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  1. i cant even really comprehend what the issue is, since i've never been in a situation in which i wouldnt want volts speed. even on my high strength titania build, if i get volt speed, i just stop holding shift and its fine. having more reload and movement speed is just a net positive to me, so maybe you should just start learning to use the speed better or something? the game has a bunch of ways to controll your speed, from zoming in, crouchtapping/sliding, bullet jumping etc.
  2. versatility is a strength. a strength that it has over most other abilities, because those are just bad, which is a problem aswell. i dont see why nourish couldnt just be made 2 different abilities that grant auras for "get more energy" and "get added viral damage" seperately. or even better, have nourish be the energy only aura, and then modify a bunch of those garbage abilities like volts shock so that they do the viral weapon damage aura part of nourish for their respective element (and no, having to painfully recast it on each individual ally while also losing an augment slot is not just not the same but its also aweful), so people can choose what to bring to their squad. there'd more choice, which is what the helminth system promised to be. "but that wouldnt be the same as how it was on the original frame" then just make up an in-universe reason as to why they are different. helminth modified them to be better or more applicable to your weapons or whatever. DE constantly pulls reasonings from where the sun dont shine, so this should be perfectly reasonable.
  3. its not that much upkeep really, especially now with archon shards. she's still my most played frame, and that was from a time before archon shards (which to be fair, havent been in the game for that long all things considered) but you're right that you'd be crazy for wanting to do all of this upkeep just to play her when you could instead just play a frame that does it nearly just as well by putting 3 motes down. This is an arpg, and being lazy is king, if it achieves similar results.
  4. if you have either on your team, you can literally go afk in pretty much all content, including netracells, which is, right now, the supposedly hardest content in the game outside of doing endless endurance runs, the amount of people that actually do that more than once in their live tho you can probably count on one hand. so yes, they make you functionally immortal, as you can not die unless you somehow avoid staying in range of their buffs, which could be said about revenant aswell. you'd have to go out of your way with dragon keys and unequipting adaptation to even entertain the possibility of death.
  5. I mentioned those 2 frames because they are examples of frames that do what OP critisized revenant for (but do it better), while at the same time are able to do more for the team than what he is. revenant doesnt exist in a bubble. there are 54 or so other frames that one could be playing instead and obviously he's going to be compared to them. every frame should atleast have a niche that they fit into while at the same time be enjoyable to play, but right now he barely has one of the two, if you like the spin. and just "his invincibility is op, nerv please" doesnt fix anything, he's already barely ever looked at because he just kinda sucks.
  6. yeah thats why you never see that frame in public games, right? bringing wisp or citrine into a lobby will already make everyone immortal for 100% of the content that is actually being played, while also bringing a bit more to a team than just that.
  7. i would've suggested will o wisp to move autominously. kind of like a wukong clone, but it doesnt do damage and instead just acts like another player when it comes to drawing fire. it would ideally copy all your current buffs and debuffs aswell (so it gets equally tanky) and you can switch places with it by pressing the skill again (maybe hold functionality, while tap respawns the clone on you) breach surge teleport would be pretty cool as a unique traversal ability. right now you never use the teleport outside of open world mission cheese, because moving yourself is just... fast enough, with how small rooms typically are. together with 1, you could even set a clone, teleport to your motes and then teleport back to the close by swapping places with it. that'd be a really fun gameplay addition. o yeah, also maybe make it so that teleporting on motes doesnt require pixel perfect aiming to get the teleport prompt to show up.
  8. ^ to maybe explain it a bit better: just go to helminth and scroll down (or press the second tab icon). it will show you all the missing abilities, which is literally a list of subsumed frames that you're missing. if you dont know who has the ability, then you could always just google "warframe [ability]"
  9. Just a quick, and in my oppinion pretty obvious GUI improvement: have the reset timer for steel path incursions be displayed the same way as the sortie/Syndicate reset timer. currently, they are shown on the missions themselves, which is a strange decission because it means you're either seeing the same timer 0 to 5 times, instead of having it consistently be shown. all missions are always on the same timer anyway, so whats the point? its not a big problem since you could just swap to the sortie or syndicate tab instead, but that just shows that the code to display them is clearly already there and could just be copy pasted to this tab aswell, and then removed from the actual mission element, no?
  10. nah, you're just going to make the ability much more frustrating to use by changing it like that. there'd be tons of instances where enemies wont be pulled because some random environment item is blocking the LoS, which is less of an issue on other abilities because they dont hover on a fixed location 2 feet over the ground. he's already suffering from overshield killing one of his niches, and without the spectral siphon energy engine i wouldnt even think about playing him so nerfing him even further is pretty unthinkable. there's certainly something to be said about vortex having issues, but those are primarily from remaining enemies losing quest markers (in defense/interception etc) while they are being ragdolled, but thats not an issue with the ability but rather with how questmarkers function.
  11. hildryn is just a helminth fodder meme frame. her only redeeming ability can be put on any other frame. so instead of making that weird ass combo work, which noone is really gonna use anyway, i'd rather have the whole frame be reworked into something that isnt garbage.
  12. yeah but what if another rex situation occurs that allows you to get 300% or so drops from an enemy for mad rewards? i'd rather it be kept that way 😁
  13. ill take 4 shards any day of the week. you get 2 guaranteed ones per week, thats already 50% of the way to get a tau. the colours dont matter, as those will eventually even out over the weeks. that being said, it'd be kinda cool if they made it so archon shards wouldnt be one time per week only from kahls garrison, for those who have extra stock, or simply so you can target a certain colour and buy a bunch when the shop rotates.
  14. thats one of those super-obvious-once-you-hear-it mechanics to a frame.
  15. in that case, the bug report section might be a better sub forum to post about this, since that's obviously what you're trying to do: highlight an issue with an ability. you can hardly talk about a bug outside of the context of the game itself. https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1875-general-whispers-in-the-walls-bugs/
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