, and a gamer second.

    Instead i'll POOF

    *Ninja vanish*

    First, TL;DR. Second if you really believe you have more hours in this game than any of us? You are sorely mistaken
  14.    All you need to do in order to make melee viable is -believe it or not- get a heavy weapon such as the Orthos Prime with a maxed fury, a bunch of damage/elemental mods or whatever, get Heavy Stander, Rush, Stamina, and a S#&$ ton of shields. Is this possible? Yeah, because I've done it. Only weapon equipped is the Orthos Prime and all I do is kick &amp;#&#33;.

      How? The attack speed is like the Fang, with HEAVY MELEE DAMAGE AND ELEMENTAL DAMAGE. Also, the enemy barely gets around four hits on my 900+ shields (which don't even matter, heavy units miss entirely) before I'm in their face and Orthos bashing them. Max Reach allowing me to kill an entire assault squad (Grineer or Corpus) in around three or four hits (one if they're low levels). I win the trade and by the time the battle's over, my shields are at full charge again. Tested this out in Conclave and it is OP as hell. Melee should be nerfed as the only thing that could remotely frustrate my simple air-slide attack and jump attack combo was the Penta.



       TL;DR: Melee works in both conclave and PvE if you have shields, sprint speed, attack speed, attack damage, and a heavy weapon. Oh yeah, you don't even need to block because they won't have a chance to hit you :)

    Which you have no need for melee 2.0 to do that. I can still kill enemies back then with fang prime and orthos prime and now is no difference. But with no charged attacks.

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