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Everything posted by Mr.DaburuKaramu

  1. Perfectly viable build for what it's intended to do. I've run a similar build on umbra and then switched to regular excal some time ago. You actually don't lose gladiator set bonus on EB if you use only EB as melee. If you use your regular melee first for combo and then EB when it's stacked up, it will diminish when the original melee's combo counter runs out. That's why you only use EB and not the regular melee, so you can keep 12x combo and glad mod bonus as long as combo on EB doesn't run out. Try it 😉 you'll see it works and you get much more consistent crits up to orange crits.
  2. But why is it not? Because people aren't aware or can't perform it? It's great that DE even provides a way to cancel it. There are cases in which people don't actually want overguard and they just receive it, but when does one not want roar but receives it? Some kind of toggle off option for external buffs can be useful, there is no denying that. But when one doesn't want synergistic gameplay in teams, they can as well play solo and call it a day. We could go one step further and criticise aura mods as they apply to the full squad. I'm well aware that their effects are mostly miniscule, but it's within the same realm of buffs applying to one when they play in a squad.
  3. I will get back to you one more time. You also said Baruuk and wukong both got better stats on their exalteds / they were superior to excal's EB. The simple reality is, you are the one claiming things you know nothing about and I'm sure others can confirm this. Baruuk needs an augment that is providing a good amount of status chance coupled to strength (and still less than excal) which is even detrimental as it doesn't let you decide which elements are procced alongside those you already modded for. Ultimately, this doesn't allow a similar build on baruuk and hampers his scalability a lot. And wukong's staff is just bad, nobody mods for it for good reason. Those details are all out there, but j understand that you couldn't see this. Some frames have the ability to turn to greatness with a perfect, complementary build. Some frames that might seem superior at first might not be able to achieve that. And this is a prime example of this. The game lives from players being creative and testing out builds until they come up with something to their liking. There is no real base frame experience where one would ever compare unmodded frames with each other. And even though some things might be entirely subjective, one can't deny efficiency in missions when it's there, it's just a fact and proof it's perfectly doable. It's easy to refuse all of this when you are unexperienced and want to have an opinion even though you don't know much on the topic if anything at all. And some people definitely hate it when players get creative and their builds just work, perhaps you would like to be able to do that yourself but since your way of playing is vastly different compared to mine, we don't share the same goals. Thus, you should stop throwing your baseless arguments which are unable to change excal's potency. There is one thing I can definitely agree to and that's the usefulness of excal's kit as a whole. His 3 also needs an augment to be actually useful, but that will only help with raw damage, is dependent on the number of enemies around you, is affected by range and duration which is kinda low and costs a lot of energy. Too many ifs and too impractical to constantly recast in the mission, and also only really useful for when there are lots of enemies close to you. If the central argument was that his abilities' cohesiveness is lacking, then that's entirely true. And it's also true that abilities should be useful without augments, but there are so many frames which require augments to achieve their peak performance. Then again, it's DE's fault that they care less about making base abilities more useful or at least buff them by quite a bit - or perhaps even change them fundamentally into something better / more interesting to use. I'm now running an excal build where I'm never using his 3 and I would never use his 1 either if I hadn't replaced it with empower or another helminth ability. But there are other frames that got more than 1 mediocre ability and in some frames I also usually only use 2 abilities or maybe 3. It's quite rare that one uses all 4 abilities effectively in very high level content, as often times you can get the same effect easier through other means or don't need it at all. Right now, there are only two frames in which I use all abilities, those are volt and vauban and it's only the case because I replaced one of their rather useless abilities with roar (personal preference). Most people tend to throw nourish on everything now and call it a day - there is good reason for that, too. But when you argue not to compare fully kitted out frames and complete builds with one another because those interactions shouldn't be required to make a frame usable, then that's all based on your personal philosophy of what the game should be or shouldn't be. To me, it's much more rewarding to invest into warframes and complement their builds through creative interactions, that's what the game is about for me. If you want a frame that does all that for you so you don't have to come up with an idea on how to make use of the frame's full potential yourself, then that says a lot about your interest in the game's core mechanics. The real beauty in warframes arises when you find awesome synergies between weapons, abilities and compagnions. There are many builds out there which rely on a very specific set of mods and abilities to work the way they should, and that is what warframe is supposed to be. It gives you a whole lot of freedom and let's you experiment until you find your own perfect build, and I'm very sorry for you if you can't receive that kind of enjoyment because you limit yourself to the basic design of warframes and can't think outside the box. Have a good one.
