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Posts posted by Arkfall

  1. So.... I have a question to everyone proclaiming a nearly psychotic zeal-like passion for the Soma...


    Do you think some guy at a desk just looked at a spread sheet ten minutes before launch and went "You know what? Lets try 3x critical damage and... 35% critical chance... let see how that works!"


    No, they tested it out and tested it again and give it to another guy to test is out and another and another...


    Yes, there will be changes, everyone should expect that, it's Beta, it's new, its in a game... take your pick of the reason, but it remains the same, changes will happen, and some might not make you happy, but that's life.


    That all said...


    I tuck my Soma in bed every night. @,@

  2. Stalker has gotten a new bag of tricks to combat us Tenno, UI Hangups!


    There are a lot more Hang Ups after the patch, from the new Arsenal Screen, to the Solar Map (Checking rewards on alerts and using Esc to back out, it hangs up a lot now.), checking the Foundry is now a gamble, Coming into and out of missions, Fighting the loading screen mini-boss has become 5 min break for me.


    Ctrl+Alt+Delete has become a new staple for me. Anyone else having similar issues? Has anyone found a tricky fix for it?


    Any advice (Even just "Wait for a Hotfix") would be appreciated!


    Thank you, preemptively, Fellow Tenno!

  3. Greeting Fellow Tennos, Lotus, and the People behind the black curtain.


    Having mucked about with Nekros for a bit, I'd figured I'd toss my chicken in the ring, just to add to the pool.


    Soul Punch(Or Soul Poouf! as I like to call it): Great Skill so far, 500 damage at max rank, Ragdolls (Which is funnier then one would think.), 25 energy. A Great Tool to make sure Nekros get the last hit in for #4 to work, unless Nova is around.. but If everything is dead, no need to use #4 yet then!


    Terrify: Haven't used this much myself, Always found just killing the bad men easier.


    Desecrate: Every time I use this skill, one of my Clan-mates suffers a small stroke (Which is half the reason I use this skill). Bodies don't last long enough (And they shouldn't, Don't want a mountain of bodies to have to shoot though.) Some times it works as a PBAoE and others, just a Cone. Energy Cost is a little to high to use efficiently for my play style (Typically more concerned with stuff still trying to kill me and less about the guys I just dealt with.)


    Interesting Skill... Needs some work to allow for the agile game-play we have all come to love (Stamina Rage anyone?)


    Shadows of the Dead: The Clones... send in the clones... Here comes the list!


    1: The Clones don't seem as tough as the Originals, but that could just be my perception.


    2: The Clones also like to try and fire though walls at all times, making them nearly useless if spawned behind cover. Oddly enough the Infested Clones are the best right now, due to the fact they HAVE to move into Melee Range... Ranged Clones do no move. Possible bug? I hope!


    3: Not enough Clones. I would like to see 12 with Mods, and 9 without? Needs Moar Clone.


    4: Power Strength should affect Clones, making them Stronger then the Originals. Mostly because the Clones Load in "Un-Alerted" meaning the bad guys get a chance to lay into them pretty well, before they start fighting back.


    5: Clones not loading in to everyone's game as "Clones". I'm know this is not intended, but it is big problem, How much ammo has been spent already shooting Clones because the "Clone" effect doesn't register?


    And that is my Top 5 with #4.


    I would like to also point out TheCometCE's suggestion, I think it is a good change for #3, would make playing with the other blaster frames easier!

  4. Can we stop calling DE the new EA.. they are nothing like EA, you are mad that they took a cosmetic item and sold it for money, thats how free to play games make money, having the nekro cape or not having the nekro cape does not impact your game at all, if DE was really like EA, then all these pretty tile-sets would be looked behind a pay-wall, new weapons, guess what you have to pay for those to, do not be mad at a company trying to earn a living, they give a lot of things away for free, charging for you to look pretty is how they make money.


