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Posts posted by Arkfall

  1. ... whoa. What did you do to &!$$ her off?

    All joking aside, are you sure the station was just on lockdown? If not, what tileset was it and can you discribe the room it happened in?

  2. level 2 rhino charge goes farther than Excal's level 3 Slash dash, level 2 super jump might as well be a normal jump

    power range mods and power strength mods don’t work on slash dash

    should change description of it being a blanced frame for new players to something like "use this frame for added difficulty!"

    First off, you’re in the wrong forum. Bug Forums are over there... Secondly, posting things like this does not help at all. I get that your upset because your Frame seems to have been altered according to you, but that is no reason for a post like this.

    As a Tenno that is almost rank 5, having level 4 frames to rank 30 (Excal, Volt, Rhino, Frost) believe I can say that this is not accurate.

    What area are you in? What level were the enemies your trying to kill? Where you trying to Dash up stairs or though zergs? What about Mods? On you and the Rhino? Who was Hosting? Was there Lag? Was this a mission you joined in on or started? Did you do side by side comparisons no less then three times? Where are your metrics for this?

    Please do some testing, get more accurate feedback, and please post in the right forum. If there is a problem, then we need to inform DE in a manner that makes us respectable and shows our respect for the De-bugging team.

    Troubleshoot like a Tenno.

  3. Greeting Fellow Tennos!

    This is Arkfall McFrosty, bringing you the news, in short easy to digest bits!

    Today's Leading Story: Frost Frame Power usage is being display incorrectly to users, this leads to unexpected bouts of insanity, moments of extreme temperature drops, and many confused looks at the combat UI.

    In related news, Nyx is report to have saying "Frost? Frost are the reason we have… HIC!.. We have all the… the… all the wars in the world! HIC!"


    This news update was brought to you by Grineer Astro-base 66543-Kxby6, while under attack from hostile Tenno Forces, by said hostile Tenno Forces.

    See you on the Rails Fellow Tennos!


    Frost Pop up UI is displaying twice the nomral power cost for skills.

    Funny dialoge.

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