  4. Just perform a backflip and volt speed given to other players is turned off, it's no wonder people complain about stuff when they are unaware of existing solutions. DE will never take this all that seriously as long as threads like these pop up with people having uninformed opinions about things they know nothing about. That's good, but it's better to only join the discussion when one really knows how the game works and got some experience at hand...
  5. Look up all the threads about him, you'll realise people are commenting on his survivability which is lacking. He is usually picked for lower level content which to you might already be high level content. That's just how it is and there is no need to defend him in that regard. Also, as i previously said, he is not the frame for a high KPM, there are builds that let him reach beyond a 100, but a 100 KPM in SP survival is an adequate bar for the potency of a warframe doing such content well. As it seems, you yourself got blinded by excal's 2 a little too hard in regards to kullervo 😉
  6. Kullervo = you'll die or suffer hard in high level survival. Moa eximus, i wasn't referring to the low level ones like the ones you are capable of defeating. This entire convo is stupid because you fail to get even a single point i make. I can really try to hammer it home as much as i possibly can, but some people are as resistant to learning as they are to understanding. When i can do everything better with excal than your overhyped kullervo, why should i ever pick him and not excal? I've seen everything kullervo does and i'm legitimately not impressed. Some frames are good for low level content, some high level content frames even suck at low level content. Excal doesn't care with the way you can build him, he will be able to do it all and do it better than, yeah, a frame like kullervo who relies on crits only. What about status? The fact of the matter is, any frame can do what kullervo does with either his helminth or with just a good slash melee, all basic slash melees can kill lvl 9999 but they won't do it as quickly as other frames. Excal WILL do everything quicker than kullervo because kills per minute are a thing, especially in survival. I won't ever hit life support with excal, but what about kullervo? One last try: excal will do everything kullervo wants to do quicker, safer and truly infinitely scaling just with the use of a single ability and the correct build for it. Let the frame be a one trick pony, when he feels great while being that, why not? Revenant for example is only used because of his invincibility and still people aren't at all tired of him. Kullervo is one of the last picks of players that want to be able to do all content of the game with high KPM and infinite scaling because that's where he is by far worse than an ancient frame like excal - or basically any frame with shields at the very least. If by now you didn't get any of my point(s), then you most likely never will. But hey, play the game the way you enjoy it, it doesn't have to be my way or the way of anyone else.
  7. I'll make it as clear as possible now. On a veeery basic level, all i am using is excal's 4, i can even use that and make a slash based build, a single bleed proc is enough for SP eximus, i could do that and it would work fine, it would be far less consistent though. In contrast to excal, there are frames that don't get much better with the smartest builds possible, sometimes there are specific interactions only those frames can have. Kullvero does not have excal's 4 and he won't be able to do what his 4 can do. Kullervo does not have access to follow through of 1, kullervo does not have access to a melee weapon that does exclusively corrosive and heat damage, it's always diluted with IPS and most likely disadvantagous status distribution. All Kullervo is is just crit chance and crit chance on its own will fall flat very soon. We could also do the math and you'd realize that those red crits look a lot nicer than they actually are when the build doesn't fully complement them. Slash isn't the answer to everything, if you believe it is then try your luck against high level moa eximus, just an example. Slash is the worst out of all dots in the game and, on average, is much less effective at dealing with different enemies than elemental damage builds, most notably corrosive which is at least neutral to everything except for proto shields. The same applies to heat which is by far the best possible dot effect in the game for not just one reason but a multitude. Endurance players really only care about scaling, of course it's entirely possible to make all frames work but some are a real hassle whereas others remain as easy to play as they are efficient at doing the job. The moment you mentioned to throw in adaptation, i instantly wanted to throw up a meal i had some time last month... You clearly don't seem to know what i've been hinting at all the time. For me, this isn't about a trivial comparison between two frames but about the high level potential they've got, and kullervo clearly falls behind when compared to an even "arguably" below