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Posts posted by Arkfall

  1. I was thinking about how the Lotus seem to be able to hack into basically anything she wants.... and it got me thinking...


    What if.... Lotus is one of the Sisters of the Grineer? you know the ones I'm talking about, the ones the Grineer worship.


    It would explain how she knows where the Tenno is in the tutorial, how she has access to military hardware to support and supply the Tenno, and most of all, how she manages to keep us hidden from our enemies so that we can build up a foothold in Sol.


    Just a fun idea I thought I would pitch to you all!

  2. Greeting Fellow Tenno and Devs!


    TL;DR: The glave is in need of some modification to help it stay as a viable weapon, I would like that.

    Also: a few bugs and suggestions.


    So with the onset of Melee 2.0, Heavy Attack based Weapons got an arrow to the knee, pretty badly. the new Charge system is far more difficult to use then the old system (not in a good way in my opinion, but there is another post on that). This lead to a dramatic re-balancing on the old weapons, some of which was good, and other... not so much.


    The Glave and Glave Prime are 2 weapons that got hit hard. Here is why:


    1: No more Change Speed (I understand this was changed.)

    2: No more Charge Damage (I do not know if tossing the glave uses its' Channeling Damage or not.)

    3: Channeling is a massive pain in the &#! when trying to use the new "combo" system.


    For an example, lets assume your in Melee stance (Melee weapon drawn and at the ready) and let's say you want to throw your Glave at a enemy. You need to swing once, and then press and hold your attack key which trigger a second swing and then you start to wind up your toss. This really needs to change back to just holding down the melee attack button, like it was in the old system even if you are in the new melee stance.


    Another problem area once you toss the glave, you are left in Melee Stance with no quick access to your guns, or even blocking. I would suggest that once the glave is out of your hand, you go into a basic hand to hand fighting stance (think punching gloves without stances) until the Glave returns. This way, you are not left defenseless, similar to how your not defenseless in the old system( IE: quick access to your guns).


    The next thing I'd like to talk about is the new explosion at the end of the glave's flight time. While I enjoy the kaboom and the feedback it provides (knowing if the glave is coming or going), the fact that the explosion can and does often kill you is a little condemning for the weapon. Honestly, I don't want the explosion if it is going to kill us, it take the fun out of the weapon and the Rebound mod (having a flying disk of doom ping-ponging all over the room is awesome, until it kills you too.) If I recall correctly, the explosion is our energy right? Why would it hurt us?


    Another thing: Give us a toggle keybind for Channeling. Please?

  3. Hello fellow Tenno and Assorted Devs,


    Weapon(s) used: Many


    Thoughts & Experiences: TL;DR: Myself and others can't get into the new melee system because of keybind conflicts.


    Since the time of the second dawn of the Tenno, we have, for the most part, come to expect our Mouse Button 1 (or Left Mouse Button, LMB, Trigger Finger, what have you) to be used to kill and strike down our foes from the moment we first grab hold of our Bratons.


    Granted, pulling out the Skana, which is bound to E, may have stuck with some folks. For them, I'm sure Melee 2.0 has been fantastic.


    Sadly, myself and others moved our Skanas (and other weapons) to keybinds that made us feel more comfortable. My melee attack landed on Mouse Button 3, (or the Middle Mouse button, MMB).


    This has made the new Melee system controls less then favorable. Luckily, not to be beaten, I set up a new layout: LMB for Attacking, MMB for Blocking, and RMB (Right mouse button, or AIM) for Blocking...


    This worked wonderfully! I was able to block and attack smoothly, and finally was able to get a good feel for the new system... Then I swapped back to my rifle...


    I couldn't shoot.


    Thinking it was a bug of some kind, I poked and prodded at my gun and menus, until I got back to the Keybind menu...


    Turns out, our new Melee Stance shares it's attack keybind with our Gun Stance. Meaning using LMB for both was not possible.


    Floored by this, I have been struggling to find some other way to make this work out, only to finally settle on...


    Not using the new melee system.


