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Posts posted by Tellakey

  1. 4 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Way more universal, and not tied to personal stuff.
    This would be a time that makes good sense to give discounts.

    Don't Chinese have their own calendar?

    Jews' new year has already started a few months ago.

    Pretty sure Islam's new year also follows an altered calendar.

    Universal new years basically follow the Gregorian calendar. I'd imagine many other religions and cultures don't celebrate the universal new year unless in a secular sense.

    I say DE should just go for whatever is legal and ignore those eggshells. Anyone can be offended about anything.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Rivyn said:

    I can see where you're coming from, but it really depends on how they play out the New War. I agree with you in that she shouldn't come back as she was, but I don't see why she has to simply disappear. 

    Vader is a poor comparison, though. Natah hasn't gone around slaughtering Tenno. Orokin, sure, but Tenno? Hasn't happened. Yet. Personally, I think the only reason the Sentients see the Tenno as their enemy is because they were weaponized against them. Don't know yet, we'll see when the quest chain drops.

    Again, though, I agree she shouldn't come back as the 'leader.' Maybe she poofs for a bit to figure out where her place is, maybe she becomes a type of ambassador, or even the new Sentient leader once we put Papa Hunhow and 'The Mother' down, but as Lotus? Nah, you're in the right there. Still, I don't see her as the enemy type, yet. 

    Maybe Erra acts as the devil on her shoulder, while our player character acts as the angel. Works on her duality.

    Vader is a poor comparison, indeed. My intent wasn't to analogize him to Natah but to provide a scenario in which the villain's arc extends beyond its natural boundaries.

    I wouldn't mind Lotus going away on some spiritual journey or perhaps infusing her consciousness into some machinery that would limit her expression, again, as some sort of farewell to what we know as Natah. Guess we'll have to see.

    42 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    The other way to see it is Tenno-centric. In which case, Lotus sticking around but in a considerably different role.

    Simply put, up to now has been a coming-of-age story. Starting from 'birth' as the helpless Second Dream incarnation, to the child-to-teen transition of the War Within, and everything from Apostasy being the wild ride that is entering into true adulthood. In which case, Lotus leaving would be analogous to leaving home. Parents do stick around - but not in the same role.

    Simply put, it's not just her character arc, it's the Tenno's character arc we need to consider.


    I do agree that it's likely she'll die, either directly, or go through such a significant shift that the original Lotus will have 'died' - one way I could see that combines both elements is, going with the Brainwashing, regardless of who is actually doing it. Basically, she winds up taking a full personality reset, and then STILL winds up defecting. A sort of 'seriously, you guys are evil and trying to wipe out a lot of innocent people who had nothing to do with this whole war, the Tenno aren't."

    The pattern is evident, true. In this case it might be a personal preference but I'd rather her die off or go away than stick around like an IRL parent would. I prefer the Tenno to feel isolated and independent. But that's just me.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Rivyn said:

    I don't see why it wouldn't work. She's the link between two people, as it were. The way she spoke of the Sentients during the Ropalolyst, makes it sound like they're just trying to get by. Remove Hunhow from the picture, and you remove the extremist, at least from what we're given. I don't see where Erra would fit, but that doesn't mean 'we,' the Tenno, can't talk some sense into Natah, where she works things out between the Sentients and the Origin system. After lots of space magic and explosions, of course.

    It's not about talking sense or getting Natah back on our side. It's about her continuing to play a core part of the narrative as the Tenno's permanent ally after going through an entire character arc. In real life such things are possible, but stories require a less hectic structure. Characters flip-flopping between factions and overstaying their climax makes for an awkward conclusion.

    Imagine Darth Vader fraternizing with the good guys past his de-convertion from the Dark Side. It's possible, but poetically speaking, he should die as a tragic villain.

    When it comes to Lotus, her character arc heavily implies a sudden change of heart approximating the climax of her arc, to be followed with either death or a form of farewell. Going back to normal undoes the buildup she'd been undergoing all these years. Returning to the Tenno's side after initially choosing them over the sentients and then going back is really silly. 

