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  1. I Just did a lot of railjack missions and progressed a lot to unlock the void storm missions and then proceded to open a lot of relics and got a lot of parts and some rare parts too but when i returned to my orbiter all my progress was lost and only got a message in my inbox telling me about 1 item that i lost and gave it to me but it wasnt just 1 item it was like 12 relic items items and the progress is gone too, this makes me very frustrated that I lost hours of progress and rare parts that I got from the relics, the worst part is because this is nintendo swich DE will not even look at the reports or care about it.
  2. After the latest update this bug now happens randomly even without going into operator mode and it happens very often, happens after cunscenes, going in to the undercroft in duviri, entering and exiting operator mode (without any prerequisites), and sometimes just randomly after being knocked down or during specific animations or activating some abilities. Getting downed and reviving yourself still works to fix it without having to restart the mission.
  3. This happens to me a lot and now after the latest update it got worse, happens more often and I made a detailed report about it too a while back
  4. Everytime I revive someone including pets while in operator mode while also crouching to become invisible, if I return to warframe mode it gets in a bugged state where the animations are stuck facing one direction, the only way to change the animation direction is to aim a weapon and I cannot use any of my weapons to attack, it will stay this way for the rest of the mission, I noticed that the warframe also become a lot more resistant to damage while in this bugged state and the only way to get out of this bugged state is by dying and reviving myself meaning the bonus damage resistance aquired by the bug makes it harder for you to get unbuged, if an ally revives you it won't work to unbug you, this is especially annoying during archon hunts because I need to revive my allies and the safest way to do it is in operator mode while crouching to become invisible, aka the recipe for this bug and I cannot unbug myself in archon hunts because there is no revives during these missions and that is the only way to unbug yourself. I notice that if I stand up before returning to warframe mode it doesn't get bugged but there is another bug that keeps you stuck in crouch mode sometimes and you need to hit the crouch button twice to stand up and that makes it hard to avoid triggering the bug, especially in combat where you need to act fast. I know it's very unlikely this will get fixed anytime soon but at least I did my duty and reported it
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