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Everything posted by DasTongle

  1. The Worst Part i am sitting on Revan prime ready to go, nekros prime ready to go, can't build wukong that would help with this silly thing.... I also have a Harrow Prime just waiting... and the list goes on. Thing is when you are an old player that assignments are quiet easy to achive if you are new... your barely make it through the first few stations and i played a lot since i started and yet never got more than the first offering... thats a bit unlucky game design.
  2. that is if you find all 3 of them and then you have a 1% chance. I'd recommend you head for Kuva for 2% Drop chance.... not that it improves anything...
  3. I am finding myself in agreement, when i had the chance to grab Nitan i didn't know how important of a ressource it is. So i grabbed something else from the table of nora.... Now i find myself hard gated behind that rather bad gate with no ability to get my hand on some outside rolling the dice in absurd low roation c tables. Feels really bad man. I mean i dont ask for much but if i run 45 Bounties and go absurdly unlucky without any nitan and wake up the next day to see the ghoul even gone it gets into frustrating territory. It really is a sad state of affair that it is on no regular drop table. :/
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