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Posts posted by arche

  1. I am a very polite person, I also posses that rare human skill of knowing when to be polite and when not to be. And after seeing someone whine about DPS and the soma for the millionth time politeness has lost it place here.

    A very polite person will not have his politeness lost in a certain topic/area even after seeing it for a million time.

  2. Supra is utter garbage. Crap accuracy, ridiculous spread, spinup time, slow projectiles, longest reload ever. DPS is not all, thats right, Supra is bad by every other quality, DPS is ok (still worse than Soma, but that's another topic how cheap Soma is for being best overall rifle) 


    Solution: improve everything about Supra, you can leave DPS alone, just make it effective. Its useless at anything but short range now.   

    (yes I have Supra, yes I regret wasting time on it, it is pain to use)


  3. Rather than vague 'buff it' Where would you like it buffed.. There is a lot of areas to make it better.

    I like to leave the choice to DE instead.


    The Supra a better weapon (In my opinion) 


    Also stick you damn DPS up your arse. DPS aint @(*()$ everything.

    Damn... No one taught you how to be polite huh?

  4. A weapon that requires mastery rank of 7 and 7 fieldron, 1 forma and a total of 180,000credits (not including the research)  to make it and it is already being out DPS by Soma which only requires 7morphics mastery rank 6 and total of 75,000credits to make it. Please consider buffing the supra please.

  5. First, let me explain the spam. After I finishes typing this post, i clicked on the "post this" button, but nothing happened. So, i decided to spam that button. After it finally redirected me to my new post, I realised i made like 5 posts. And i don't know how to delete my posts so .. yea.

    About the harvester, i supported the corpus for all the invasions. The one that gives 50k credits and 3 orokin cells. Then i did no other invasions after that. The next day, i was farming salvage at jupiter's survival misson. And, he came for me. Two times in a row. He the came for me again the third rime after the update, on a map in ceres

  6. Just FYI to everyone. The Harvester spawns on all map, does not matter who did you sided with during the event or now and spawns on all type of missions. Including a 20mins survival. Just keep farming and stop complaining that you sided with who and who, and no harvester or i won't be able to get detron cause i sided with the corpus. TY~

  7. But your idea will end up as how the mods systems ends up. Sure, it does give a lot customization and choices to the players. But it will reach the state where everyone uses the same combo for melee, same cores for guns. There are only so much things in warframe. EG Slash DMG, Impact DMG and Puncture DMG, Elemental DMG. Soon enough, they will have to come up with dual stats core/barrel/whatever you suggested. Soon everyone who uses this 1 melee weapon will have the same skills/combos just because its op. Like how the mod systems works now. Soon everyone is gonna grind for their parts for guns too. Not much difference with the current mod systems at all.

  8. And if three people are looking for the same thing, two feel shafted. Sort of like the bug with Survival missions, where the host would get a T3 key while others got T1.

    Only in the void. thats why i added the fact that one can throw in some fusion cores/ credits and hopefully the person agrees to the trade

  9. So... After a mission, for example T3 Defense, everyone will get different rewards. Then you will be given a chance to trade with people to get the parts you want if they have it. You can throw in some fusion cores/credits earn during the mission and on the reward screen if you want to. This prevents scamming and spams on the Gobal chat. What do you all think about it? If u have 3 other people on your team. the chances of you getting the rewards you want will be increased by 300%

  10. So you complain about people not having patience.... and then admit you wouldn't have the patience to simply grind for something.


    and you can also potential get the same part over and over and over, which leads to burnout faster then anything when you feel you are not making progress toward anything and you're just spinning your wheels.



    While yes the Costs would be up to DE -who hopefully would not go overboard on the price- You'd still have a clear feeling of progression as opposed too I'm gonna burn a weeks worth of keys and "Hope" I get what I want.

    Well, i said that it would be boring, but that does not means that i dont have the patience to grind. I have to agree on duplicatr items. But it can be solved with other methods.

  11. Still, back to my orginial arguement. Doesnt meana that a change happens after something means that the change was due to that something. This is sll your own assumtion. Its a trick that your playing on yourself becauae your not providing with a reason. You made an assumtion without concrete proofs, just what is happening around you. That is a self satisfaction. You came up with a reason youself so you can further blame on ones mistake so that they can change their opinion or fix something. However, im not right too, because im doing the same now.

  12. First, who said the DE only do the fixes when the data for the drop table comes out? Prove? If none of you have it. Please, stop spreading false informantion. Btw and fyi. When the first void came out, latron prime reciever was <1% as well. They fixed it even without a dataminer digging out information. Just because the fix arrive after the drop table was out that does not mean that they did the fix because they were found out.

  13. In the end. Majority of you are complaining about how you all are unable to get the parts you want. The main reason is the lack of patience. The token system wouldn't solve anything. In fact, it will make it worst. One would lose the will to farm for the token for the items you want, because you already know how much token you can get for doing the mission, will that not make the game more boring? I have never seen a game without the need of a little luck. The token system will make this more of a grindfeast and less of a gameplay where you feel excitement when you reach the end and cross your finger and hope you get the part you want. Example, playing a T3 defense for what? 20tokens? And a paris prime bp might cost 200? 10 games? And with the current rng system i can get other weapon parts and not just what i want in 10 runs. so no to token system. However, this is just my opinion. I will follow and support the DE regardless of what they choose.

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