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Posts posted by Leyers_of_facade

  1. Prices of prime items is highly related to supply and demand and even with current vaulting system, we have too high of a supply compared to demand. So, if vaulting was removed entirely, then supply will go up even further. The prime parts that are still worth some plat now? well, they are going to drop to go as valuable prime junk from now on.


    The fact that despite having over 2k relics in inventory, I would have to regrind (even if I am just cashing in all the syndicate standings for relic packs) for relics every 3 month for new prime isn't exactly nice. Especially since that means even more relics will be stuck in inventory and never going to be cleared.  Honestly, I always believed that void keys were a better system compared to relics as 

    1) Vaulting with void keys actually does a better job than vaulting with relics keeping the supply under control and
    2) encourages people to play the game regularly throughout the months, as any progress (void keys obtained) will potentially assist them in farming for new primes when they are released.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, hackedraptor said:

    99% of the weapons ARE useless. 

    I would disagree with that

    In fact I believe its the opposite, maybe 90% of the weapons in game can handle 95% of the contents in game, simply because enemies are just too weak. If any patch were released where the enemies aren't absolutely dumb and easy to kill, people would complain about it until DE nerfs it.

    • Like 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Midcall said:

    I try to go as high as possible, without any damage buffs.  Main Problem is those large shields they have later.  Actually i use pox or nukor with   100% status, modded for magnetic mainly to get rid of shield and then switching to chakkurr (which got a +cc +cd +damage to corpus -impact riven ) and modded for radiaton. 


    Cant break the wall with that setup around lvl 250. Any tipps ?

    I am guessing you are trying to do 1 hour index runs for prodman? Usually when I do those with a squad, I run trinity. Her EV scales off enemies health and deals it as true damage so scaling isn't an issue. Plus, with EV spamming, the rest of your team gets to enjoy essentially infinite energy.

  4. no frame is necessary, not even limbo, he is just a good choice.

    You would need a frame that has some sort of defense and / or cc (limbo, gara, frost, khora, nova.... etc)
    You would probably want a frame that has some sort of buffing capability / dps capability (volt, chroma, mirage,  ... etc)

    no frame is necessary for the goal of reaching 5k points, some frames are just naturally better choices than others. As the primary difficulty of getting 5k is doing so before your flotilla hits 100/100, a more efficient team is more likely to reach this goal than one that isnt. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I see. I acknowledged that abilities weren’t affected by the Dragon Keys, but the AoE weapons are considered in this experiment.

    Ah. Personally, I hesitate to accept what the Simulacrum shows. I feel that if there’s no difficulty involved, there’s nothing to increase by 75%. Is the Kuva Survival run a reflection of your combat experience with dragon keys equipped?

    Thanks for your perspective and input

    I generally would put the "cap" to endless mission at 1 hour (or equivalent in other endless). While endless going pass 1 hour is not all that difficult and many people do that regularly, 1 hour is typically the point where I start to get bored and eventually extract (Yes, I have done longer runs than that, but no, its boring 🥱  and the main difficulty isn't the enemy, but rather not falling asleep, plus its nice to go and stretch a bit after sitting and shooting for an hour assuming you are not cheesing the endless with certain frames) If considered this way, with that in mind, one of the more common endless missions I do is kuva survival followed by perhaps arbitrations, and both of which we see enemies at roughly level 160-170 region by 1 hour. That being said, while there is no difficulty in simalcrum, one can test the "tankiness" of enemies you would potentially see at the 1 hour point.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    In search of clarification I’d like to ask a few questions;

    Are you referring to abilities? Whenever I hear “nuke” it’s in reference to abilities that reach out across the map. Just want to double-check.

    And what level do enemies stop falling apart when we hit them with 25% damage weapons?

    Yes and no. By nuke, I mean wiping a large group of enemies in a relatively short period of time. This can be done by abilities (self explanatory), or simply by weapons with high damage and a good aoe radius (eg kuva bramma, staticor), or simply weapons within 1 shot region 

    As for what levels do enemies stop falling apart, it really depends on what restrictions we have on top of having 4 dragon keys. If there are no other restrictions we can certainly clear most enemies at 170 (max in simulacrum, also roughly equivalent to 1 hour in a kuva survival run) 

  7. 33 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    If we equip items that reduce our health, shield, and (weapon) damage by 75%, does that mean we can still equip all of our fancy equipment that we’ve worked for, yet we’ve basically cranked up the difficulty level of whatever we’re doing by 75%? 🤔


    Not really... even at 25% damage we can still nuke most of the enemies we face on a normal occasion (most, not all, there are exceptions and I am aware)
    and dead enemies can't hurt you, so 25% shield and health would not matter
    hobbled would be yucky, but that's about it

  8. 4 minutes ago, --DSP--Snap47 said:

    As someone else pointed out, the fact that ground missions takes around 30 mins while space missions only takes around 20 for the same score/credit might also play a part for this change. So I think this is a bit of a special case. 

    But as I see it, the idea doesn't bother me one bit, the idea of catering to newer players. None of the content all these years have ever made me struggle - scan new enemies for the right damage type, slap it on, and bring the appropriate frames, you're good. Which I assume would be the same for many of the older players. Looking at DE's latest attempt at it - "Grendel" missions, just shows how little idea they have on the concept of difficulty. Since they can't give us a challenge, why not just make the newer player experience less tedious?

    I don't get how anyone can be bothered by this, except from maybe selfishness or the loss of feeling like an elite, which might be a bit harsh and presumptuous for me to say. 

