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Everything posted by Eisenstirn

  1. Ok Its fine for me if you are 1 of the 10 players that uses the dmg reduction but why cant we just use a system where you have to decide what buff you want before you go in the mission Wait because they have fun doing it or speedrunning it, and idk if you knew but you need Credits that you get the best way from profit taker
  2. no like I said in my post eclipse has 1 single scenario where its better by 50% what is nothing compared to roar wich is better in every other scenario and not only by 50% but by 140 and more and the defensive part is useless no sane person on the whole planet uses that except 1 or 2 inaros player
  3. Chart showing how useless Eclipse Helminth now is only situation where eclipse is better than roar is when you dont have a single dot effect than eclipse does 50% more dmg in any other scenario roar does way more dmg 171% more dmg when you play without faction mod and 144% when you play with faction mod (this is with 300% strenght build)
  4. its not about one tapping eidolons i was talking about lures and before with eclipse you had an easy time on tapping them but now its a lot harder because you cant crit them and they are sentient units with quiet some health edit: you were alrdy using shattering impact before so no dmg to be gained there
  5. Sry but that shows that you didnt inform yourself in any way about these communities the Eidolon and PT community is burning because there are no replacements for this the whole game has no other weapon dmg buff abillity tha is usable for this scenario and the only thing that we can do and what is also the current work around is still using eclipse and spamming purple shards for extra weapon dmg wich comes at the cost of losing alot of shard slots because you arent even able to 1 shot lures. Eclipse was and still is so important that you cant do Eidolons or PT without it. The PT community alrdy archived their leaderboards because its not possible to get these times again without the old or atleast decent eclipse value there is no good work around i could explain all alternatives to you but there is none as good as eclipse. The reason why everyone uses the same build and meta is not because everyone copies from another its because it is the single best and nothing and i mean nothing can compete with it. The communites are constantly searching for better ways to improve times alrdy before eclipse nerf and sometimes they find something wich gives a little bit but there is nothing in the game that can compensate the eclipse nerf its not about being a bit slower or not being op this nerf made it IMPOSIBBLE to get the times you were able to get before wich means everyone that was speedrunning eidolons or PT has no reason anymore because they are not able to beat the best times. Its not hurting the Eidolon/PT community it kills it. And if you and DE dont see that or just dont care you will lose these communities. If you want an consistant buff you just use roar and thats what most of the people that wanted a consistant buff did before but there is no reason to bring eclipse to the same % as roar this just makes no sense you dont need 2 consistant buffs with exactly the same value it was the purpose of Eclipse to be stonger but also not as reliable as roar that was the whole purpose of this abillity. Apart from this why do you get 30% of the 50% that roar has on Rhino wich is a 3/5 ratio. But only 30% from the 200% that eclipse has to offer that is a 3/20 ratio idk how good you are with maths but that is an crazy diffrerence that just makes no sense i would understand it if they took the 200% from mirage but they didnt. I understand if they say the light system doesnt work anymore but there is no reason to give us another roar people brought so many good fixes DE just has to listen for example making you decide with the light color of your frame if you want the dmg reduction or the dmg buff and than increast the value from 30% to like 120% or smth
  6. These big oversized bosses are the only engame thing for many players like me. And most of us also like me dont want to be forced to bring up a whole organized squad just do play Eidolons and PT are really the only thing that kept me playing and I always did them solo and I wont get into brining a whole organized squad each time thats way to stressful and you shouldnt be forced to do that, And know where Eclipse is dead I have no Point still playing. Btw most grind/farm games have a endgame where you can get op and solo big boss stuff look at diablo 3 for example 150gr solo. Diablo 4 Uber lillith solo. Thats normal for such a game bc many people dont have the time or people to bring a whole squad and if you search public you get leeching players most of the time. And I dont get upset but I dont like people talking bullS#&$ just to trigger (like you) cuz if you really belive that the 30% change is good you are prob a flat earthler
  7. Today I had the first time hope and fun again after the Eclipse helminth nerf bc it shows 200% on the subsumed abillity I logged in after the hotfix saw this on my wisp and was happy just to get smashed by DE once again pls revert Eclipse nerfff
  8. Sry but if you being serious about that pls dont comment under my post, DE nerfing Eclipse killed 90% of Eidolon and PT (Profit Taker) Speedrunners. And DE should remember that not the Youtubers that say its a fine rework keep the company alive but the players that play the game every day do.
  9. I thought we are doing better than WoW Classic but now DE is here nerfing Eclipse Helminth into the ground making it worthless and destroying 70% of the content I played
  10. PLS bring back pre nerf eclipse I really liked this game and had more fun playing it than any other but ive never seen 1 change ruining something so fast and so bad. The Eclipse Rework ruined the whole game for me and I would love continue playing but in this form I dont enough fun the prefer this game over any others pls see what you have done to so many player and take it back. I understand that you have trouble with the new Lighting but is it really necessary to change such a beautiful abillity like Eclipse to "Roar 2.0"? I cant play this game in this state and it makes me so sad just like many other Profit Taker and Eidolon Hunters
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