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  1. I'm not sure if you've noticed but as a game developer I can see that the number of people speed running relic missions is causing problems for DE's ability to increase the number of new players. This is primarily caused by experienced players using Titania's 4th ability during Exterminate and Capture Lith Relic missions. Lith Void Relic missions. Lith missions are where all new players start when trying to get prime gear and since they have slower frames and weaker weapons they are not cracking their relics before the mission completes which is frustrating and causing some to stop playing. DE is already responding to this with certain nerfs on Relic missions including reducing the number of Exterminate and Capture missions, having more enemies spawn later in the mission after the speed runners have gone by and adding misdirection actions such as having the enemy marker on the map jump back and forth trying to get fast players to chase enemies back toward the starting point. I'm not sure what else they will do but I can guarantee they will not allow Relic speed runs to damage new player acquisition so this could include something extreme like disabling Titania's 4th for all Relic missions. Please consider doing your Lith & Meso speed runs solo or with a group of friends. If you cannot do this then before you jump on extraction check the squad to see if there are any new players still trying to crack their relic and wait a bit to give them time to finish before you jump on extraction. I know this might seem like a pain but it's going to be worse if DE needs to take more extreme actions to protect their customer acquisition programs.
  2. This really makes me doubt that the people making these decisions are actually playing the game any longer. I think they are doing this based on tables of numbers and saying "oh look, this Helminth ability is an outlier so we will nerf it." With both Roar and Eclipse cut to 30% it really doesn't make sense to use Helminth any longer for the strongest frames since shards, Arcanes, Rivens and other mods provide better options. The only reason I can see for DE doing this is that they've already done a huge number of things to help new players compete so now they are turning to doing things to make more experienced players less competitive so newer players aren't overwhelmed. I know the game needs to bring in new players to increase revenue but punishing more experienced players by damaging builds that have been tested, tweaked and optimized over many missions is a bad approach IMHO. It would be better for DE to focus on making the game more interesting for new players instead of blending us all all into some bland broth.
  3. I finally got a chance to test Helminth Eclipse today at a very high round Duviri SP Circuit run. As far as I could tell it had no effect at all now. Perhaps it would work on low-level <10 runs on earth but otherwise it's truly worthless now. So sad and seemingly unnecessary.
  4. Wasn't the Deep Archimedea hot fix supposed to launch today?
  5. Seriously, you cut the Helminth version of Eclipse from 150% damage buff to a 30% buff? That's 20% of the original value which makes it almost worthless. You have essentially removed what may have been the most popular subsumable ability from the Helminth system. How does this make sense?
  6. I love the new content I've seen so far including the updates to Inaros and Styanax. However, I was disappointed to see that you still have not added any dagger skins. Considering the wide use of Incarnon mode weapons like Ceramic Dagger and Innodem it would be nice if you would have your content creators provide some of these like the Teng dagger skin which unfortunately is only available as part of a very expensive bundle. Thanks, D
  7. It's shown in the official cut scene from the Dream Within and New War:
  8. I've only been playing Warframe since Duviri came out and have always like Excalibur Umbra with the Zato skin. However, I've never been able to find that beautiful translucent spinning shield-type Syandana shown on Zato in the official Warframe Second Dream & start of New War videos with Teshin. Is that actually available somewhere?
  9. Sorry, I will put it more simply. The brilliant people at DE based Warframe on speculations regarding the quantum universe plus the glories and disasters of mankind over our entire history going back even before the reign of Narmer. If you understand this you will see that DE will never take any action on these types of discussions since it's antithetical to the founding principles of the game.
  10. I'm coming into this discussion late and have only briefly scanned the comments. I don't have any answers but I do have some observations I will share at the risk of collapsing this wave. It's been pointed out that the cancel culture of eliminating things that some consider annoying is a dangerous path. The ability to accept others regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or other personal preference has been plaguing mankind since the earliest stages of our evolution. Being willing to accept the potential negative effects of stupid product names for the targets of our past evils is not cancel culture, it's a form of accepting responsibility for things we've done to create these sensitivities. The second thought is that Warframe is just a game, it's here for entertainment and should not be anything of major consequence in our lives. Other squad members doing things that don't align with my play goals happens in my missions from time to time but I have found a simple solution that works for me, it's to remember: "live and let live". If this doesn't work then perhaps listen to Ordis the next time he reminds you to take time for yourself.
  11. After the release today multiple missions across Kuva Fortress, Void and Lua are not marking extraction on the map.
  12. IMHO it's important for Warframe to retain a "freedom of speech/action" stance even if this means that some people will be allowed to spew toxic nonsense or intentionally cause grief and chaos. The reason is that the definition of "offensive" involves a very personal perspective even if this perspective is shared by 3 out of 4 squad members. The solution is not to use a feature to kick people out you disagree with but to report the action and allow DE to decide on what is allowed or not. Other than that, if something is so offensive that you cannot deal with it, you can easily remove yourself from the situation. If some in-game reward is more important than doing this then I think by definition, that action was not offensive enough to remove someone else instead.
  13. This is an amazing number of fixes in a single release. I see that people have mentioned that the problem causing players not to appear in a Dojo for trading is still a problem. However, if I wait 10-20 seconds they always seem to show up now. However, this may be a bigger problem for players with slow connectivity. Losing the Melee Influence toxin trigger from Dual Ichor is going to hurt the weapon damage and probably cut the ridiculous prices its Rivens have been trading for. I've been playing this weapon from time to time and this combination was great but it was an improper advantage so fair is fair. I'm really surprised that there are still many problems related to Host Migrations such as loss of Combo Count causing loss of incarnon mode, loss of overshields which especially bad for frames like Kullervo without normal shields, etc. I don't see why you can't store the squad data in a virtual host now that you have cross-platform save. These host migration issues can be eliminated by keeping this data in each squad member's local store as if they were solo then shared squad data can be spooled to the virtual store in the background without any effects. Only when players extract will they will experience the cross-platform migration as the shared squad data from the virtual host data is synchronously updated to their local store. I'm sure there are in-mission cases where the virtual host data will be needed such as viewing current mission results but again, any transfer delays should only be incurred by the player performing these actions.
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