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Posts posted by arche

  1. Ok, listen. I'm not suggesting DE should keep doing what they're doing. I'm offering personal advice to keep the individual person happy. In the case that the company is just simply not learning from their mistakes, you communicate your complaints, and leave it at that. If you need to complain constantly, they won't learn from that. Everyone is obviously telling them that they did wrong. They did fine in bringing us new stuff to do and have, but they need to improve as well.

    <- look at my post, look at the date i joined. I tried to keep my complaints on forums to the minimum. But with all this recent updates, I simply can't hold it in anymore. I just don't feel that they are even trying to improve at all.

  2. People boycott all the time. EA still gets their money. DE still gets their money. People want what they want.


    And about being deceived, a new player would be which is still not good. But after playing through multiple major updates, you should expect this, and wait for adjustments. If you expect changes, you won't be deceived. Protect yourself, don't let others protect you. Doesn't mean that DE should not care, they should. I mean you should cope with it.

    It works both ways. Without DE we won't be playing this game. Without us DE won't be able to keep the server up. But that does not means we players are the only one who should cope with it. DE should change their ways of doing things. I really hate this idiom but I will use it for this case. It takes two hands to clap.

  3. For once I am so happy to be PS4 &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; on an update... [bracing for impact] LMAO ... I don't even bother with events due to their grindy nature... if U13 is even half as bad as you lads portray it to be, I still have a few days of Warframe to play

    Spoiler alert: U13, kill enemies to get stances mods that rarely drop, unless u are lucky. Kill 1 enemy that hardly spawn for 1 part of 4 different parts which adds up to a total of 26parts. Make key, kill Vay Hek to get BP. Repeat grind process. good luck.


  4. I despise the melee 2.0 system so far. I actually enjoyed the melee in the previous version, and for the past few days I've started to realize the true joys of using a glaive.  but now, they bring in 2.0, kill the speed on my weapons, rendering them mostly useless to me, remove charge, one of the fun parts, and the glaive...  oh, my poor sweet baby.  I loved that thinig.  I had max charge speed and max charge damage, and that thing was a blast to use.  but now?  charging takes a year and a half, and is rendered utterly useless when it does finally get around to going anywhere, because the charge damage mods are now turned into charge.  yes, glowing blue looks cool the first dozen times, but I want my charge mods back.  this new system really sucks. maybe the glaive stance will fix it, but it's lost somewhere deep in the RNG we all know and hate.  what is wrong with you, DE?  why are you so good at taking the few things i actually ENJOY about this game and pour it down the drain?  my level of disgust has managed to reach new highs.

    I can't say it any better. Glaive is just nothing but a pointless accessory now. And look at Galatine, tried it, hit ESC and clicked on quit game after killing first enemy

  5. How do you know they're losing players?

    Read a few comments up. My friend just donated everything to his dojo and quit because of U13



    Diablo 3 Reaper of souls. 

    Increased legendary drop rates. 

    If you don't get a legendary in a few hours, the game now has safefail to up the rate till you get one.  Oh look a suggestion that people have always made in warframe.

    Actually rewarding you for spending time.


    Warframe Update 13.

    Stance mods.  RNG + Grind! 

    Vay Hek key parts + new frame.  Even more RNG + Grind!

    Lex prime.  Thrown into endless defense and survival, the two most obnoxious grind modes that are designed to waste your time with rigged rewards.  Rigged Number Generator + GRIND GRIND GRIND!


    Designed to waste your time on purpose.


    TESTING if removing credit and resource from void is a good idea after months?  I can tell you the right answer before you even try.  Warframe keeps getting new content in the form of the same old grind.  Same dissappointment.  Yup. I'll be playing D3 with my time.  Not sure if I'll even come back.  Oh and if you think I would spend $ to skip that grind, you are mistaken because I have no interest to use that gear to GRIND even more things.

    Here is one example.

  6. I always feel the fact that this is F2P contributes to why they do the things they do.


    We've seen more RNG elements being added in every major update. Why? Well, if it wasn't a F2P game and was purely B2P with little to no microtransactions, do you think that, while RNG would still exist, it wouldn't be this tempting to just go out and buy the freaking thing?


    They seem to do this ON PURPOSE in the beginning, so they get all the impatient people's money, then eventually adjust it. I mean look at the Void if you've been here long enough. Farming for keys was possible back then, but really, really difficult. Now you are GUARANTEED a key to the void if you survive ANY 15 minute survival. That's a HUGE change. Imagine if they started out like that. Better impressions of the devs, less money (at least from all the impatient people) most likely.

    Of course they need to earn the money. But they are doing it the wrong way. They are losing more and more players with each update, although the majority stays.

  7. Diablo 3 Reaper of souls. 

    Increased legendary drop rates. 

    If you don't get a legendary in a few hours, the game now has safefail to up the rate till you get one.  Oh look a suggestion that people have always made in warframe.

    Actually rewarding you for spending time.


    Warframe Update 13.

    Stance mods.  RNG + Grind! 

    Vay Hek key parts + new frame.  Even more RNG + Grind!

    Lex prime.  Thrown into endless defense and survival, the two most obnoxious grind modes that are designed to waste your time with rigged rewards.  Rigged Number Generator + GRIND GRIND GRIND!


    Designed to waste your time on purpose.


    TESTING if removing credit and resource from void is a good idea after months?  I can tell you the right answer before you even try.  Warframe keeps getting new content in the form of the same old grind.  Same dissappointment.  Yup. I'll be playing D3 with my time.  Not sure if I'll even come back.  Oh and if you think I would spend $ to skip that grind, you are mistaken because I have no interest to use that gear to GRIND even more things.

    You sire, just made my day. 

    On the serious side, totally agree with what you said.

  8. With U13 delayed, with a long 7 days, frankly speaking, they have lots of time to fix a lot of bugs. Namely, the fact that Vor (and probably Sgt Nef Anyo too) doesn't drop any loots upon death. Will DE ever fix this bug which have been told to them countless of times? I myself have made alot of threads about this bug. This bug have been here since U12. So, will they fix it?
    It's important because Vor is the first boss all new players fight and the upcoming Vor prize too.

  9. Vor is in fact broken. Dropping nothing (Seer is a mission reward). I've gone back and forth with DE through support tickets over a dozen times now and keep getting the same damn responses insisting that he's working properly and drops are all a chance. Just shy of 1000 Vor kills and they're still wrong. HE DROPS NOTHING.


  10. No, that is not accurate. Warframe has weekly content in the form of weapons for a goodish time now. I dont like to call it content but it is content nonetheless. Not fixing stuff should not be taken lightly by the community, not when so many new things are added to the game. It is surely becoming a characteristic in the personality of DE as an entity. DE spits content weekly, focusing on new problems more than fixing old ones, probably because they got spoiled by a group of players patient enough to sit thru many updates of new bugs instead of old fixes. They lose some, like myself, but keep many, as its evident. If the end tally looks good for DE, I dont see them changing this facet of their persona.

    Finally someone who shares my view~ I can't agree more~ 

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