  4. 2 hours ago, xBloodySin said:

    Your narrative of "what humans do is tiny and irrelevant for the Universe." Akin to "it was just one murder in some unknown backyard country." The only way for it to be irrelevant isn't based on scale, but on the assumption that either there's worse or that it wouldn't ever spread if left alone, which we know is false - Sentients exist because of that.

    Ultimately, you can't look beyond your own belly button, so anything that would affect you negatively is "wrong because I say so." A sad, but admittedly typical reaction, a sort of whataboutism, except not pointing at something else, but its absence as excuse to be overlooked. But have fun yelling for the rights of diseases to exist. When is the next speech on that scheduled for? Hopefully before the heroes show up to finish their job.

    For someone who throws such terms as "whataboutism" you sure seem at home with the use of strawmen and ad hominems. Just saying. @Loza03 Seems to be arguing in good faith while you're engineering a character assassination here.

  5. Erra was officially a thing since way back. DE already mentioned him by title after releasing the New War trailer.

    I don't get why so many people want the Lotus back. It's gonna be so awkward, narratively, for a character such as Lotus to go through her entire character arc just to get back to where she started - as Lotus. Time to let go, for the sake of gameplay and for the sake of a solid story. Lotus has to die, either physically or symbolically.

    As for Erra in terms of plot, I must say that at least for now, I'm getting heavy filler vibes from this whole thing. For the longest time the story slowly trickled toward a climax and now when we're so close it feels as if DE is introducing new characters that were never supposed to be there, a la Captain Marvel just prior to Infinity War. Hunhow and Mother are fine since the implications were always there. I don't know what Erra adds to the table, though. My guess is that he's gonna be the excuse for the continued invasion of the sentients in upcoming content drops. In other words, once Lotus/Mother/Hunhow are all dead and DE moves on toward a new A-plot, Erra is gonna mirror Alad-V's role - a recurrent source of new threats from a familiar faction. 

    Then again, Erra might also serve as a foil to the Tenno - he represents Natah's "blood", whereas the Tenno serve as her family, the one she chose. Perhaps her tragedy will be this tear between her blood family and platonic family, the embodiments of which are Erra and Tenno.

    I will say, though, that before Erra and Mother the sentient lore was quite lacking in important personalities. I'd imagine the plot would've been less interesting had Lotus' entire link to the sentients was just Hunhow, who, frankly, isn't very interesting. Erra and Mother, by their existence alone, endow this faction with a sense of scale.

    • Like 6
  6. I wish Warframe had used the same reward system in Monster Hunter. What happens is, you kill a monster, and it is guaranteed to drop some exclusive components. However, the rarer components require some grinding. Thing is, you get to do something with the common components. In addition, when the rare part finally drops, you can choose which armor piece/weapon exclusive to that monster to craft. In other words, your "failed" attempts end up profitable, and your profitable attempts open up multiple doors to progress.

  7. I don't agree with OP's reasoning but I do agree with their conclusion - Warframe is boring. It's a game about being so powerful as to become brain-dead. No matter how long of a break I take, the effect upon returning is invariably identical - instant boredom. 

    I played a couple of weeks of Destiny 2, and while I hate everything about it, from the lackluster story, to season passes, I will say that its combat is done waaaay better. You cannot spam abilities, your mobility is limited but not to such an extent that you feel sluggish. There's an emphasis on positioning and a defense-offense flow. PvP is for the most part fair and engaging (except for Iron Banner). Even if your enemy has an exotic bazooka you can still play them with a normal-a$$ SMG. The problem with Destiny 2 is the repetition of copy-paste story missions, a serious lack of identity and interesting characters, a stat-based gameplay at higher levels, and a recycling of the same enemy types with new coats of paint. Destiny 2 has a solid foundation to build on, but it's mired by your typical corporate overlords that are only interested in prolonging the same type of content.

    DE is almost the exact opposite - Warframe has a lackluster combat foundation, but an incredible sense of style, a creative use of foreign mythology, a thirst for constant innovation, and of course a great F2P module. If only DE would consider the foundation before rushing to innovate system that are to be ultimately abandoned in favor of a new shiny. They're afraid to innovate where it most matters - the beginning.

