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  1. I beg with my entire livelihood that there PLEASE be a way to let us customize Trinity's lobster tail. Removing it would be so nice and make all of her skins just pop and would elevate her fashion to the next level. If we could at LEAST swap the tail between skins it would be so so appreciated from me and the entirety of the community to have more options. Currently Trinity's lobster tail on EVERY skin except Prime and Strega have a really rugged looking material for the tail that really hinders my love for Trinity. I LOVE every one of her skins but the tail on the ones other than mentioned before really do not please mine or a large portion of the community's eye.
  2. Trinity is such a good warframe and I love her abilities so much, but there are a lot of problems she has caused by a bygone era of Warframe. Passive: Trinity's passive is arguably one of the worst in the entire game. With Vazarin giving you multiple instant revives and Arbitration not even allowing you to heal a downed ally, it can do nothing in 99% of the games played as Trinity. If her passive would allow you to PASSIVELY revive enemies in your affinity range without needing to stand there, it would be such a big improvement, even if it still wouldn't do much in the majority of missions played, it'd be a heck of a lot better than how it is now. Well of Life: This ability is awkward to use as enemies are invincible when marked. The life steal even with 200%+ ability strength is honestly just not very much. I subsume this ability on almost every Trinity build except for when I'm running disruption for the demolyst stall. Energy Vampire: The duration of this needs to be reduced significantly. Running any amount of duration makes using Energy Vampire take ages to get the energy you need. It might be a bit of a longshot, but I feel the radius of the energy pulses should be increased to account for players not staying within spitting distance of the enemy for the entire duration, and the amount of energy should be slightly increased with the base ability only giving 25 energy per pulse. Link: To start off, any build using 1 or more corrupted mods can neuter this ability's usability. Low range makes you need to be extremely close to get the damage from it, and low duration makes it require a ton of energy to keep up as well as needing to keep casting it. The BIGGEST problem with this ability is that it only marks 3 enemies at once which is an absolute joke with the dozens of enemies being grouped up not getting effected by Abating Link's pitiful cap of 3 linked enemies at once. Link should have a cap either 7-10 or just remove it all together. Blessing: The main issue I have with Blessing comes with it's augment: Champion's Blessing. This augment should make it so ANY healing (including shields) from Trinity increases her critical chance. The fact that Champion's Blessing only works on healing actual health and not also from shields makes it extremely difficult to keep this effect up, and even when the opportunity arises, so many arcanes and Warframes can keep their health topped up that you don't really get the chance to get this effect.
  3. I know what elements are what and that's not my issue with him. My problem with him is having to keep re-applying what element I'm using really hurts my fingers and makes quick combos impossible to pull off. I can pull this combo off and it proves very effective even in Steel Path but spamming the same lengthy elemental imbue cast before EVERY ability REALLY makes his combos feel sluggish. Even if you were to swap the hold to imbue element with the tap, you'd STILL be waiting in between every ability to, instead of applying the element, now waiting mid combo to actually cast the abilities. Carpal tunnel makes it hurt to play Lavos. It's not a matter of pulling off his combos right or being able to pull off his high apm gameplay, the problem is having to wait in between ability uses to equip the right element. It gets tedious very quickly having to do this awkward wait. I would really prefer if there was an OPTION to be able to "lock in" your element for that mission rather than making it an augment.
  4. Allow Lavos to keep element(s) selected for an entire mission. It'd be such a nice quality of life and would help many people not develop carpal tunnel quicker with how high your APM has to be to get the most damage out of Lavos. Lavos' passive allows him to use all elements on the fly, and this passive is amazing. There are a lot of situations where swapping between elements can be useful especially when fighting multiple types of enemies. That's not always the case though, sometimes you only want to use one element or one combination of elements for the tileset you're on. Most of the time Lavos players end up spamming the same element combo for the entire mission and end up losing a ton of dps and utility. Sometimes it can be literally impossible to keep your passive element always active before an ability cast while also doing the normal rotation of abilities. It's also extremely difficult to focus on keeping it up and having fluid movement while needing your fingers to be on all 3 abilities at once while still moving around and it's quite cumbersome.
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