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Posts posted by iHaku

  1. i dont find handycapping myself particularily fun. i enjoy trying to minmax the game to the best of my abilities and if i can break things. equipting objectively inferior weapons just makes me feel bad because i know that the content im playing isnt strong, its just that im weak.


    if that's sometime you can enjoy, hey, thats great, but i cant. i just feel bad doing that.

  2. I wanted to write down my own feedback of arbitrations, which is very much connected to the current scarcity of endgame content in general.

    What i wanted from DE to be put in this game is fairly simple: 
    Missions that pitch me against normal endgame enemies so that i can enjoy the gameplay 
    without having to wait 2 hours for them to level up to a reasonable level in any (or random) tileset
    whenever i want. Normal endgame enemies for me are atleast level 60+, ideally minimum level 80+.


    Why? Because i rather not play this game at all if the entirety of the gameplay consists 
    of me fightning enemies that all die in 1 hit regardless of what weapon and frame im using. 
    Hydron is not an endgame area in my oppinion. Its barely scrating it, if at all. . 
    i dont feel like im engadging with the game when im doing that, it's boring.


    The closest we had to this so far are the kuva missions, which are kind of a miss in that regards 
    and we were only allowed 1 mission every so often. that is not enough.
    (i cant take non-flood missions)

    The other one is Sorties, which are great but 3 short missions a day i not acceptable as "endgame" in a pc game. please keep that for mobile phones.

    To make one thing clear: i do not care at all for rewards. 
    For all i care you could give me the normal mission rewards instead of this wierd stuff and i'd be perfectly fine and happy
    doing the same mission with the same rewards but with actual gameplay. but even with the endo and all the things people are complaining,
    im happy just playing against higher level enemies.

    But here comes my biggest problem with arbitrations: you cant redo them if you completed one untill the next hour starts.

    I like playing in public partys, regardless of what people often say how it's like. 
    It's fun for me sometimes having random team comps and sometimes playing with friends.
    it brings more variety to the game, and enjoy the easy access to public partys in general in this game.

    However, i also dont like to keep people hostage, and a lot of times, if the team isnt well prepared or ill suited, 
    people want to leave after 10 minutes / 10 rounds / 2 drills (or whatever the mission type sets) which is perfectly fine
    and understandable since everyone has their own goals.

    but please, if i decide to be a nice teammate and extract with my team (or because i dont want to play alone after everyone leaves/dies)
    dont punish me for that by locking me out of playing another arbitration for 50 minutes.

    i'm writing this down while being locked out by you of playing the only gamemode that can give me a long time enjoyment of the game
    because it's the best gameplay that your game has.


    Now keep in mind, this can change with fortuna. maybe ill be positively surprised with more endgame stuff to do, but i doubt it.

  3. this challenge can be easily done with maxrange frost (2x 4 on the dargyn) or.. oberons smite. shoot the thing and then just autotargetlock the enemie with smite. on the lowest level mission, with intensify, it will always 1shot the pilot while falling imidiatly, working 100% of the time i've completed that challenge a bunch of times that way.

  4. Yes please, altho a "host if possible" whould be better instead of "always host" else in less populated nodes you'd never find people if everyone wants to host.

    i have an extreamly good internet connection, with less then 1ms to my isp since im basicly living next door and a bunch of unused upload capacity. i dont mind playing with 60-100ms sometimes, but anything above turns the game into a terrible experience and usually makes me leave the group imidiatly. doors dont open, switching into operator for a quick airdash is basicly impossible since there's often a 2+ second delay before it spawns etc, you know the problems.

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