    Now I wasn't expecting the new system to go down easy with me, but this... this is worse than the system before hand. While in Gun Stance, I have lost my Blocking ability, the Charge Attack on many weapons that were built around the old system (Galatine, Glave, and the Jat Kittag) are gone and all I have to show for it is a new system that refuses to let me bind it properly.


    I watched the Dev Streams, and I would like to think I understand that you guys would love to make a unique melee system for us Tenno, and we appreciate that, truly. But I have to ask...


    If you consider how we have been fighting all this time as being in our Tenno "Gun Stance" and our new "Melee Stance" as the other side of the blade, why not have two keybind set-ups. You can still have all the new systems, just two layouts for when you are in whichever "mode" you want to be in.

  4. Key-bind Issue


    Mouse Button 1 will not bind to two actions at once.


    I prefer all my attacks to be on my mouse (I use a naga) and for the longest time up till now, My Melee Attack has been my middle mouse button.


    This causes problems obviously, so I went about switching them around thinking that the "Drawn Melee" state would just treat my Tenno as if i had equipped a weapon.


    Come to find out, you can only have Mouse button 1 Key-bound to a single function, which kinda killed the new melee system for me.


    What I would like: Gun State and Melee State to be key bind separated.


    I would prefer to use Mouse button 1 for attack, Mouse button 2 for Channel, and Mouse Button 3 for Block.




  5. Sorry to hear about your clan falling down around you mate, that's a tough situation to be in.


    That said, there are two things you need to be aware of for the FUNCTIONALITY of your Dojo:


    1: Can I Build everything available? (IE: Manufacturing Labs, Trade Hub, ETC)


    2: Can I expand the current Dojo to include new rooms that may become relevant (IE: New Labs, Other Rooms)


    As long as you build with this in mind, having a functioning Dojo shouldn't be that hard.


    Now for an Appealing looking dojo, I would suggest busting out Excel Spread Sheets, size the Sheet into 5x5 squares, and begun planing out from there. Clan Hall Rooms are a pain to deal with, but every other room uses one square of space, turning Dojo design into a jigsaw puzzle, How you plan to solve that is up to you. Again, Like any good project, it takes time.


    Some important Notes:


    Dojo's keep all the resources you put into them, permanently. Meaning if you destroy a few decor items, or an entire room, and material (Including Platinum) Will be refunded to the Dojo. This allows you to deconstruct and rebuild your dojo without the need of new resources. If you ask my Clan how many times I wiped and rebuilt the dojo, there will either be shame or joyous laughter about how picky I got over my Dojo's entire design (We are on iteration 23 at the moment, and have been thinking about changing it again!)




    The biggest thing I can tell you in relation to the clan is to read everything. It's all pretty self explanatory.

  6. If FTL tech exists and is widely available,

          * Why are we stuck in the Solar system? Why are the Grineer and the Corpus stuck in the solar system?

    Humans have many quirks, one of which being a fixation on history. The Sol system was, at one point, the Orokin Empire, we want it back. Because: History. Also, I do not recall that they, or even we are stuck in Sol, this is just where Lotus is and has awoken most of us at.


          * If we/they are not stuck in the Solar system, why are we fighting for it if there's plenty of space in the galaxy?

    Again, History to mankind is kinda a holistically important thing, and it is something that even today, in the real world, people fight and even kill each other over. It could also be a resource war, it could also be the staging ground for the Corpus/Grinner war that broke out before we awoke. Hell... why do millions of people live in LA, when there is literally millions of square miles around the city they could easily expand into and finally get some god-be-damned elbow room?


          * Do Infested have FTL means? How do they travel between planets at all?

    That has never been fully explained, and people have made tons of cliche reasons for it, but as far as any official word, I don't believe we have had any as of this time. Although... if the infested ARE the Sentients from Excalibur's Lore bit in the Codex... well... there you go.


    If FTL tech does not exist/ it is not available,

          * Where are Van Hek's ships hiding? Large ships have a signiifcant magnetic/thermal/electromagnetic signature.

