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Everything posted by BludhavenPrime

  1. Wasn’t talking about the 2FA that got fixed but for GeForce users the login breaks whenever something likes this happens whenever I try to log in I just get an error saying login failed check information
  2. Thanks man been asking on the warframe discord and in GeForce nobody had a clue in GeForce and nobody even bothered to respond in the warframe discord
  3. I didn’t realize this was an ongoing problem approximately how often does it happen and when could I expect one able to play it you happen to know
  4. Wait the reason for this is because I play through GeForce ok well nothing I can do about it
  5. Debatable never had a problem with logging in in destiny on the flip side though this is only the second problem I’ve ever had with warframe lol
  6. The weird part is I can log into the companion app fine and the main site the companion apps 2FA takes about three or four minutes to come but I can get in but when I go to log in it fails with no explanation besides to check my info
  7. I’m having the same problem except the 2FA seems to have fixed itself but now I’m having a different problem when I got to log into the game I get an error telling me that login failed and to check my info I reset my password and confirmed my email on the main site and I’m still having this problem idk what to do
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