  8. 2 minutes ago, nslay said:

    I predict that when DE has realized its full vision, Warframe will be like one giant space open world and the Railjack will transport us anywhere to do anything. There will not be this waiting room where we navigate to a mission anymore. How they tie normal Warframe play into this concept remains to be seen.

    I legit thought that's what Railjack was supposed to do. Didn't Steve specifically say that Railjack isn't about expansion but connection? Well, I don't see that connection. Seems to me like another game mode. Where's that cool Railjack mission from Fortuna? 

  9. Just now, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Well the community seems pretty divided, even if it works, there's still much more that they can change to make it better

    Unfortunately, I think enough people are okay with Warframe's current state to have DE sit on their laurels. Either that or the game receives a steady influx of new players who pay just enough to keep it afloat. We forum-goers are a minority. 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Aggh said:

    Railjack has always been a part of DE's vision for Warframe,  if you don't know this, you haven't been paying attention.  This is  the kind of stuff they wanted in the game back when they were deving dark sector.  There isn't good excuse to be surprised and angry at this 7+ years later.


    Also if they just killed Warframe, they're doing an odd job of it.  83k concurrent players in a 7 year old game is nothing to sniff at.

    I am neither surprised nor angry. I just don't think the developer's vision is the chief variable in determining the game's future. Money is. And I'm not saying Railjack isn't the future, but I won't be surprised if it isn't.

    Nobody claimed that Warframe is being killed by DE. The game is clearly more and more successful. It doesn't make it good, otherwise you'd argue the same for EA games. At the end of the day, though, if the game is successful despite its glaring flaws, then the joke's on me and others like me. 

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:


    You don't know the lore then if you can't see how Railjacks are necessary for future content.

    For someone who has so much you seem to be having trouble with this that the rest of us seem to handle just fine. I don't care about Saryn's 4 to win. I use Ember's 2 to win with her amazing armor stripping. Or I run around as Gara with 2mil+ shatterstorm damage and laugh as everything I try to hug dies.

    But you know what, let's assume you are the god you and have gained every frame and weapon, forma 'ed it all up to the best of your ability and having nothing to do. Good for you! It is as this point you've exhausted the game's content and it might be time to take a back seat and grab another game to fiddle around with for a few months while DE makes more stuff. Me on the other hand I still got plenty to gather, make and forma up. So I am happy with that.

    Go, find something else to play while DE makes more content for you to burn through.


    How many times do I need to specify that I'm not having trouble winning in the game? I just don't find it engaging. Saryn is the best example out of all the nuke-frames out there. I didn't say that no other frame exists with nuke-potentials. 

    And again you're assuming that I don't have anything else to play, or that I haven't been taking a break from Warframe. Indeed I have. For at least half a year now I've not so much as logged in to the game because of how bored I got with it. Now I got back for Railjack. It doesn't suddenly make my criticism invalid. What I have is not burn-out. This is not Monster Hunter World, where the gameplay is engaging no matter how long you play. I did get burned out on MHW because it hardly offers new content, but when it does and when Iceborne comes to PC, I'm not gonna be bored to death like I am in Warframe because MHW handles combat and difficulty exceptionally.

    You can't invalidate my opinion because you enjoy something and I don't. I am as much a part of this community as you are. I gave DE my time and money throughout the years and I'm not suddenly deligitimized because I don't have fun with their new direction.

    It's also baffling that you replied to me saying that I don't dislike Railjack with "you can't see how Railjacks are necessary for future content." I clearly don't dislike Railjacks. In fact I really love the concept. Still haven't played much of it to judge, but from what I've seen alone I'm more predisposed to like it then to dislike it. But again, Railjack being ok or good doesn't magically invalidate all the awful and boring gameplay that exists outside it.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:

    If you can't handle rivens, the parkour, or the higher enemy spawns, then you aren't close to the "end game" of Warframe. You signed up for a looter shooter space ninja fighting game... in space.

    What the is the update? Space ninja fighting in space! I don't see the problem here. If you want them to tweak old, forgotten game mechanics then forget it. Tweaking stuff, never makes it much better. They would have to reinvent that content and there's no point now when Railjack is the future of Warframe.

