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Posts posted by arche

  1. I believe neither harvester nor stalker will spawn in spawn are, but there will be something like light flash. once I start to move light flash will keep coming and both of them will spawn. And this is what I do when I switch back. But I am not sure I am right, that is why I am asking.

    you are better off watching your screen.


    The first light can be seen even in the spawn area, then you have to move!

    Anyway yeah, better moving as the mission starts..

    yea. we did that yesterday rmb?

  2. 2 days, about 70 resets, nothing.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Here is what I am doing now.


    I am sure I got both marks.


    Start a game, start stalker hunter.

    Set the game type to private.

    Start a mission, switch out to do reading, for school, when the timer run out, switch back.

    If nothing is happening in next 15s, abort the mission and repeat.


    Is this ok? Or I should do something else.


    harvester will not spawn if u remain in spawn area. you might have missed him. ALOT

  3. Hey all, just wanna shortly share my thoughts on this thing with you.


    From all I know it seems that the mark keeps changing over time, cause yesterday (pre update) we saw that the boss mentioned in our little tool (thank you dude for this great support) keeps changing.

    So I assume that 4 players all having different marks have a way higher chance to trigger the harvester than just one player having all boss marks but only one is active.

    Moreover I suggest that per mission there is some RNG stuff + gambling for a specific boss mark.


    Did anyone already tried it out?

    If yes what is you perception?

    If no who is up for a test?




    i can test it. But i need more ppl with me. currently its just me and siralextraffo

  4. This are things i had done before harvester spawned for me.
    1) killed alad v
    2)killed tyl regor (please note that this might have nothing to do with harvester, im just listing everything i did before he spawned)

    When he spawned.
    1. lights flickered in spawn room. no text.
    2. me and siralextraffo left and went to the pod. Text appears. ( happened twice)

  5. Holy crap...

    I joined a game in Xini to level my Drakgoon... and as I spawn into the game I see 3 people fighting something unsual...

    it's the Harverster and I load up a few shots and kill it... at most I hoped for a Detron BP... but assumed it wouldn't drop anything...

    I walk over the corpse and it says: Detron Barrel +1

    What a RNG luck...

    you have to walk over to get the parts?

  6. And indeed, it just happened the timer was up i waited extra 5 seconds and lights flickered harvester appeared later with delays, 


    This question might sound silly though but do i have to complete the mission in order to get the loot from zanuka once i picked up the orb?

     complete the mission. Play safe.

  7. The odds of DE making any changes to Supra are beyond remote, to say the least. The odds are higher for DE to make a new weapon with people suggestions of a supra 2.0.

    Regardless of what the DE do, i will still ask for a buff to the clan techs. Especially the Supra

  8. lol why even bring dera into this discussion?

    dera - rank 4 , 2 fieldrons

    supra - rank 7 , 7 fieldrons


    supra should be head and shoulders above dera

    but its not

    can't agree more.

  9. Higher than those on the market? Each clantech has a market rival:


    Vectis(Polarity) vs Lanka?

    Soma(twin polarities) vs Supra?

    Karak(polarity) vs Dera?


    How is +1 polarity compared to the rival too much when you have to pay a forma to make the weapon in the first place(which by itself should warrant an additional polarity)?

    Thats why I'm asking for a buff :\ hopefully this thread will be seen by DE

  10. I would ask for -all- clan tech to start with 2-3 polarities. I based that as often market weapons have one to two polarities while the Clan tech which costs a forma to make does not. If it costs a forma it should have more polarities than a market weapon that does not.

    I agree with you alittle here. But the damage from clan tech is well.... some of them are higher than those on the market or the prime weapons. 2-3 polarity is really too much

  11. the fact that its S#&$ is well known to DE

    it has been brought up multiple times by community

    and we got nothing

    not a word


    would it be so fricking hard to make the highest rank weapon a little bit more viable ?

    reduce reload speed , reduce spread , increase projectile flight ?

    just compare it to soma DE , and than think in what way supra should be better than soma , because right now it is not better , in anyway , other than creation costs , resources cost and rank , basically there is no logic in this design  

    Totally agree.

  12. Changes to the Supra I would like in order of importance:


    > Projectile speed increased from 40 to 70+

    > Reload reduced by 0.7 to 1.2 (anything more would be asking too much)

    > Spool up removed or reduced in half.

    > Two to three corner V polarity slots(really this is icing, from how much effort is placed in building this there really should be polarities seeing as most market weapons even begin with 1-2 polarities)

    > Round up damage values from 3.5/26.3/5.2 to 4/27/6

    The 2 polarity slot will be asking too much :\ most clan tech don't have polarity slots.

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