    Large in relations to what? The vastness of space? He could easily be hiding the fleet in the areas "above" and "below" the orbital rings of the system, you'd be hard pressed to find them.


    What I'd like to know is how Lotus, the information hijack digital goddess of the extra-solar internet didn't notice the supplies relating to the construction of Fomorinas where gathering on a central location as vital to us as Earth (I mean hell, we were all over that place during the Cicero event..)


          * In other words: you can't hide a ship, and of course you can't hide a fleet.

    Space is not empty, there are TONS of crap that could easily mask a fleet, recall the last time we had to deal with one of these. They hit every celestial body in the system all at once, without the Corpus realizing it before it was too late.


          * Where are our dojos and how comes neither the G nor the C can find them? Did they ever find a dojo?

             Did they attack it? Can dojos change position or are fixed structures ie a building hidden in an asteroid etc

    Well, according to the Dojo zone informational text, our bases are on the far end of the system, so much so you could argue that they aren't even in the system itself. The most likely guess: Our Dojos are chilling in the Kuiper Belt. It would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack the size of Asia.




    What is the life of a tenno like?

         * Can we take off our suits?

         * Do tenno sleep? Do they eat? What do they eat? Do they enjoy any kind of leisure, have hobbies?

         * Do we like each other or are we psycopaths? Do tenno feel like a community? What is it we want? 

         * Can we reproduce?


    No idea, what we are, let alone how we do anything other then shoot people dead and fight space zombies is unknown. There simply has been no official word on it. What we do know is that dying in a warfame results in a physical evaporation that leaves next to nothing to explain how the Frame in question actually works, thus telling us that our powers come from the Tenno and a frame acts as some kinda of transformer or amp of sorts that allows us to channel our power in a controlled fashion.


    If the name of our mods are any indication as to what we are, then we can reason that our mental and emotional states effects our abilities (Narrow Minded, Blind Rage, Over Extended, to name a few)


    It can also be deduced that Tenno without a Frame is effectively a live wire with out a case. IE: Ember's Codex Entry(Assuming of course that Ember is in fact the "Child"). I doubt the "child" in question meant to hurt to officer, and I'm sure they were just as shocked at what happened as the officer was. But if you take what i said before into account, the situation make sense. Let's set this up shall we?


    You are on a ship, you are your crew are being sent out on a mission, to test a FTL system that may or may not work. You take one deep breath, recalling the faces of the loved ones your about to leave behind, as you punch the final button to activate the FTL system.


    Everything goes black.


    When you come around, you notice the floor is a lot closer then normal, your arms are shorter and your clothes no longer fit.


    you scavenge around for a while until you find something reflective enough and notice that your a child again... you panic, you run, you hide.


    Your head doesn't seem as clear as it typically is and all you can do is shudder in the rags of your old uniform.


    Suddenly you hear a noise, you try with all your might to ball yourself up into nothingness, trying to hide from what ever it might be.


    You Pray and pray and pray they won't, that this is all just a nightmare and you will wake up soon, safe, in the captain's chair and never have to think about this again.


    The foot steps get closer now, you hear something. a voice? middle aged... female... a voice you haven't heard before, but something in it sounds like home, reassurance. you muster up the courage to look up and see, standing over you, a officer, much like you were. you wonder to yourself "why is she in a suit?" Scared stiff, you can do nothing other then stare.


    Then, she takes her helmet off. She assures you that everything will be OK, and she asks if your hurt.


    For the first time, you begun to feel better, who ever she is, she feels better then everything else has up to this point, you want nothing more then to reach out and wrap your self around her.


    And that is exactly what happens. you reach out, folding around her, hugging her, she starts screaming, you panic, pull back, trying to coil yourself into a ball, you just want to be left alone, to be safe and happy.


    Ember reached out, with everything she had to find a safe place, it just so happens that she had become a pyro-kinetic and didn't know it yet.


    Thus necessitating the need for Frames, and Human's doing what we do best, turned this new discovery into a weapon. the Warframes, and the Tenno Order.