average frame like excalibur. In a similar manner, i could argue that Rhino is the best frame in the game as he's got the best Roar which lets any dot build scale in the best possible way, and indeed Rhino is highly popular for a multitude of reasons. But even Rhino has shields alongside overguard which alone makes him better than kullervo at scaling into higher levels and making use of gating mechanics. Kullervo is actually just one step away from being as bad as Inaros for high level content and that's saying something. To put the nail in the coffin: my excal can perform better with a single ability than your kullervo with all of his at hand regardless of mission types or endurance. And still, you didn't refer to my offer to meet in the game and directly compare the effectivess of these two frames with our best builds. Of course you wouldn't because you're well aware of the fact that i'm not talking bs about excal. Still, you're trying to play your wrong assumptions down and constantly evade my points. PS: SP disruption is kindergarten compared to survival, or have you seen some ash player do survival endurance? Different frames, different purposes but Kullervo might be able to do void cascade endurance at best, anything else will be a hassle and it is on you to decide if you find enjoyment in that of which i'm certain you won't because you don't even know what levelcap is.
  8. First and foremost, who doesn't use companions, weapons, focus schools, helminths and augmentations? Entire newbies to the game, perhaps? Other than that, i'm pretty sure everyone does that. I'm claiming the following: give Kullervo anything you want, anything you think is adding to his capabilities and make him last AND scale like excalibur can. Rest assured, you won't be able to pull it off as, according to your previous statements, you both disregard the obvious flaws Kullervo has compared to excal which ARE relevant and distinct, but you also sound like someone who might not be that fond of endurance players and don't want them to actually be good at what they do. I've been testing my own builds on excal ever since i got into the game and learned the basics, my goal was to make him strong but not just strong, better than your average frame both in terms of scalability and comfortability. I've met both of these requirements and can now say that he exceeds my other frames which include mag, volt, ember, vauban and valkyr. If we talked about valkyr, then yeah, it's pretty difficult to make her scale, i came up with a build that's working well for single targets but falls flat in very high levels because of longer TTK. On the contrary, i don't have an irrational love for excal, he can just be that good. And i highly doubt one could make kullervo as chill and capable at the same time in the high levels. Excalibur can do it all and he most likely does it better than Kullervo when you know what you do. But, to each their own, i guess.
  9. I've been in Lua SP circulus for 8 hours + solo a couple of times with excal which means lvl 9999 enemies, are you really sure kullervo scales infinitely outside of perhaps disruption with vazarin protective sling shenanigans that easily? And what about KPM? Compared to excal, Kullervo quickly becomes a single target frame rather than an assassin of hordes. You are continously evading the direct comparison and don't want to accept that someone else is right as well as can back it up. Of course Kullervo doesn't need an augment or helminth, each of his abilities are made to harmonise with each other, but he is not the only frame who doesn't really profit from a helminth. You might as well make him worse with one. The helminth I chose doesn't make a huge difference (and who even uses empower except for me? 😂), it just adds to the theme of the build. In similar fashion, subsume roar doesn't make a frame op, just more comfortable to use. Both with and without, everything is totally doable. It might just take a split second longer to do though and some people like to squeeze everything out that's possible. Staying until lvl 1000 SP (in survival) is like comparing apples with oranges compared to max enemy lvl in case you run into issues like lower KPM, survivability or struggling with certain enemies. All I wanted to prove is that the KPM I claimed to achieve is easily achievable without trying hard and will be upheld as enemies only die a tiny touch slower when they got more health. Again, they get armor stripped at the same speed, so KPM in fact doesn't really change. Enemies can't kill me at lvl 180 and they can't do so at lvl 9999 as long as I just press E. The shield recharge delay mods are just the icing on the cake for excal's survivability so that we can chill even more and don't fall into health gate from panzer that often. Alternatively, the build is so cheap in regards to energy, I could spam excal's 2 for ages without running out on energy as the dead bodies around me drop health orbs for days which get converted into energy only when we aren't topped off (which works as intended when we don't use synth fiber on panzer which long became useless).
