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Everything posted by (XBOX)Dwarflord97

  1. So I looked through the forums and was honestly really surprised I haven't seen anyone else discussing this, which makes me think there is a way to solve my issue and I just haven't found it, or everyone else just doesn't care. I would love to be able to remove reticles entirely from captura. There already is no HUD display, such as warframe abilities and health, so I do not think it would be too difficult to remove the reticle too, but I am not a developer so I could be wrong. The reason I want the reticle removed is because with certain weapons and abilities you cannot get action shots without the reticle being in the way. Even when you toggle free camera you can't remove the blur when in Mesa's regulators or the oval cursor that blocks the doppelgängers in Mirage's one as some examples. If you want a glaive action shot you also cannot remove the bladed spiral reticle that appears. All of these will stand in the dead center of your screen, whether you disengage from the warframe or not, enter toggle camera or not, and no matter where or what you look at. I can understand it being a cool affect in some cases, like Mesa's blur might make a good picture, but in others, like Mirage's, you are simply unable to see the abilities because the reticle intentionally blocks them out. So perhaps not remove the reticle entirely, but at least make it an option. And if it is one or the other I think removing entirely is the better option. Of course this could already be in the game and I just missed it. Please let me know if it is or if anyone has found work arounds for this.
  2. I’d love if spearguns (like the ferrox and javlok) would auto switch to your secondary once they’re thrown. I especially think it would be an improvement for the ferrox since its intention is to clump enemies together. If I remember correctly, it used to autoswitch, but I could be mistaken. If it did used to why did they remove it? And could it be an option in settings to change, between auto switching or not?
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