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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 34 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Its has more utility this way. It has a greater effect on the frames that actually need armour.

    That's right. The sad thing is that they welcomes Zenurik better. (sarcasm)


    Although I like Zenurik, but I can't understand the situation that only Zenurik dominates the focus school.

  2. Actually Mag is pretty bad. She lacks a quality for a starting warframe, which should be easy to use, not mission dependent, and usable though early to late game(althogh they are not a single best choice). Both Excalibur and Volt are meet the requirement, but not Mag. That's already enough reason to say her bad. Also while Mag is quite playable if modded and use it well on a right situation, she doesn't have sure advantage either, meaning that she doesn't have good place for the late game contents too.

    Hard to use, not so powerful, not a generalist nor a good specialist on a specific position means she is plainly bad. Yes, the memes are exaggerated, sure, but the bad reputation on her is not without a reason. And actually the bad reputation on her will makes the newbies to avoid her, which is all we can do for the beginners right now too. I concur that Mag is playable, but she must not the first warframe the newbies got, at least for now.


    'It is good if you give some love' have no meaning at all. Every single one can has its day if you put soooooooo much loves only for it. Even MKI weapons are viable if you put enough formas, potato, riven mod and correct warframe buffs&party member. YOU may play Mag well, but it only applies to you, who loves Mag, and cover her weakness by the resources you spend and the experience to use her, but most warframes are better only if you put the smaller efforts than your Mag got. Everyone else are just think no more than 'it sucks' to 'mediocre'. If such insistence is right, we can't ask for a buff at all because 'everything is good if you can use it well' so it is our matter to make it better - and in the reality only the most better solution would be picked and the lessers are simply discarded, which proves that it is false.


    Anyway, everyone will agreed that Mag needs some love, at least. We don't expect and don't want Mag would be dominate the game all the times. We just need her as as viable choice through the game.


    Crush needs some love, really, need to reduce the time to cast or at least immune to damage as OP suggested.

  3. And you think that everyone can memorize all the maps and all the locations? I will not say I can't, but I don't think that it applies to everyone either.

    Anyway it is very boring job to simply dstroying every single caches on the map... and you need to do that for nine times for a day(or lower because some of them are defense or interception mission).


    Also medals are like as convergence orbs; it may made as an 'extra' benefit but in fact it is the basic requirement.


  4. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)Whattamattu said:

    we still call it nitain???  i've just been referring to it as alertium


    Everyone does, include DE, actually. That's just an alias for alertium. You will not surprised that Alertium is the initial nickname of nitain in the development.

  5. 9 hours ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    It's fine and far better than many passives.

    No, it is nothing diffrent with no passive at all. It give the weapon lightning proc, but if I ever need for it I can simply press 1 instead and make far better result.

  6. Yeah. Generally requires a lots of nitains is a hugh problem, but only for Vauban Prime that would be not that serious issue because basic Vauban is also an alert exclusive warframe so it must be harder to gain than the basic version. Many people are not able to get it the basic version for months, or even years. -_- I do think that requires 20 nitains is a silly idea, but I don't think that DE can make more better idea easily. Else they need to lower the difficulty of basic Vauban as well.


    Only if the total would be 12 to 15 then it would be not that bad, although still it would be painful.

  7. 39 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    That's the whole point about medals.  You optionally choose to sacrifice more time & effort finding them to get a lot more standing from them. They're not supposed to be super conveniently easy to acquire. This is balance.

    And use mods like Loot Radar/ Thief's Wit / Animal Instinct. They make finding them so easy that after doing syndicate missions on all tile sets a couple of times, you will eventually memorize all their fixed potential spawn locations, fetching them won't take that much time at all.

    I am always using Thief's Wit and smashing every single (possible) item boxes what I can see by Ignis when I run a Syndicate mission all the times already.

  8. Is there much diffrence with Limbo? A well modded Limbo can shield the objective better than her already, if you just want to dancing around while waiting.


    Because there are already some point defense concentrated warframes out there, such as Frost and Limbo, keep defense mission is not that bad. And even if we have more varients of mission types we will get the most easy one in the most times.... Sadly.