  10. You ask and you shall receive. Replicate this and you for sure will have a lot of fun! https://imgur.com/a/Tvl2JVU Shards are two Tau violet for crit damage, Tau azur for energy to get >500 energy and 2 emerald for +4 corrosive stacks. Subsume is empower to boost the strength of EB mainly for more status chance. We don't need roar here because the damage is enough and we only care about status chance, not stronger dots. We also don't want anything like nourish because it interferes with the status distribution. The build has tons of survivability because it literally doesn't need efficiency, duration or range. Also, to add even more strength, use power drain on parazon to get an additional 50 strength for your next ability cast, all together excal reaches 350% strength (full molt augmented stacks). This is not needed though because 300% strength is already sufficient with this build to strip enemies off their armor in no time. Everything in this build is made to complement the general goal of it, shield gating is especially easy with this as radial blind consumes 50 energy, excal has 74 shields with catalyzing shields - so by using brief respite as aura you receive 75 shields per cast and can drop any augur mods in the build, they won't be needed. The synergy with panzer is awesome, too as excal becomes almost entirely immortal just from that as long as you hit and kill enemies. Glad mods on skana to increase crit chance of EB with combo up to 97,5% so a crit is nearly guaranteed, you will basically always sit at 12x combo, you can also run a heavy attack build but this build doesn't need any heavy attacks at all. Forgot to add, we use unairu mainly to be immune to stagger, slow and knockdown. It's actually a better PSF as long as you keep it active and once in a while transfer into operator (and of course not because it will take ages for me to acquire PSF 😜). Unairu's shield and armor strip are also good if really needed, in case you die you can easily revive yourself with the armor strip, that's why i always prefer unairu in high levels. The primary weapon doesn't matter, style points here. Only keep in mind that you may want to have amalgam serration for sprint boost on it, very useful for excal's KPM. That's also the reason we run speed drift, and ofc a bonus is the casting speed for his occasional 2. Enjoy being immortal and slash away :D I'd really love to own excal prime because he doesn't require the tau azure shard, one could just slot in yet another tau violet for crit damage, but well, one can't have everything, right? 🙃 btw: it's my only build that's sitting at 100% efficiency, duration, range and strength, precision intensify of course only applies to his 4. I think it looks kinda funny 😆 and just to back it all up once and for all with some SP lua circulus gameplay: https://imgur.com/a/8HUmJmH The KPM will drop down to a 100 minimum in very high levels just because enemies got more health, efficiency will stay at 90-100% but sometimes efficiency will drop even though KPM doesn't which is just... warframe, i guess.