    As for Alt helms, give Nekros a stat free Alt is amazing, i think all alt helms should be stat free, it tears me apart that i lose my frost prime helmet every time i equip a alt helm, it will be the same for mag prime, i hate the way all the trinity helms look, but i gotta use them as they give my frame free boosts, so now im crafting items/paying money for stuff i don't even want, please DE Stat-less cosmetics is the future.


    One last things to say, please for the love of god fix the Nekros 4 ability, power is use is getting old really fast, i feel like im playing launch frost all over again...DE PLEASE


    Agree with the First Part..


    The Second Part proves you don't watch the live streams


    and the Third part... is the real reason for this post.


    *Drops mic, walks away*

  5. lol how did I see this thread coming?


    Because you have been playing games on the Internet for longer then a week? We ALL saw this coming.


    The only thing about him I don't like is his Aura slot not being polarized... other than that I love him to death.


    There is Forma for that, and before you say anything else, It was intended to not start with a Pol'd Aura slot, and I would suggest you get use to that idea, because any Frame they release from here on out, will most likely not have one.


    I feel when people complain about Warframes needing a buff immediately it's really just them wanting justification for spending $25 on a Warframe. Sorry if he's not OP enough for your money.


    He just came out.



    And you guys aren't even talking about what really matters. He gets his own scarf.


    Agreed. In before "Every Frame needs it's own scarf!!LOL!!!111!!!111!!!"

  6. We (The Tenno Public) have no idea how much the new weapons take to build, and we won't for at least another day and a half.


    Yes, getting samples is harder now.. Find a friend with Master Thief and chain him to your hip.


    That said, could you think of being a new player and wanting the Acird right now? Brutal.

  7. Because if you could get mastery from anything, every time you level, there would have to be a reason for that to be in the game.


    Which means more gated Weapons and Frames, a larger power gap between new and old players, elitism, and &#!-hattary would run amok...


    Not that it doesn't already in same cases... but even more so.


    DE is also concerned about the new player experience as well, which is not a bad thing to start now, and not two years after launch in a mad attempt to get more interest in the game... unlike some other games I could name....

  8. Hey Op, I don't want to rain down on you, and I'm not trying to jump down on you, but this is dirctly from the website:


    "Warframe is a cooperative free-to-play online action game set in an evolving sci-fi world. Join your friends in player-vs-enemy raids across the solar system and master the power of the Warframes."


    DE Devs have already said in Live Streams that there are enough PVP shooters out there, Warframe is not for that.


    Hell during the last game convention they went too, they were bombard with questions about everything else, and PVP was hardly brought up.


    PvP Balance is a oxymoron, it simply can't exist and if it did, people would be suggestive about it anyways, thus creating the illusion of imbalance anyway.


    That all said, the Devs are working on adding something to the mix for those that would like a little more PvP, but understand that the game will not be altered FOR the sake of PvP, Ever.


    Stay Safe Tenno! See you out on the rails!

  9. ... So your complaining about having to take your Dojo apart piece by piece... like everyone else here.... to what end exactly?


    What is it that you want from dismantling your Dojo?


    And for the Record, No, there is no information on this.. If you want to reset your Dojo, You have to do it room by room, just like the rest of us.


    PS: It takes 2 Reactors, Two Cross Connectors and 4 labs to get all the fuctionality out of the Clan Dojo as it stand now.

  10. I'm going by text as-written.  I don't know what 'etc' means, but currently, Search the Dead causes health, energy, and ammo to drop.  No reason to believe otherwise.


    But I'm like 85% sure it will only spawn "power-up" items, not modules, resources, or blueprints.  Credits or Affinity Orbs would be fringe but I'm pretty sure those are out too.


    Contradictory statements much?


    Lesson Time: "Etc" stand for Et Cetera, and according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Et Cetera means "a number of unspecified additional persons or things"


    What we know currently Drops from killing enemies from this game: Energy, Ammo, Mods, Resources.


    The reason to believe it's anything more then what the Devs choose to type out  is because it's the only available logical conclusion to the statement made about the power.


