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  1. It’s not just coloring, it gives you clan affinity, which you can’t upgrade the barracks without.
  2. My clan and I have been trying to spawn Zanuka Hunter to farm the Anti Violet Pigment. It is currently the last pigment that we’re farming, and we want to finish it before upgrading the barracks of the clan. However, no matter what we do, it is not spawning. And the only alternative is for Baro to bring the beacons, which he isn’t doing. So my question is, what is the point of this enemy if it is nearly impossible to spawn? Why even assign a pigment to it? And if Baro is supposed to be the pity system for this, why isn’t he bringing them then? We have been waiting for over two months and still nothing from him (it may have been even longer, I started noticing it when we wanted to farm the pigment). Sometimes I wonder how DE thought that these farms were fun and enjoyable.
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