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Everything posted by ZL_Prime

  1. please excus my poor english. Mirage Prism Guard's visual effects is super huge basically it's taking half screen even you are moving it's still taking 1/3 of screen it's painfully already imagine if your teammate use Warframe skill too My eyes is burning QAQ... even I setting up visual effects become 30% in a mission, it's still very disturb guns fire,teammate skill,explosion, and this skill taking half screen.... this skill visual effects really need adjusting
  2. Please excuse my poor english Incarnon forms let old weapons have a second life but Soma/soma Prime Incarnon Crit chance only 10% even i apply "Hata-Satya"(500%) and "Critical Delay"(200%) and "Riven Mods(Crit chance)" (if Riven Mod Crit chance is 122.9%) than soma Prime Incarnon Crit chance will be only 92% is just too low other old Incarnon weapon (Burston Prime,Braton Prime,Boltor prime)will eazy to get Crit chance more than 100% in my case there are all above 150% need too much time to warm up but ability is very ordinary soma Incarnon Crit chance is just too low than make it useless than other old Incarnon weapons(Burston Prime,Braton Prime,Boltor prime) it really need adjust Crit chance Burston Prime,Braton Prime,Boltor prime is be able to use in The Steel Path Circuit or Steel Path mission but soma Prime Incarnon is unable to use in any Steel Path mission,if you use soma Prime Incarnon is painful need too much time to warm up but ability is very ordinary ////////////////////////// Chinese ver. ( Taiwanese internet slang) /////////////////////// 以下中文 月神/月神P的感應模式(靈化模式) 暴擊率真的實在是太低 導致傷害很難撐上去 :( 即便我裝上專屬卡(500%) 關鍵延遲(200%)和紫卡(我的是122.9%) 他暴擊率也只能達到92% 輸出能力和手感上都是遠遠低於其他同級別的感應武器 布萊頓P 伯斯頓P 螺釘步槍P 這幾把都是我能打LV9999鋼韌之路的無盡巡迴 但月神P就很難做到 別說無盡模式 甚至一般的鋼鐵之路拿出來都是矮人一截 布萊頓P 伯斯頓P 螺釘步槍P 暴擊率隨便都能撐到150%以上 甚至暴擊倍率布萊頓P 伯斯頓P我都撐到11倍 螺釘步槍P也至少撐到7倍 月神P同樣撐到11倍 但傷害就是輸很多 光是螺釘步槍P都比不上 感應模式就是要讓舊武器有第二春 結果我都撐成這樣了 還是只能放倉庫= = 跪求調整暴擊率 真的太低了 低到一個不可思議 你就是叫聖主史丹利出來 他都救不了你 暴擊率這麼低怎麼玩QAQ
  3. i have no 3d dizziness before Prisma Angstrum(and Angstrum) Incarnon even you apply MOD "Steady Hands" when U play it for 10mins it will be a littile visual dizziness when U with YARELI 's mod "Merulina Guardian" shotting speed will buff 200% then the screen is very visual dizziness i have no 3d dizziness before i paly it 10 mins I feel so dizziness and uncomfortable can U adjust about recoil of Prisma Angstrum(and Angstrum) Incarnon please QAQ
  4. Bubonico apply MOD(reload speed up) it is no works
  5. please excuse my poor english (I save a Warframe Logs after this BUG if software engineer need it , I can supply it) Soma have ammo absorb bug always happens after transform from incarnon back to normal mode and ammo HUD will show like 120/680 (ammo have not replenish) (it should be 200/800) it so noise....so bothering :( and Ocucor use the Nora Night MOD it will have same BUG i think its same problem this is YT this is YT 02 Ocucor use the Nora Night MOD YT
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