    You have absolutely no basis for own statements and yet you made a thread off the official thread because you somehow magically believe that you have the answer for everyone's problem with this ability and needed more attention for YOUR idea...


    Good Troll sir.. Good Troll.

  11. Understanding aside, This is not a MOBA.


    Being able to "Press Button, Receive Loot" is NOT a good skill and is not going to help the game any.


    Frankly, if it was just Health, Energy and Ammo, I don't think there would be as much of a problem, but allowing Resources and Mods to drop is a bit much.

  12. No, it isn't anything like that at all. Stop doing comparisons to real life, because they are getting less and less related to the discussion.


    I'll stop making real life comparisons when real life stop being accurate. Until then, Suffer.


    More fun with Dictionary.com:


    Exclusive: Excluding or not admitting other things. (IE: People who weren't there.)


    You sir, need to stop trying to argue that Exclusive should be Seasonal.


    Seasonal: Fluctuating or restricted according to the season or time of year.


    ... Now that I got that out of the way...


    If you want a Game on Game example... I'll give you one...


    It would be like.. Playing World of Warcraft or Years on end like a hopelessly drug addicted child.. and then choosing to play (Insert Game here), and demanding to have access to everything that has every ever happened has just because you decided to play the new game now, and not years ago, when WoW had it's iron-clad fist firmly up your "you know what."


    There are events in Guild Wars 2 going on RIGHT NOW that if your not playing it, you don't get to see any of it EVER AGAIN. One time content, Last for about 2 weeks and then it is gone. Are you over on those Forums too demanding every event be brought back seasonally?


    I doubt it.. and you know why? Because the Opportunity Cost of playing Warframe does not outweigh playing Guild Wars 2 for you. If you cared more about Guild Wars 2, that might be a different story, but you don't! That is the beauty of Opportunity Cost, It is different for every single person alive, much like your opinions and mine.



    Of course, I know there's probably a snowball's chance in hell, considering it's been discontinued for lore-based reasons, but a man can dream, right?


    Arguing definitions is pointless.



    Definitions are the bases off all written and verbal communication on this planet, there is no arguing them, just hit dictionary.com.

  13. Imagine if DE implements "endgame" and many seasoned players can't participate at all because they weren't there to get the dual acrids wraith vandal prime event? I mean why is it the best gear is earned from logging 20 minutes during a random weekend vs completing a difficult chain of quests (not that Warframe has support for this type of thing, but use your imagination) or playing for months or something actually difficult or that required dedication? Why should being out of town for 3 days bar you from ever getting the most powerful sniper or shotgun? If they want to give out exclusive items, give out skins, color packs, badges, etc, not the most deadly weapons possible to acquire.


    Why does being violently sick on your wedding day stop your wedding?


    Why does being sick during a important sales meeting end up losing you important contacts and vital face time with overseas contractors?


    Why does being sick end up lowering your pay check (in most jobs)?




    Your a Master Founder.... you should have more faith in DE not to make something that damn unbalanced.



    If you work for 4 years without taking a single day off, and then the single day you do take off, your boss decides to give everyone who showed up a huge pay raise but not you, wouldn't you be a little miffed?


    And if you work for a company where S#&$ like that is happening... you shouldn't be working there anymore.


    However you CHOSE to work there... Leading me into my next segment: Opportunity Cost!


    the definition of Opportunity Cost is: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.


    If you choose to leave that weekend, why should DE stop everything they are doing to ensure your around?


    Why should anyone get another chance at getting anything that those of us that have been supporting the game to even get it this far in the first place have?


    That's like... Only choosing to date a Guy or a Girl AFTER they become popular... and then demanding they give you the best relationship in the world because you suddenly showed interest in them.

  14. I ate a brownie once.

    (Sorry, I had to go there, This was getting WAY too serious)


    .... like... the small cake-like snack food that may or may not have been laced with... questionable things...


    or like... the Girl Scout herself? (They are called Brownies for those that don't know.)

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