  9. Well, all of us are already aware of the risk and we will use the weapons carefully, but things are not so easy all the times. My teammates can block the bullets, so do random obstacles(include some wires on the corridor). We do consider them before making a shot, I know, but the punishment for the failure for now is too severe.

  10. 1 hour ago, MidoriFuse said:

    What? It was one of cheapest warframes material wise that i ever build.
    If you do not complain about vauban that need 20+ nitain extracts,i can not see this being issue for you.

    As I have enough nitains, so I don't have any problem on gathering the resources for vauban prime personally. But that's not applied to the others.


    Also, 'It's easier than A' have really no meaning on here and can't make any excuses at all, since the most hardest one's difficulty doesn't make any excuse for the others, and even ignores the pain of the others by simply say 'I did it easy but why you can't?' That's just nonsense, without a doubt. It only have an excuse for compare the difficulty for vauban and vauban prime(because the prime version is must not easy to build than its basic one), but not the others.


    And, I don't think that requires 25 Esher Devar, 90 Pyrotic Alloy, and 120 Coprite Alloy would be easy at all. Even about 5~7 nitains - that requires you to wait for 3 to 7+days depend on your time to spend on Warframe! -  would be easier than that, and don't require you to only seek and mining laggy plain for hours and days.


    I thought that gathering the blueprints for the parts of Gara was a painful trial for me, but not just for that, but also gathering the resources to make the parts is also a hugh problem for me as well. -_-; It is no more than a total crisis.



    By the way, isn't it supposed on the Plains of Eidolon Feedback forum, not here? It seems that I have a mistake.

  11. Honestly, I have not much interest on them. Maybe Cetus standing helps us to give us more zaw parts and increasing mastery rank, but that's all.


    In fact, Quills' Arcane item is quite interesting, but I doubt that it really worth enough to spend that much time and resources to do so.

  12. Speaking for Gara, the more problem for her seems the resources required to build her parts after we get the blueprints for her parts. :( It makes me sick to see the list of resources required to build her. I can't understand why such a ridiculous amount of resources are required to so called 'easy to build' warframe.

  13. 4 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

    I think it's to make them more rewarding for new players when they finally have enough credits to afford them. Or something like that anyway...

    While I am not so satisfied for the extra payment too, but that's not the point at all. The point is, why the item that sustain them is DNA Stabilizer, which means that we made the flawed lifeform that rely on the drugs to live. Why we can't just feed them the foods instead?

  14. Honestly, it makes me disgust to even touch them. It means that they are made as an unstable lifeform and need to be stablized periodically. So it means that what we create will have a flaw on their life, only for our purpose.


    Well, can't we just feed them the foods to manage them, rather than the injections that needs to the entire of their lifespan? Spend some resource to feed them is acceptable, but make a life that only sustained by the drug seems baffled and just make me disgusted. Is it anything better than the Grineers? I don't think so. It is not the proper treatment for the so called 'companions'. It is no more than view them as a biological weapons, rather than view them as a pet and a life. Why we can't just raise a life that doesn't rely on the injection to survive?


    ...If I ever know about that before, then I will never touch the quest Howl of the Kubrow at all. It is the only mistake what have I done in Warframe.

  15. What if we have old two more slots for the warframes, and two are exclusive for the ability enhance mods like as Exilus slot does? There are many ability mods but we have not much slots to afford that. So while many ability enhance mods are good, it weakens the frame as well.

  16. As the title says, for now focus 2.0's primary effects are make the operator better, but why we have to do by attack and kill the enemy by warframes and weapons wielded by warframe? It makes me baffled.


    Yes, make the better operator should be one of the feature of focus system, but for now almost entire of effects are only focus on the operator, while we gain the focus points by using our warframes, NOT operator themselves. And, is the result satisfy us? I don't think so. Unless the situation that we NEED TO use the operator(such as Kuva Siphon and Eidolon hunt, or want to reset the immunities on the Sentients), the operator gives actual useful buffs(such as Energizing Dash on Zenurik school), or you have to do a covert ops mission but don't have stealth warframes, they are largely useless and you better fight on the warframes. There are some useful passives on Madurai(and surprisingly, on Naramon), though, but not all schools are get good passives as them.