    Also, even though the second time, the scaling back on Condrix's health has not resulted it being "made out of paper", and no changes are mentioned on the actual enemies. So I think you might've exaggerated a bit.  


    my main issue was on what was used as the "excuse" to nerf their health.

    You do realize that despite how many nerfs, unless we essentially nerf condrix's health to the absolute minimum, there will always be someone struggling to clear them at a optimal level. Hence, using the idea that non prepared teams cannot get points efficiently as an excuse to nerf the condrix is not a good idea.

    Now, in my reply, I also mentioned what is included in the rewards list. With rewards being primarily arcanes and Mr11/12 weapons, it would stand to reason that perhaps the catered audience of this event is at least mid / late game players. In this case, nerfing the condrix health would again, be unnecessary. Newer players and / or under-prepared players not being able to efficient farm is therefore normal, and considering how older players can single handedly carry even those missions pre nerf, it would stand to reason that if these newer players are really desperate for the rewards, there are still ways to obtain it.

    To put it into perspective by making an example in other games (perhaps mmos), it would be reasonable for a level 10 character to have a really rough time killing a level 40 boss, nerfing said boss because said player is having issues, is not justified. So long a normal ~level 40 character can handle that boss in a reasonable manner, then the boss difficulty is reasonable.


    Furthermore, warframe has always been struggling to figure out what the game direction is.

    Does it want to have an endgame that players have to work towards? Perhaps "boss" enemies that are fundamentally difficult and requires a coordinated team with well prepared builds? 

    or rather, does the game want to be a easy simple game where everyone just stomps all the enemies and plays as if they are essentially gods smiting mortals.

    Warframe seems to be going back and forth, wanting both extreme and ended up not going anywhere.

  9. 36 minutes ago, --DSP--Snap47 said:

    But as many others pointed out, for newer or less geared players, few can clear more than 10 in that time. So if DE wants to make it more bearable for more people, I don't see in anyway how that's a problem.

    The question is, is it necessary tho?
    It is certainly possible for some teams to carry a one or several less geared players. Matchmaking is an issue here, but if that is fixed...?

    Now, if a full team of newer and/or less geared players are struggling to do as well (ie, reach optimally efficient by hitting 17 condrix), is it really an issue for concern? Should we balance content according to these players? In that case, should we say, nerf eidolons with the same idea, and make them essentially made out of paper while dealing neglectable damage? 

    Do keep in mind that the rewards for this event on its own is already shifted towards "late game", with involvements in railjack, arcanes (which is typically obtained from eidolons) and weapons barred at mr11/12 


    For reference, I did several runs with friends (including one that is only mr8), and our team can easily hit 10-13 condrix in 20-25 min, while its not optimally efficient, its already more than sufficient to net a near 5k run on 1 flotilla. 

  10. haven't really had issues with condrixs before changes


    its not possible to oneshot even the lowest level condrix because their health bar is locked (they essentially have 3 "stages", at best you can 3 shot them)


    although a well formulated team can certainly melt condrixs. (Obviously, you would want either a team buffer or a designated dps)


    The main issue is really matchmaking, a semi prepared team will be able to handle 10+ condrix easily (which amounts to 1k+ credit)

  11. 29 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

    that just means less profit

    quoting from Leyous financial report

    "Gross Profit
    The Group's total gross profit decreased by 13.9%, from US$141.5 million for the year ended 
    31 December 2018 to US$121.8 million for the year ended 31 December 2019, and the gross 
    profit margin decreased from 62.1% for the year ended 31 December 2018 to 56.8% for the 
    year ended 31 December 2019, primarily due to the increase in direct labour costs for game 
    development and impairment of development expenditure.


    DE still made a profit of 120 million in 2019 it was just not as high as they expected it to be

    nope, you are not understanding it correctly. Gross profit that was mentioned there is actually "revenue". Their actual profit is -6m (so a 6mil loss), the calculations can be seen here


    • Like 7
  12. 5 minutes ago, ValinorAtani said:

    Yeah I know, but that was the latest "official" on the leyou webpage http://leyoutech.com.hk/investors-relation/financial-reports.

    But nevermind. Its still funny what Empyrean should have been 😄

    I actually posted another report from the HKEX (hong kong stock exchange something something, can't be bothered to search the full name), while it might have its inaccuracy, its probably a pretty good indicator

    Link: http://asia.blob.euroland.com/press-releases-attachments/1203571/HKEX-EPS_20200325_9203152-0.PDF

  13. 1 minute ago, ValinorAtani said:

    At least Leyou got the same joke from DE 😄

    From the official interim report:

    Empyrean is a landmark with content update for Warframe. It has a new game set and adds new features such as interstellar exploration, resource mining and battleship battles. It can achieve seamless crossing from different planets to space, and possibly in the future, and develop into a system of interplanetary voyages, explorations and battles throughout the universe.



    Interplanetary Voyages, good joke. Hey heres another one instellar exploration oh and dont forget ressource mining 😄

    you are kinda looking at the wrong report, that one is for the year ended june 30 of 2019, not the 31 december one

  14. 36 minutes ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:


    game is dead

    wait, where did you get that?

    I have been wanting to have access to that report or the audited financial report for the year ended 31 dec 2019



    Edit: http://asia.blob.euroland.com/press-releases-attachments/1203571/HKEX-EPS_20200325_9203152-0.PDF
    I found this so far, its not too far off what I expected it to be

    but its not as bad as that screenshot you have tho

    edit 2: nvm about the comment in edit 1, I haven't finished reading it... but eee that does look bad

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