  11. The main argument is that they are vastly different. Kullervo won't scale the same way excalibur can and I'll get straight to the point. Excalibur needs an augment which is chromatic blade and that's what enables him to scale infinitely with the right setup. No furious javelin, no extra overkill damage that isn't needed. Even the highest level enemies die when one strips them off their armor. Kullervo mains long realised that in order to scale into the very high levels, one needs to run either armor strip abilities or strip armor with weapons and emerald shards. Excalibur actually doesn't need that, he strips with his 4. A lot of power strength (increases status chance, which is why we do it, and damage), a lot of attack speed (arcane strike, berserker and quickening on EB) and enemies are fully stripped in an instant. This is further complemented by choosing a red energy color to turn all his IPS into heat damage. Corrosive needs to be weighted higher in order for the armor strip to become near instant. So 2 emerald shards. High power strength can now be achieved without blind rage, and the way his 4 snapshots strength buffs, we can stack many bonuses without having to recast it. The other half of the equation is EB itself. We don't mod for any crit damage, we get that from Violet shards together with a blue tau shard for the needed energy cap. EB has follow through of 1 which kullervo can only dream of, why is that important? Because with primed reach and spring loaded blade, excal can now strip all enemies in an instant in an 8 meter cone and his waves further speed it up against enemies right in front of him all while doing full damage to every enemy hit. With all the other bits and pieces I'm not going to mention right now, excal can run through full armor enemies (eximus too) and leave them dead behind without ever stopping. We get our energy from equilibrium and a panzer, the panzer is completely unkillable thanks to overguard as long as we hit enemies which we constantly do (pack leader), this in turn, thanks to martyr symbiosis, makes excal immortal WITHOUT any additional means of survivability like shield gating and shield recharge mods. Rolling guard is nice for status cleansing and surviving acolytes but even that isn't required. Excal only needs two mods to work, the rest are utility mods for energy and survivability. And again, if anybody is interested, we can compare builds in the game and I can share the complete build with all the bells and whistles. So what do we have now: excal doesn't have the obvious drawbacks of kullervo actually having shields so he can shield gate if required, 1 follow through and a truckload of range to hit everything, awesome flow on his 4 so he can do all that while running paired with good attack speed, and most importantly - the ability to strip everything on the move even without the need to prime enemies. You are self priming them and the occasional viral from panzer suffices, of course you can go even more nuts with viral rad epitaph (which I do) but even that is not a requirement. Excal is the most chill frame i can think of for high level endurance, and he was that for me before whispers in the walls, too. And yeah, I've got other frames that do it well, too - it's just that with excal I can switch off my brain and let the flow carry me through hordes of enemies without having to be careful and without spamming abilites apart from the occasional 2, occasional because it is not needed for him to survive. The only difference is that now his scaling has improved drastically. Small edit: corpus eximus die in 1 or 2 hits with that setup, no need to mod for them. Use unairu 1 in very high levels in case shields get too high. When fighting the corrupted, the build needs to be able to deal with everything at once.
  12. My offer still stands: let's test it in the game. My claim is that my build not only scales infinitely even in SP survival, but the achievable KPM in lower level SP survival will also be higher compared to kullervo. Very potent slash dots can definitely 1 hit enemies but slash still needs more time to kill on average than other, more efficient ways to do so. Excal can do things with his 4 which kullervo can't all while having the plus of a great stance for mobility which matters a lot for KPM. Let's settle this and after we've compared builds, then you may claim kullervo is superior OR you might have to agree that that's not always the case.
  13. I'm quite convinced my Excal build can kill high level enemies quicker than any kullervo build currently out there. Or even better: why don't you compare your kullervo with my excal in the simulacrum or a mission? 😉 I'm not gonna lie, the build is not only about sheer damage. Sheer damage doesn't scale all that well afaik. With that being said, I'm pretty sure kullervo won't scale that well either if no slash based builds or additional sources of armor strip are used. On top of that, it's more difficult to keep kullervo alive once you hit high level enemies as he can't shield gate and overguard gate is much shorter as well.
  14. MR8 min maxer and meta slave here (also SP circulus survival level cap enjoyer) with an irrational love for tha poster boy, my bro excal. What some if not most people fail to realise is that ever since Whispers in the Walls, excal can be modded in a way that trivializes SP survival with a KPM far beyond a 100. His effective damage output is so high that most frames without a damaging ability fall far behind, excal however can now easily scale to any enemy lvl imaginable. Key to making all this possible is to thoroughly understand the strengths of his 4 while making excal survive with a modern shield gate build using his 2 as a spam ability (which in fact isn't required at all). He doesn't even need much strength to do all this, in case anyone is interested I can elaborate on how to make him probably the most powerful exalted melee frame in the game. And very gladly I'll back up all of it by inviting you to my game or perhaps even uploading a vid some time. All in all, excal is by far my favourite frame and he is the most chill right now to mow through steel path blindfold with infinite scaling - not breaking a sweat with him. Even my ultra efficient volt build doesn't feel as nice to play compared to him. He is extremely rewarding when you finally master him and can take him anywhere which most wouldn't believe could be done.
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