  7. They can create a system where if someone is AFK for about 3-5 minutes, the game would automatically boot them.


    The problem is how do you "flag" someone as being AFK that doesn't interfere with play style choices (Some people just like running everywhere!)


    That being said, AFK'ers haven't been a problem for me or my clanmates, but then again, maybe we are lucky.


    I afk'd once on a group too. Had Mormons show up on the door when I thought it was suppose to be a UPS guy... took about 15 minutes to get them to shoo, and when I got back, I had enough time to type out a "Sorry" before the mission ended.


    Lesson: AFK happens, sometimes unavoidably.

  8. Please don't base these on real war posters. In my eyes that is a form of disrespect to the soldiers who lost their lives in war. This is just a game. None of it is real.


    But by referencing the Original poster before even showing his work, is a sign of respect.


    And now, more people know about the poster then yesterday.

  9. I wonder if that actually works? :P


    It doesn't sadly haha...



    smartasses everywhere.  HUSH it's overrated, using volumen for just 1 gun it's $&*&*#(%&, face it, the gun is OP but it's waaaaaaaaay too loud.  go troll on world of warcraft forums, these are meant to improve your game experience.


    Think of the noise as a.... "Balancing Mechanic" for the "OP" gun your so madly in love with that you go though all the trouble to come here and post and tell us of your woos.


    Moving on... Guns are not quiet, Fully Auto guns are medical documented as an unhealthy auditory machine capable of permanently ruining your inner ears.


    and assuming you ARE a music producer, you wouldn't think anyone would have to say this... BUT....


    You have volume controls for a reason, stop acting like DE has got some secret hate for you and your career and has sent the Soma to ruin your life. Just turn the damn thing down, you'll be fine.

  10. Frankly, I like the fact that this Forum is not cluttered to hell and back with unnecessary things like those god-awful snow flakes...


    That said, you can still put them in, it just requires effort on your part.


    Effort that you must reinvest each and every time to maintain your "uniqueness" thus adding more to it because who in hell would want to copy/paste something like that every single time they make a post? (I mean, hell, even you don't, as is the intent of this post to get it changed.)


    I have faith you can use Copy/Paste feature that is already built into your computer to obtain the results you are after.... clearly.

  11. Its cumber your gameplay .. flying around and piece like crazy ... taking out your focus .. 

    don't mention it that   they look like scarf from Grandma Susie knitting


    If you are so weak will'd that you can't focus your attention to the guys shooting at you with rockets and rifles, and not staring at your scarf, I got some bad news for you....


    and what the hell kinda tech does your granda-ma got on hand that she can make armor-plated/energy scarfs?


    That said, there is a LOT of worst S#&$ they could do to itemize this game though plat...


    You want to see a game wrapped around a cash shop like a asthma attack, go play Neverwinter. Seriously...

  12. Back at the start of the year.. before Open Beta...


    The old Mod system was like this... and the thing we were able to do... dear lord... you people think the Ogris or the Acrid is OP? HA!


    That said, DE stepped away from that because of various reasons, the Mod System currently in place works on the practice of opportunity cost, and it's a good system.

  13. Well, back in Update 9 (because that was so long ago right?) they supposedly fixed a bug that prevented "Bolt" type weapons from getting use out of the Puncture Stat.


    This altered the way the Ogris functions with Puncture, as the explosion effect occurs after the "bolt" of the Ogris, the rocket, hits it's target.


    Because now your "bolt" passes though anything it's capable of passing though, and thus denying you the massive damage component (the explosion).


    What this means for you: Don't use Shred, it sucks to lose the speed I will give you that. But it's the best work around right now.

  14. Chances of a Dev commenting on why someone got banned: Zero.


    Chances you got banned because you were using a 3rd party program to alter the game which is Illegal and prohibited by your agreement in the EULA and then posting a video of it to show off: More then likely.


    Rage only works if you lose actual health... Trying to blame this on the Rage mod... please...


    ...Good try at trolling... Enjoy the Ban.


    Next please.

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