    Dude I'm definitely endgame-worthy and have been for a few years. I don't have any higher to go. I have some god-roll rivens and a few dozen formas available after having formad everything. If your argument is that I'm not good enough and should keep playing, stop right there, because I have nowhere to improve. My problem is not that I can't hold my own. It's that the manner in which I hold my own is stupid, artificial and boring. This is literally how Bethesda implements difficulty in their games. Just gives enemies more health and damage.

    Also, where did you get the idea that I dislike Railjack? I stated before that I like the concept. Never have I stated anything negative. Don't strawman.

    DE never tweaked stuff properly because their design philosophy wasn't right in the first place. They think Saryn's 4 is proper gameplay ffs. Why ever use a pistol when you can spam 4?! That there is the best symptom of DE's design philosophy.

    And don't assume that Railjack is the future of Warframe. Would you consider PoE or Fortuna the future of Warframe? Cuz it sure ain't.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    No, more like if you think the base game is horrible, then all you are here to do is criticize. It would be like me playing fortnite, not liking it and posting on their forums what a terrible game it is. What's the point if I don't like the base game anyway?

    Nothing wrong with criticism, but why would a dev listen to players that don't even think the base game is good? You can't please that person unless you create an entirely new game.

    Anyway, have fun playing a game that you find so flawed. I personally would find it a waste of time. But you do you.

    My analogy clearly went over you head. I stated that I used to enjoy the base game, back when DE didn't neglect it and made baffling choices about difficulty and balance. I'm not some rando who one day decided to try Warframe and didn't find it good. I'm a long-timer, I was here when the game started and I stayed with it until this point. Isn't that enough evidence that I have some love for the game? Do I instantly lose all rights to criticize the game if it takes a turn I don't like? Is it just "not for me" anymore and that's that?

    I also used to write long and tedious feedback threads that, like most long and tedious feedback thread, went completely ignored. There is no point in being constructive when the company's main goal is money. It's a fool's errand. But I guess I'm no better than a fool if I think there's a chance DE will get back to their senses.

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  14. 1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    The difficulty is manageable on earth with at least one other person that knows what they are doing, 

    Just one intrinsic in all fields is good enough. Haven't repaired any mk 1 parts yet. 

    But I honestly did not play this game to be the underdog, I played the game to be the big bad wolf. 

    The current game mode makes me feel like a kitten thrown in a shallow river with hungry dogs around. I won't drown if I keep my head above water, but doing so is likely to get my head bitten off. 

    People like different things, I don't need to feel superstrong per se to enjoy the game, but drowning kitten is something I will defintely avoid. 

    Fair enough. You want a fighting chance and the game treats you like a total noob. It would also make ludo-narrative sense for Tenno to not be underdogs but rather competent soldiers. I'll take it. I'll take competent over a god, and you'll take super-competent over a drowning kitty. Works for me.

  15. 4 minutes ago, LazyKnight said:

    Warframe has reached a point where I do not believe any of DE's staff remembers all the systems added to the game. Tweaking system to get the result they want might not be faster than just striping assets they know work and making a new game. 

    I'm sadly inclined to agree. To be frank, if I knew for sure that Warframe will never get better, I'll take a new game over what we have right now. It's just that pathetic sliver of hope I hold onto that someday DE will decide that enough is enough. Long shot.

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  16. 8 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Maybe we are just used to being superstrong even solo (I absolutely blame DE for dropping the ball on balancing) 

    Mind you, I'll reply as someone who only played like 2 Railjack matches and haven't encountered the aforementioned difficulty issue.

    As far as this quoted line of yours, I'd argue that it's good we're not superstrong. When I think back on my best time in Warframe, it's definitely the beginning, when I wasn't yet so OP as to make every game a cheese-fest. There is value in being the underdog and making smart combat decisions stemming from this quality. I think Warframe should adopt that direction over the power-fantasy one. I mean look at the Soulsborne genre. People really enjoy playing as the underdog, and for a good reason. It's more stimulating.

    So yea, I'd argue that, as you said, Railjack's difficulty doesn't so much mirror early gameplay as it does employ poor design. Just my two cents.

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