    In short, current system that warframe gains the focus and only benefits the operator which is not so useful in the most times is weird. Operator is fragile, slow, and not so powerful enough to fight, so it is not so strange that warframes are feeds them. But why only the operator gots everything, while warframes are stay unchanged? I think that more passives or buffs for our warframes would be need for the focus system on each schools.


    Such as change one way-bound that can be universal passive to be benefit your warframes - like as give them 0.5 regen rate per level, 0.1 energy regen rate per level, +5 enemy radar per level(or +3 sprint bonus per level), +3% damage increase per level, and reduce the status duration by -5% per level, like many aura mode does.

    Also the buffs given by operators are should be got easier. We need to bear the risk to using operator each times when we need to buff them, about two times per a minute for now. -_-;



  17. 1 minute ago, Nighttide77 said:

    >_> it's a scavenger hunt...  You don't need to do them to get reputation, and if you do go through them you'll get to a point where you have so many medals stashed you'll only do those missions if you feel like having a little fun hunting for shinies.

    The ideas in the OP just make the missions...bland.  At least doing the syndicate missions grant extra rep already.  The medals are just extra.

    We have to, actually. You may say that it is an extra objective, but in the reality we have to get them all because you can't play it again and have a second chance to gather it again. And search for the medals makes the game very slow and only results destroy every single room which is only annoying.

  18. Yeah, I have seen countless random teammates that does not(or even didn't aware of it) notify rest of us that they have an assassin then got knocked down without have any help.


    Not just the syndicate assassins, but also for the all assassins are should note this to the entire of team members, such as warn the rest of them that don't touch me while do my errand or face the consequence. Every single assassins are come to only aim for one Tenno rather than all the team, so it would make sense that warn the rest of them to stay out of way.


    Else, maybe the assassins just want to assault the target while the others are not have enough time to defend their teammate.

  19. In the Syndicate missions, you can gather up to 8 medals. But isn't it annoying? Unless you are make a solo game and want to destroy every single item caches in the game and find out every single one on the mission, there is no proof that the teammates are also agreed on this(usually many of them does, though). Also, in order to farm this you need to search through the map, in every single missions, to find eight items not just one such as the shards. And you will have about nine missions to do the same each days.

    It is not only annoying, but also requires to use too much time to finish them all.

    And even if you want to find out that, but if all the other teammates are picked the medal before you are loaded you can't pickup it at all as the other items, and you can't even know how it happens too.

    I think that it is better to remove the medals on the map, and instead of this drop the medal on the target of capture/rescue, object on the defense/mobile defense/excavation/interception, and on the enemy at the extermination. Else they may give us medals instead of direct reputation bonus on finish the mission.

  20. Well, as you know, many launcher type weapons are able to blow off yourself if it detonates too close - either it hits the enemy, the walls, your teammates or even your pets and summoned buddies. It would be not so strange because you will simply use it without caution without any self damage method. But is it fine to insta-kill the user by only one shot for the most weapons, in the casual styled game?

    So, what about to apply this to most weapons that able to self damage?

    The option 1 is that the round is simply not detonate if it is too close enough to damaging the user. Fail-safe system on the shell is common even in the real worlds, then why not for the future weapons? It doesn't kill the user, but it doesn't kill the enemy either so still the users are needs to be careful for each shots.

    The option 2 is cause the damage but only cause about 10% to 25% of max health(or shield+health) of the user's warframe, regardless of its actual damage. It will not killing the user directly but give them a warn for using the dangerous weapons carelessly.


    So, what do you think about?

  21. I am using AkStiletto Prime and Snipetrone as my guns, and using Atlas now. And during the gameplay I can't reload the weapons sometimes. I can do that if I switch the weapon, or slide, but I can't understand why it happens. Is Atlas a problem? I didn't remember that it happens to the other warframes other than him.

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